Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 308 I just left for a few days, so Tongtong doesn't want me anymore?

Chapter 308 I just left for a few days, so Tongtong doesn't want me anymore?
Just thinking about it, Su Yutong felt someone supporting her.

Several maids helped Su Yutong out of the sedan chair, and Shen Congxin was standing beside the sedan chair, with an unconcealable joy on his face.

Su Yutong was extremely reluctant in her heart, she wanted to struggle a little longer, maybe she could escape smoothly.

So Su Yutong began to struggle, trying to break free from restraint.

But the group of maids seemed to feel Su Yutong's struggle, they supported Su Yutong's maids, and then held Su Yutong tighter.

"Miss, don't be nervous. You will be somewhat nervous when you get married for the first time. Don't worry, the ceremony will be completed soon."

Su Yutong: "..."

How did this servant girl know that she was nervous?She obviously wanted to protest.

Su Yutong can assure you that in the entire capital, her mother is probably the only one who can deceive her daughter like this. How unconfident is her mother in her?
Su Yutong's struggle obviously did not have any effect, so she could only let the group of maids help her into Shen's residence.

At this moment, the Shen residence was full of laughter and laughter, and Su Yutong even heard Mrs. Shen's uncontrollable excited voice.

Then the maid supporting Su Yutong stopped in place, and then Su Yutong heard a voice from beside her.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

After the voice came, the servant girl pressed Su Yutong's shoulder, wanting Su Yutong and Shen Congxin to pay homage.

Just when Su Yutong was about to struggle, she suddenly felt a little restlessness around her. Realizing this, Su Yutong couldn't help being a little excited.

Could it be that someone came to sabotage it?

Then Su Yutong felt himself falling into an embrace, and smelled the familiar fragrance again, Su Yutong couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart.

"I've only been away for a few days, so Tongtong doesn't want me anymore?"

When Xuanchen said this, his tone was full of grievances, he was almost late, he thought that if Su Yutong really paid homage to Yuhua, then he would not mind sending Yuhua back to the fairyland in advance.

After finishing speaking, Xuanchen didn't hear Su Yutong's response, so he felt something was wrong. After taking off Su Yutong's hijab, he found that Su Yutong's mouth was blocked.

Xuanchen immediately took out what Su Yutong had stuffed in his mouth, and at the same time he was a little happy, as long as her daughter-in-law didn't do it voluntarily.

"There is still a rope on the body."

Finally able to speak, Su Yutong finally didn't feel so aggrieved.

"Okay, I'll take you away now."

Xuanchen pointed his finger at Su Yutong's body, and the rope on Su Yutong's body was untied by himself, and then Xuanchen took Su Yutong to leave.

"Mr. Xuanchen, what do you mean? Today is Shen's big day, if you come to bless me and Tongtong, then I welcome it, but you are blatantly disrupting my marriage, isn't it justified? "

When Xuan Chen was about to take Su Yutong away with him, Shen Congxin stopped the two of them, and a group of servants quickly surrounded them and surrounded them.

"Disturbing your marriage?"

At this moment, Xuan Chen's tone was very cold, and Shen Congxin could even feel that the air pressure around him was getting a little low, but he still looked at Xuan Chen.

Shen Congxin had a feeling that if he let Xuan Chen take Su Yutong away today, then he would have no chance with Su Yutong in the future.

"Mr. Xuanchen, don't you ask this knowingly? Please don't embarrass Shen, and return Tongtong to Shen."

(End of this chapter)

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