Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 284 This is Miss Su's gift to Shen

Chapter 284 This is Miss Su's gift to Shen
Su Yutong heard her mother mention this matter in front of her during this period of time, and her ears were almost callused.

So she went on as usual, no matter what her mother said, she kept saying yes, anyway, as to whether to do it or not, that was her business.

Mrs. Su was very pleased to send Su Yutong to the door, and then couldn't help but give a few more instructions.

"There are a lot of young masters and ladies attending this time, you have to use the etiquette you have learned these days.

Don't let anything happen. If you let me know who you fought with again, you will teach me etiquette at home every day from now on. "

"Okay mother, I see."

Hearing Mrs. Su tell her to learn etiquette, Su Yutong immediately came to her senses.

So she decided that if someone bullies her when she goes to the Shen residence, then she will bear with it for a while and wait until the incident to avenge her.

Anyway, she couldn't let her mother know about her fight.

Under Mrs. Su's gratifying gaze, Su Yutong got on the sedan chair. After getting on, Su Yutong immediately got ready to go to sleep.

Even though she slept very early last night, she still couldn't resist the drowsiness. After saying hello to the maid arranged by Madam Su, she went to have a tryst with Duke Zhou.

When she arrived at the Shen Mansion, Su Yutong just woke up, and she took the gift that Xuan Chen had prepared for her and got out of the sedan chair.

After going down, she saw Shen Congxin standing outside the door, as if welcoming guests. At this moment, Shen Congxin also looked at Su Yutong.

Then he walked towards Su Yutong.

"I didn't expect Miss Su to come so early, you can go in with me."

"Well, this is for you."

Since Shen Congxin was here, Su Yutong saved the trouble and gave him the gift directly.

"Thank you Miss Su."

After Shen Congxin took the gift, a smile appeared on his face unconsciously, and then he led Su Yutong inside.

After entering, Shen Congxin took her to the back garden of Shen's mansion, where many people had gathered at the moment.

Among them, Su Yutong actually saw Bai Yu, and Su Yutong looked at Shen Congxin curiously.

I didn't expect him to have such a great ability, even Princess Bai Yu came to visit him on his birthday.

"Thanks to the regent's reuse, I am currently a guest of the regent's mansion, so the princess came back here today."

Shen Congxin knew what Su Yutong was confused about, so he took the initiative to explain it to Su Yutong.

Seeing Shen Congxin's arrival, a group of people gathered around one after another.

The Shen family is quite famous in the capital, and Shen Congxin is very talented, and he is also a single man who has just returned from a study tour.

This made many single women in the capital think of Shen Congxin.

And this time it happened to be his birthday, so many single women came to Shen's residence with this excuse, wanting to get close to Shen Congxin.

But they heard some time ago that Su Yutong also had a deep affection for Shen Congxin, and now seeing the two of them walking together, those women were extremely jealous.

"What is Mr. Shen holding?"

At this time, a woman suddenly pointed to the gift box in Shen Congxin's hand and asked with some doubts.

And Shen Congxin couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth.

"This is a gift from Miss Su to Shen."

"It turned out to be a gift from Ms. Su. Since it was from the Su Mansion, it must be a good thing. Why don't Mr. Shen open it to open our eyes?"

In the capital, everyone knows that the Su family is very rich. Although it is not as rich as the richest man in the capital, it can still rank second in the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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