Chapter 1013

Well, this is his own pursuit, so he must not blame him when the time comes. He has clearly given him the opportunity. If he wants to do this, that is also his business. More than one chance has been hinted at him, but he insists on being a fool, as long as he bears the so-called pain alone, then he can ignore it, but he is the only one who bears the consequences in the end People, he shouldn't try to make fun of these pains.

He sneaked a glance at the staff next to him, and gave himself an OK gesture. Those machines seemed to be ready, so he didn't hesitate any more. He just sneered at the woman in front of him and his Mother, then lowered her voice and said to them the next second. "After today, your reputation will only get worse. At that time, the boxing champion will always pity me and insult you, so you can't stand up and turn your head!"

After saying this sentence with a sneer, the next second before he realized what it meant, the woman forcibly reached out and grabbed his arm, then shook it vigorously, and grabbed it.

"I beg you, don't hurt me, okay? Those things were done by my fans. If not, I apologize to them. What else do I have in the future? Just tell me the bad things. I will never let such a thing happen again, please don't care about me, let me go, we are all ordinary people, we all know that we are wrong, and you don't need to hurt me because of my ability, or because of me. If you hurt my fans, let's just discuss the facts, okay?"

The woman suddenly raised her voice and spoke at this moment.Qiao Qiancen didn't react at all, and he started to make trouble again, his heart was slightly tense and clinging to each other, looking at the woman in front of him, he always felt that he was not a so-called good person, and everything he did had special meaning and meaning In my own mind, at this moment he looked at him defensively, but he didn't expect the woman to shake his hand at the next moment, and now she used her nails to grab his arm

Under the pain, his reaction would be subconscious, and he would break free from his society in the next second, but he didn't expect that when he was pushed away by him, he fell to the ground with a very large amplitude, and then The leg seemed to be twisted in half, and I cried out in pain.

"Why do you want to hurt me? I just want to tell you some truths and want to ask for information. Why are you doing this to me!"

He fell to the ground crying in pain, his inner emotions were very broken, he didn't think about why things turned out like this, usually at this moment he suddenly looked like he was hurt, and many onlookers looked over, She recognized him as Xiao Huadan who was angry recently, but she didn't expect that something would happen to him in front of her, and she would be hurt by another woman.

"Hearing him good or bad, how could he do such a thing, and I think he looks very familiar!"

"This woman is too bad, isn't she? How can she push and push? You know that he is good for dancing, but now he is retreating, what should he do if he twisted his foot, and it happens that he is going to dance, it seems to be on stage Performing, aren’t you afraid of being punished by God for doing such a thing!”

"It's scary. I remember everything. I saw it just now. He is clearly going to kill someone. If his strength is a little bit stronger and he doesn't control it better, he may have fallen downstairs by now. Oh my God, a murder almost happened right in front of me, such a woman is too scary, what kind of hatred is this, to hurt a dancing girl like this, I think it is scarier than the devil!"

"Oh my God, he is really vicious. I never thought that he was so scary before. I think he should be blocked. There shouldn't be such scum in the entertainment industry. It hurts others like this. He fell to the ground and twisted his leg, obviously trying to prevent his dream from being realized, how vicious!"


There were a lot of quarrels around, and it wasn't until this moment that he finally understood what was going on, he just wanted to get in touch with the pressure of public opinion, push him to the forefront, let everyone misunderstand him, hurt him, and then he He naturally became a victim, but he himself became the one who harmed others. I only felt a little ironic in the heart of this class. This kind of thing that appeared in front of me except in the novel, everything is simply Ironic and ridiculous.

He just watched him so coldly on the ground, pretending to cry out in pain, and then stood there without saying a word, indifferent to himself.

The mother actually recognized that this woman was really making things difficult for her, but at this moment, listening to the comments of the people around her, he was extremely worried after all. Why would they not believe his daughter? They all stood on that one side. On a woman, is it because she looks like a victim?But it is clear that only she, the mother, knows the whole story of this matter, her daughter has never pushed others, or at this moment there is a feeling that everyone is on his side in this matter. After all, a person on the woman's side will never be said to be happy, and everyone will always think that he is just making excuses!

"Hey, listen to me that it's not like this. He didn't mean to treat him just now. It's just that this woman has always hurt my daughter the most. I can see it. She wants to bully my daughter. My daughter Daughter, she struggled away when she was angry, but he did all of this for self-protection, and never thought of hurting others. Don't get me wrong, others misled him, absolutely not Hurt him!"

My mother tried her best to explain it to him, but I didn't believe all the people around me. Seeing them running all the way, and the people who took out their mobile phones to take pictures of this scene, they seemed to have already felt that this matter What's the matter? I can't even listen to him, and after some people found out that he was Qiao Qiancen's mother, they began to ridicule him, thinking that he said such things just to protect his daughter. The focus shifted to him and began to accuse.

"You are his mother, what's the matter with you? It's too much to raise such a daughter, and it's too much to hurt others like this, and you are not like this now, your own daughter recognizes that it is suitable to help him. Explain, it’s true that there is no mother, there is no daughter, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked.”

(End of this chapter)

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