Chapter 311 Don’t Be Sad
Su Yutong thought about it again, judging from the fact that Xuanchen brought her back here in a flash today, Xuanchen should be a cultivator of immortals.

Ordinary immortal cultivators can live for a long time if their cultivation base is advanced, so could it be because of this reason that she and Xuanchen knew each other in the previous life?
"Then you haven't lived a long time?"

After figuring it out, Su Yutong asked Xuan Chen such a question.

Xuan Chen's face suddenly froze slightly, is Tong Tong starting to dislike his age again?
He had managed to hide things for so many years, and now he couldn't hide them anymore.

"Forget it, since you don't want to say it, then I won't ask."

Su Yutong saw that Xuanchen didn't seem to want to say it very much, so he didn't ask him, the age of ordinary women is a secret.

Unexpectedly, Xuanchen, a big man, would care about age.

"Then will Tongtong despise me?"

When he and Su Yutong went to Jiuyi Mountain that time, Xuanchen asked Su Yutong this question.

But Su Yutong was very afraid of Xuanchen at that time, even though she said that she didn't dislike Xuanchen at all.

But Xuanchen felt that it was most likely not Su Yutong's sincere words, so he wanted to ask Su Yutong again when Su Yutong was no longer afraid of his identity. This time the answer should be sincere.

After hearing Xuan Chen's question, Su Yutong stared at Xuan Chen carefully for a while, although he said something.

"For the sake of your good looks, I don't dislike you anymore."

Xuan Chen: "..."

Sure enough, he still hates it, so he shouldn't have asked this question.

"Well, don't be sad, it's not good for the elderly to have big mood swings."

Seeing that Xuanchen's expression was a little hurt, Su Yutong thought about comforting Xuanchen.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Xuan Chen's expression became even more indescribable.

After Xuanchen heard her words, he almost had the urge to vomit blood.

Age is not something he can control, who made Su Yutong appear so late, if he appeared tens of thousands of years earlier, wouldn't he be able to end his single career earlier?
Thinking of this, Xuan Chen's expression became a bit resentful.

But at this moment, Suzaku and Wuwu suddenly ran over. At this moment, Suzaku and Wuwu turned into a chicken and a dog, just like last time.

When Su Yutong saw Suzaku, his eyes lit up immediately, and then he tugged Xuan Chen's sleeve.

"Xuanchen, can this chicken be roasted?"

When Su Yutong saw Suzaku for the first time, he felt that its meat must be very delicious.

Hearing what Su Yutong said, Su Yutong immediately became furious. He didn't expect that Su Yutong would still miss his noble body when he arrived in the lower realm!

"Woman! You can't eat me! I'm a beast!"

Even though Su Yutong already knew that Xuan Chen was a cultivator of immortals, he was still a little surprised when he heard that Suzaku could speak human words.

"What happened?"

At this moment, Xuan Chen asked lightly.

Hearing Xuanchen's voice, Suzaku immediately ran to Xuanchen's side like a dog, while Zhuwu kindly rubbed Su Yutong's leg.

"Master, your father-in-law and mother-in-law are here, and they are at the door now."

Hearing what Suzaku said, Xuan Chen immediately looked at Su Yutong, but Su Yutong hadn't realized who the "father-in-law and mother-in-law" Suzaku said was.

Seeing Su Yutong's puzzled eyes, Xuan Chen had no choice but to ask Su Yutong.

"Your parents have come to look for you, do you want to see them?"

(End of this chapter)

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