Chapter 1012

Qiao Qiancen is a good friend who wants to argue more with those people. This is his own business. Don't think about it. It's all their business. He never thought of interfering in other people's thoughts. It's their business, but it's actually his own business. It doesn't matter how others think of him as a fairy or King Ying Luo, it's all their business. What would it have to do with him if it would only make them themselves?Although he doesn't care about it, he just wants to do his own things well and transform the rest, which has nothing to do with him at all.

"You can think about it that way, and I didn't say anything. Some things are your own thoughts, and the rest have nothing to do with me."

After saying this, he stood up directly, and didn't intend to continue the joke. He knew these things very well in his heart, and he already had an opponent, but there was no way for some people to misunderstand what he meant. But now he only wants to do things that make him happy, those things that make him tired and feel that he can’t do them. After all, he has no right or obligation to deal with them. How he wants to do it is their own business. .

He left here directly with his mother, which made the woman very angry.He didn't expect the final result of this matter to be like this, and he couldn't describe him any more.Finally, at the level of his phenomenon, he just wanted to show off one day, but he didn't expect that he would become the layman of today, and everything was not as unexpected as he thought. If there is a way to do something to restore it, he will be unbearable and feel very painful.

Turning around to look at the assistant with his own expression, he gave an order with a cold smile. "Immediately find some reporters for me. Remember that you want the kind of reporters who are not very famous, but who are willing to write for money."

Is it so bad to dare to fight with him? Let's see who has won who. He has finally achieved such an achievement. If he doesn't show off in front of him and show off his prestige, he will still I really underestimated him. He absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen. It happened once, and now the constitutional amendment has happened for the second time.

Soon according to his request, the assistant found the gold, and he told them to wait for a while to hide in the dark, and then he went up to argue with Qiao Qiancen, and finally he only needed to shoot If the picture of Mr. Qiao doing something to him comes out, then the headline of his news has already been prepared, and the biggest impression among the adults will be even worse. He just wants this kind of result, and he just wants to mislead the public. Pity my own image for him, this will not only benefit his reputation, but also teach him a lesson, so that he will not give himself face, now he knows he is wrong, he thought of this, As a result, he wanted to realize the public's perception of him and his poor image of himself. This would not only help him to improve clearly, but also teach him a lesson so that he would not give himself face. Now he knows that he was wrong. Bar!

With a sneer, he turned around and left, then moved towards just now.Qiao Qiancen and her mother chased after her in the direction they left.

Some things are now the best time to settle, what other people want to do, but the biggest goal he has to do now is not to make this woman regret that she dares to care about him, dare to fight him, he must know the mistake Fine, otherwise if he continues to be so arrogant, sooner or later he will not be able to stand it anymore.

Qiao Qiancen originally thought that this matter was over, but he didn't expect that the woman would come back to her again after a while. At this moment, there was still a smile on her lips, and she looked very aggressive and provocative, just now she was silently provoking him It’s like sending out a tactic, telling him for no reason, he wants to fix it later, and I will make him feel uncomfortable after I leave, and he will feel a little troubled in his heart, why can’t such a person calm down his heart, don’t act like this What a nuisance.

She gave him a blank look, took her mother's hand but wanted to walk to the side, thought about it and passed him, but didn't expect that the next second he raised his hand directly, blocking her way.

"Where are you going in such a hurry? What do we say? It's just a matter of fact. Can't we have a good chat? Is there anything more important than our friendship when we are driven out like this? I think you should chat with me more. Otherwise, on that day, when I can't help but want to attack you, because I don't have friendship, I may directly make your life worse and won't leave you any pages. You might as well beg me now , I might give you three points when the time comes."

He smiled and said to him, his attitude was very cold, and his tone was actually mocking. At this moment, Qiao Qiancen felt ironic in his ears and eyes, so why did he plead with him?Why did he lose to him if he hadn't done anything wrong?Where did he get the sense of superiority to be able to talk to himself like this, as if he had already made sure that he would definitely admit defeat and apologize to himself, which was as ridiculous as himself.

"If I say I won't apologize, why should I bow my head to you for mercy? You can think about some things in your own mind, just daydream for yourself, there is no need to say it out, I make you look naive and ridiculous. "

His tone was very calm and he didn't look flustered at all. On the contrary, he was so angry that he didn't expect that this woman would give him a little bit in a nice voice, let him give herself true, I believe it would be fine if she was soft, but it happened He just refused to put on such an indifferent appearance, which really pissed him off.

After all, he nodded with a cold smile, as if he didn't want to say anything more, he had already decided what to do in his heart, so he just looked at him with a sneer and looked a little hideous.

"I'm telling you that you don't come to me for mercy when the time comes. Remember that I will never give you any retreat. Now that you have made your attitude so clear, I can't make it up again. For your face, I know what to do, from now on, don’t blame me for being unfeeling and getting better, because this is something you decide for yourself, and no one is forcing you!”

The woman clenched her fists tightly, and he narrowed his eyes. Looking at the woman in front of him, he only felt disgusted. He refused to take any of Zhiji's offer to them, and insisted on kicking all the steps over by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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