Chapter 1003

After all, the man said the last sentence to him, he stopped looking at him, and felt a little uncomfortable when he looked in front of him and said those strange feelings, as if he had noticed what he wanted to do, But in the end, he has no choice but to let him control everything, and he is like a man who is being manipulated, he can't stand any way, he can only watch him continue to build momentum and continue to do some things What not to do.

After all, they are already wrong, there is no need to continue, but I always feel that it is best for him to play with him now. But there is no way to say anything to him, no matter how cruel he is and how to avoid it, he can't say it, because he knows that it is not that simple, it is not that easy to do these things, they used to come to this It's not without reason, so now he doesn't want to review it again, as long as he looks at his content, he will think of those things, which makes his heart very broken and uncomfortable, and he doesn't want to face it again.

After all, he didn't plan to say anything to him, he smiled and nodded today, Bengbu didn't care about his words, he just turned around and gave the trophy to the other men next to him, I'll say something to him again I just want to pursue his heart very clearly. As he said, his arrangement is to stand next to him and take a group photo together. Who makes him the most popular star here, and he is the highest status here? Business people, the two of them stand together, it is almost a match made in heaven, there is no way to reverse the match.

Soon all his awards were finished, and he had no choice. After all, he was 1 points in his heart, and he didn't want to go to him. But at this time, the flash light was on, and everyone took pictures of this scene. I know this is the most topical scene, because the relationship between the two of them was especially the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend yesterday, and now there are rumors of such things before they separated, and now they are meeting again on stage. The focus of everyone's attention.

It's just that Qiao Qiancen felt a little sad in his heart. He didn't expect that the two of them had experienced so many beautiful things in the past, and they had once confessed their mutual dependence on the big stage. After all, they have come to this point together, like strangers to each other. There is no relationship, and there is no connection with each other. They just live like this and live on the same land, but they will never send a message to greet them, and they will never make an appointment. Meeting once is like Like a stranger he has never met, everyone feels embarrassed, even himself.

"My God, did you see that? The two of them are standing on the stage at the same time, and seeing the current omen, the woman needs to go to the south. This is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I didn't expect that fate would make them fall together! "

"Oh my god, TV dramas don't dare to shoot like this. This is really surprising. I'm afraid that after this incident comes out, the fans of the two parties will have to pinch each other again!"

"I actually think that this is the plot of an idol drama. Now that it has developed, I don't know how much final treatment and how many lonely people will be inspired. After all, such a thing is really exhausting. I can't even think of it. what!"

"I also think this kind of thing is very cyclical, like a story, but it happened in front of me for real. I can't even lie to myself that it's fake. It's so surprising. I'm afraid no one will Thinking that this would be a normal person, and now it happened, this is something that no one can deny, and at that time we could only accept such a thing!"

"After all, the two of us have special identities. We are both ex-girlfriends. I don't believe it. Zhu Fangfang didn't expect this matter to be enough to make them stand. I think it is not only because of the relationship between the two people's identities, but also because of the topic. Sex, knowing what our reporters will write, when the time comes, their stage will change very cleverly, this is also a means of marketing, right?!"

"Take care of him. Anyway, my hot news today will come out. Just wait and see when the time comes. The number of views of this news is definitely the highest!"


The following English is full of things about the two of them, which is the same as the fate of the two of them standing together but meeting each other. It is obvious that this kind of force is involved, but after all he does not want to admit it. He can work hard to make it happen. Calm down by yourself, don't pay attention to anyone's changes, don't pay attention to anyone's attention, and anyone's gaze.

"What do you think will be the hot warm-up for today's matter? What will your three-generation gang reporter write about the two of us?"

When the final award photo was taken, a man's voice came from beside him, but he heard a little touch in his heart, but he pretended not to care, smiled, and only said that he didn't know that he didn't want to answer and that he didn't want to answer. I don't want to pay attention to his emotional expression very clearly.

The man, however, slightly curled his lips into a smile and met such an ending. Did he have too many opinions? He just nodded and let him continue like this, and then suppressed all the emotions in his heart very well. Without letting anyone see, the two of us were just whispering.

"In that case, let me guess for you. Since you didn't expect that the first title might be a couple who haven't seen each other for a long time appearing on the same stage again. The male protagonist is the president of the Fu Group, and the female protagonist is actually a popular little girl."

"The second one, we haven't met for a long time, what kind of sparks will there be between the president of the Fu Group and Qiao Qiancen?"

Hearing the appearance and voice of the man next to him, he really couldn't help laughing at this moment. He didn't know whether he was laughing at him or he felt a little ironic. What he said was the truth, and he had no way to refute it, so he could only sigh.

"Your literary talents are superb. It would be a waste not to let you become a reporter. How do you go? Why don't you sign up as a reporter and say that I will definitely read the news you write in the future."

"Okay, since I have your support, I will write an exclusive interview with you in the future, okay? I can take your opinion and ask the group to open a new news department, and I will report on your affairs every day in the future. ?”

There is a mouth between the two of them, and the flash together is quickly completed.

(End of this chapter)

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