Chapter 1002

When it came time to actually take the stage, Qiao Qiancen was at the forefront.Everyone's eyes are silently lingering on him, after all, he is indeed the most dazzling costume on the field, and also the most outstanding one, even the face with the guard pink belt is also the most outstanding, everyone All eyes were attracted by him, and this is also thinking that it is no wonder that there is the title of No. 1 beauty in Yuncheng, and it really has lived up to me.

Well, at this moment, he didn't think so much in his heart, and he didn't say a few words about human feelings. He only did what he should do, and he did all the work neatly to the extreme and became better. He left After a round, those award-winning guests began to appear on the stage, but he never thought that he would forget the man at the first sight in the crowd. He was wearing a black suit and walked up to him. He was able to determine where he was looking at, but for some reason, he somehow felt it, and there was a gaze on him, and that gaze came from his too familiar gaze.

I never thought that the fate of two people would be tossed and turned like this. Could it be true that there are gears of fate? Their fates are completely entangled together.Even if an accident happened and they separated temporarily, they would eventually come back together after a while. This is an ending that no one would have thought of, and it was beyond anyone's expectations.

At this moment, he didn't have any emotions at all, and he just wanted to live to make his work better, but he didn't expect that he dreamed of that man. After all, he was really stunned. My mind was half empty, I didn't know what to do, and I froze in place.

"Hurry up and present the awards, the guests have already stood up!" At this time, a reminder came from behind him, and he finally answered. After tidying up, the pervert walked towards him step by step and gave the trophy in his hand to the man in front of him.

But he didn't know why it was clearly a very simple movement for this moment, but he stood in front of him as if he had used all his strength to win. He didn't know how much strength he had used to keep himself from trembling.This feeling is really strange, he can't control his emotions at all, everything has made him lose his countermeasures, he doesn't know what to do, at this moment his arms are completely trembling, he treats the man in front of him as an ordinary People came to look at it, and then such a trophy was handed to him, his expression was calm, but his heart was already turned upside down.

This feeling is because he himself can't explain why, he just feels that all the emotions are rushing in like crazy, making him unable to rationalize, and he doesn't know what to do to maintain it His own sobriety, what he said was like a dream, which made him lose his whole being, and lost the way to continue to work hard. He just felt that everything was crazy, and there was no way to stop it. Overthrow your own strength.

"Why don't you look up at me? Shouldn't there be a very close relationship between the two of us? Why did you find that you regarded me as a stranger. "

I didn't expect that this was the man in front of me, but he suddenly spoke out. He always said he was stunned. He raised his eyes and looked at him, but he felt that something was lost bit by bit in his heart. Let him lose control, not knowing exactly what to do.

I never thought that he would take the initiative to say these words to himself, as if he had always been passive, and he had always been doing some helpless things. At this moment, he lost his feelings for himself and didn't know what to do. He was in a panic, thinking about what to do.

"I'm just here to present an award. I don't have to look at you, do I?"

When he said this, he raised his eyes and looked at him. After all, he hid all his emotions very well. It also depends on his acting skills. It didn't feel the same at all. After all, his performance shocked the man's heart. He just felt a little disappointed. He usually didn't expect him to answer in such a calm manner, as if he really didn't care.

This kind of feeling is very complicated, and then he always said in his heart that he gave up on my emotions. Generally, he doesn’t know how to describe it, but it’s very clear from his heart that he doesn’t want to see him like this, he clearly wants to see him. I can see that he cares, but at this moment, he seems to cover up all his emotions very well, he doesn't care at all that he doesn't care about all his thoughts. This feeling is very complicated, and it makes him say in his heart that it is common to me. Generally speaking, I don't know how to describe it, but after all, he knows very well in his heart that he doesn't want to see him like this, which means he wants to see what he cares about, but at this moment, he seems to put everything It's like covering up his emotions very well, he doesn't care at all, he doesn't care about all his thoughts.

"Then you are the lady from the foreign class. Are you going to stand by my side and present awards with me? Then we will make progress together again at that time. What do you think the media will think when they see our news this time?" What about it? Will you write some topics that shouldn't be learned?"

Although he was a little flustered, and this man did not intend to let him go after all, he said these words in his life as if he was challenging his limit, wanting to know where his bottom line is, This made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Yes, what do you want them to write? You think about the interview for yourself. No matter what he writes, I don't care. Anyway, for a person like me, it would be good to get on the train a few more times with this identity, but You are different, you are the president of a company, and your reputation can be said to have affected thousands of your employees."

He seemed to be indifferent, usually you just said this sentence with a smile, at this moment he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, he was depressed and didn't say a word, because he knew very well that everything he said was the truth, His current reputation will affect the trend of his company's stock in the future, and it will also affect his products, so any reputation of his is very important, and it is completely different from his nature, but at this moment he naturally does not want to see To his so proud appearance.

"Okay then, we'll see."

(End of this chapter)

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