Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 285 represents our friendship, as strong as this brick

Chapter 285 represents our friendship, as strong as this brick

So everyone was a little curious about what kind of gift it would be from Su Yutong.

And Shen Congxin took a look at Su Yutong, wanting to ask Su Yutong's opinion.

"What do you think, Miss Su?"

"Then open it."

In fact, Su Yutong didn't know what was inside, but after hearing what everyone said, she also became a little curious.

Now that Su Yutong agreed, Shen Congxin put the gift box on the table, and slowly opened it under the expectant eyes of everyone.

After opening it, everyone's expressions changed, and many people covered their mouths to gloat.

"Sure enough, the things that Ms. Su gave were different. This really opened our eyes."

At this time, the woman who asked to unwrap the gift just now said this again, her tone full of sarcasm.

Su Yutong's face was also a little embarrassed, who knew that there was actually a brick in such an exquisite box!
This time she was really killed by Xuan Chen.

"Miss Su, are you...?"

Shen Congxin also showed a puzzled expression. He didn't understand what it meant for Su Yutong to give him a brick. Could it be that there was some special meaning?
At this moment, many pairs of eyes were on Su Yutong, some of them gloated about his misfortune.

Su Yutong didn't know how to answer for a while, so she had to turn her eyes to the brick again.

At this time, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration, picked up the moving brick in the gift box, and said in a book:
"Of course I have my intentions in sending bricks. I believe Mr. Shen has been studying abroad for many years, so he must have seen a lot of good things.

And I am not just an ordinary brick, it also represents that my friendship with Mr. Shen is as strong as this brick. "

Su Yutong's nonsense words successfully fooled most of the people present.

After Shen Congxin listened to Su Yutong's explanation, he felt extremely happy in his heart, and at the same time said something to Su Yutong a little embarrassedly.

"I understand Miss Su's meaning."

After finishing speaking, Shen Congxin reinstalled the brick and asked someone to put it in his room.

"You just understand."

Although Su Yutong didn't know what Shen Congxin knew, she must not ask at this time, if she did, she would lose face again.

"You rest here first, and I'll come find you after the banquet begins."

After finishing speaking, Shen Congxin left. When he left, everyone could clearly see his uncontrollable smile.

"Miss Su is really a good trick. A single brick can make Mr. Shen so happy, which really makes us look at each other with admiration."

After Shen Congxin left, Su Yutong just wanted to go to a quiet corner to sit for a while, but was stopped by the woman who asked to see the gift just now.

At this moment, the woman's face was full of jealousy, and she looked at Su Yutong with disdain.

Su Yutong could tell that this woman liked Shen Congxin, and now she regarded her as a rival in love.

Seeing the woman looking like she wanted to trouble her, Su Yutong couldn't help but feel a little helpless. She could arouse the jealousy of others even if she gave a brick. She didn't understand what this woman was thinking.

If it wasn't for her mother's warning to her today, she felt that she must teach this woman how to behave.

So Su Yutong adhered to the principle of not causing trouble, avoiding the woman and continuing to walk to a place with few people.

"Is Miss Su so defiant?"

But the woman obviously didn't want to let Su Yutong go just like that.

 Well, the update is over, I just released the chapter and almost crashed my phone (ω)hiahiahia
(End of this chapter)

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