Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 310 In Tongtong's previous life, I started thinking about Tongtong

Chapter 310 In Tongtong's previous life, I started thinking about Tongtong

"Tongtong don't worry, I will propose marriage to my father-in-law and mother-in-law in a few days."

Xuan Chen took Su Yutong into his arms again.

It's great to finally have a reason to abduct my daughter-in-law home!


Su Yutong responded softly to Xuan Chen, in fact, she now feels that marrying Xuan Chen is actually quite good.

Although she doesn't really want to marry yet, since her parents want her to marry so much, then she might as well marry Xuanchen, at least she likes it.

But she just didn't know if her parents would accept Xuan Chen, Su Yutong felt that this matter seemed a bit difficult to handle.

"I'm hungry."

Su Yutong hasn't eaten since morning, and now that she has gone through such a toss, her stomach has already started to protest.

Just now, because she was a little excited to see Xuan Chen, she ignored the feeling of hunger, but now this feeling is starting to become obvious again.

"Ma'am, don't worry, the food will be delivered later."

Xuan Chen also noticed that Su Yutong looked a little weak at the moment, so he led Su Yutong to the pavilion and sat down.

Because of the injury caused last time, even though Su Yutong was reincarnated, his injuries have not healed, so he is much weaker than ordinary people.

Especially after such a toss today, Su Yutong looked a little sick at the moment.

After sitting down, Xuan Chen thoughtfully poured a cup of tea for Su Yutong. After drinking the tea, Su Yutong felt refreshed.

And at this moment, the shopkeeper of Su Yutong's favorite restaurant came here.

Behind him were a few people holding food boxes, and when they arrived in the pavilion, the shopkeeper greeted Xuanchen and asked people to put the food on the table.

A smell of food immediately entered Su Yutong's nose, and Su Yutong felt even hungrier at this moment.

"Tongtong eat quickly."

Seeing Su Yutong's eager eyes, Xuan Chen couldn't help but smiled and handed Su Yutong the chopsticks.

When Su Yutong was half full, she raised her head. At this moment, the shopkeeper who delivered the food had already left, and there were only Su Yutong and Xuan Chen in the pavilion.

"What is your relationship with the shopkeeper?"

Just now Su Yutong saw that the shopkeeper seemed to be extra polite to Xuanchen, could it be that Xuanchen also owns that restaurant?
"Then I also own the restaurant."

Sure enough, it was Xuan Chen who opened it!
Seeing Su Yutong's clear expression, Xuan Chen went on to say:

"I know Tongtong likes to eat delicious food, so I opened a restaurant, and all the food in it is made according to Tongtong's taste."

When Xuanchen said this, Su Yutong was a little surprised. She said that every time she went to that restaurant, why the service was so attentive, and all the food she liked was because of Xuanchen.

However, she discovered that restaurant very early on, so could it be that Xuan Chen started to make up her mind at that time?
"Say it! When did you start thinking about me?"

Su Yutong put on a fierce expression again, but her current expression was very cute in Xuan Chen's eyes.

"In Tongtong's last life, I started thinking about Tongtong."

Xuan Chen smiled and picked up a chicken leg for Su Yutong.

Although Su Yutong is currently experiencing calamity, she has also experienced reincarnation, so in a sense, when Su Yutong was in the fairyland, it was indeed her previous life.

Su Yutong was so surprised that she couldn't care less about the chicken legs in the bowl. Although she didn't believe what Xuan Chen said, there seemed to be a voice in her heart telling her that it was true.

(End of this chapter)

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