Chapter 1011

The two mother and daughter were chatting happily, but they didn't expect that at this moment, a slender and youthful beautiful figure saw them not far away. At this moment, he narrowed his mask slightly, obviously he didn't expect to meet his competitor in this place , He hesitated for a while at first, but in the next second he just laughed out loud.

Now his reputation is not as good as before, and I can completely override him now, but it is such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If I don't take advantage of this time to insult him, then I will lose all the grievances I have ever suffered. What is it?I will still have to get back a person's statement for myself.

Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth bulged into a smile, waved the servant behind him like a victor, and hit his footsteps, walked into him step by step, looked at him with somewhat contemptuous eyes, the corner of his mouth hooked There was a smile.

"Yo Qiao Qiancen, I heard that your mother is about to be blocked? Why do you still go to the mall to buy things? You don't save some money for yourself in the future. Oh, I forgot, you used to be What a big star, no matter what, you have to appear in front of people in a glamorous manner, so you are embarrassed to buy street stalls, so you can only bite the bullet and go to the mall to pick up some things and pretend?"

The woman was the second female role in a drama group that Qiao Qiancen filmed before. At that time, she really wanted to get the role of the heroine, but she didn't think of the director's group. Instead, she took a fancy to her high reputation and hired him but passed him away. , In the end, he tried his best to win back the role of a daughter, because of this matter, he completely hated him, but he didn't know it...

When we meet again now, his reputation has obviously surpassed him. To him, this is like a touch of luck and arrogance that was born to him. 100% let him appear in front of him swaggeringly, showing off everything he has. , Achieve fame, make him admire, and look up to himself, this is what he has been pursuing all along, what he wants to get.

I never thought that the woman and his mother on the opposite side seemed to be looking at a stranger after he said a word, usually unable to remember who he was, their attitude at this moment made him even more unhappy.He directly clenched his fists and wanted to rush up to give him two slaps, but no, this is a public place after all, and they are two mothers and daughters, and they will attack together at any time, and he may not be able to win by then, so At this moment, he could only endure it again and again.

"Hey, I said your memory is not good, but you really don't believe that in that drama, I'm a daughter, and I've been with you for a long time, man, during that period of time on the Internet, I was often used The hands of two people, are you saying that you don't remember my ghost letter or are you afraid that you will feel ashamed and feel embarrassed to show this embarrassment in front of old acquaintances?"

They all laughed and said it with some indifference and sarcasm. At this moment, those words fell into Qiao Qiancen's ears, but he understood what he meant by that.This time, after all, he didn't want to be evil with others, and he didn't want to care about so many things, but some people just couldn't bear it and couldn't sit still, so they insisted on doing things as human beings.

Seeing that he didn't say a word, Mr. Cao was ridiculed from head to toe by him, as if he was some kind of peerless villain, which made him feel half uncomfortable, but when he thought about it carefully, it was clear that he hadn't done anything wrong. Why did he treat himself like this.

Seeing here, he finally curled his lips into a smile, then nodded and said to him with a sudden realization. "So it's you, the second child, why do you look so familiar? I remember that I often saw you at this time, because you played the role of the second female again. Did everyone say that you lack a certain This kind of temperament, I can't play the role of the heroine, so I will be more beautiful, the new film has been fixed, and you were replaced in the end, so it was you."

He steals clothes and returns them every day, but I don’t care about it. After all, his appearance hurts his heart and makes him feel inexplicably dissatisfied. I don’t know where his arrogance comes from recently. Treating him like this, He is clearly the person in front of him now, and his reputation is much more popular than him. He dared to call himself such an insulting and disgusting name as a thousand-year-old foreigner. A few points, let his heart feel like it was on fire.Feeling angry and angry, I can't wait to get him wet, I don't want to see him showing off his power in front of him again, it will be a kind of torture to him after all, and it makes him feel very angry.

"You are quite arrogant. Let me tell you, if I didn't take the initiative to let you act as a female artist, you would not be able to be so tall and brilliant now. Everything is because I gave you goodwill. After you helped you but refused to recognize the reality, you still want to bite me back, right?"

The woman said with a ferocious face, he was actually jealous that he was able to become so young and smart, and there were rumors that he had something to do with that man with a very high status. He occupied this moment by himself, and he was really dissatisfied in his heart. All the good things about him in the future should be relegated to himself.

But as many of these things failed to achieve his own thoughts and wishes, he could only calm down his anger as much as possible so that everything would not look so embarrassing.

Compared with Qiao Qiancen's restless and angry appearance, he himself seemed extremely relaxed, as if what he said was insignificant in his eyes, and he just looked at it indifferently. He seemed to want to know if he had any other important things to say besides these words. If not, he would leave at any time, and he didn't want to hear more from him.

This scene in the fog and this look stung his heart after all. He couldn't bear the sight of someone who was stronger than him, and even more couldn't bear the sight of someone standing in front of him, leaving him with no choice, no way out. retreat.

Now that he has a position that he has worked so hard for, why should he be looked down upon and crushed? This is completely unfair to him, and no one can accept it, including him. It was extremely unfair to him to accept such a thing.

I suppressed all the emotions in my heart, and wanted to raise the corners of my lips. I just felt that the woman in front of me was annoying, and I was clearly the one who came to work to find fault. It is impossible for others to expose the archway. The inside of this room is too ridiculous , some irony that feels unparalleled.

(End of this chapter)

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