Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 307 Yuhua also went to the lower realm to experience calamity

Chapter 307 Yuhua also went to the lower realm to experience calamity
After a while, there was a restless sound from outside, and then Su Yutong was helped up by the maid, presumably it was the bride who came to welcome her.

Su Yutong also didn't eat in the morning, and after the commotion just now, she has no strength at all now, so she can only let the servant girl see her and help her out.

After walking a certain distance, Su Yutong heard many voices, including her parents' voices.

Hearing their tone, she was very happy at the moment. After seeing Su Yutong coming out, Mrs. Su walked up to Su Yutong and held Su Yutong's hand.

"Tongtong, don't blame mother, mother is also for your own good, he is a good boy from Congxin, don't worry, he will definitely treat you well, don't miss me and your father too much, we will often go It's up to you."

After finishing the instructions, Mrs. Su signaled the servant girl to help Su Yutong into the sedan chair.

After hearing what her mother said, Su Yutong wanted to tell her mother loudly that she really didn't want to marry.

However, Su Yutong's mouth was blocked now, and she could only make a humming sound. Of course, her tiny voice was quickly buried in the sound of drums and gongs.

Su Yutong could only be helped into the sedan chair by the maid.

Here, Xuanchen went there after a few days, and finally strengthened the seal of the Demon King again.

After Xuanchen came out of the devil's lair, he talked to the guards guarding the devil's lair and told them to report to the emperor, after which Xuanchen couldn't wait to rush to the lower realm.

I don't know if his Tongtong missed him after so many days.

Just as Xuan Chen was walking halfway, he ran into Xing Ze who was rushing towards him.

Xingze pulled Xuanchen mysteriously.

"Xuanchen, guess what I found when I went to the underworld this time?"

Xuan Chen didn't speak, just looked at Xing Ze quietly, Xing Ze felt a little boring in an instant, so he simply stopped hiding and told Xuan Chen directly.

"This time I found out that Yuhua also went to the lower realm to experience calamity."

Xingze's tone was still a little excited. Today, he inadvertently looked through the list in the underworld that recorded the people in the fairy world who went to the lower realm to experience calamity.

Unexpectedly, he saw Yuhua's name on it, so he couldn't wait to tell Xuanchen.

When Xuan Chen heard what he said, his expression changed slightly.

"Which house did he go to?"

"The one who is quite close to you is also in the capital. It is the son of the Shen family, named Shen Congxin."

As soon as Xingze finished speaking, Xuanchen disappeared in front of him immediately, Xingze was slightly surprised, is Xuanchen rushing to grab his wife?
But as far as he knew, Yuhua shouldn't be a big threat to Xuanchen, right?

Xingze was a little puzzled, what was Xuan Chen doing back in such a hurry, but since he had already notified him, his task was considered complete, and it was time for him to go back to find his wife.

Xuanchen came to the Su Mansion directly, and he found that the atmosphere in the Su Mansion today was very strange.

I saw that the Su Manor was in a joyous atmosphere at the moment, Mrs. Su and Master Su who were still standing at the door could not conceal the joy on their faces at this moment.

There is also red silk hanging at the door, which looks like a wedding ceremony.

Xuan Chen's expression changed instantly, and he disappeared directly at the gate of Su Mansion.

Su Yutong who was in the sedan chair was very desperate in her heart. After an unknown amount of time, she finally felt the sedan chair stop.

Thinking about it, he should have arrived at Shen Congxin's house, Su Yutong immediately felt a little hopeless.

Is she really going to marry like this today?She wasn't chic enough, and she didn't like Shen Congxin either.

Su Yutong is even thinking now, why not let her marry Xuanchen.

(End of this chapter)

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