Chapter 1014

At this moment, the people around him seem to have already decided that this matter is because he is wrong, that is, the people he voluntarily retreated together with his mother beat and scolded him. At this moment, he didn't want to care about anything. After all, some people also think about it, and some people deliberately want to mislead the facts, there is nothing they can do about it, and he has no right to let others calm down and think about what he did right, so at this moment he originally planned to ignore it , but since they involved his mother, it is impossible for him to have nothing happened in this matter, so why did they do this?

"It's good if you all think I pushed him. Since he has already decided so, then I will push him directly. After all, you have already made my proof. If I don't do something, you Aren't you going to be disappointed?"

After Qiao Qiancen finished speaking with a sneer, he squatted down and was about to push the woman the next second.When I saw this scene, my mother was stunned, and the woman was also stunned.

"Don't do stupid things. What people say is wrong. Don't meddle in their affairs. What other people talk about is now. They have misunderstood you. If you do this again, they will only insist that you are a fool." Bad guys, listen to what mom says and don’t take care of it. This matter, how they want to say, is how dare they do their own things. If they dare not do it, they just don’t do it and do it. Anyway, whatever they want is their business , your mother will always be by your side, just believe in you!"

After all, Li Yiyuan is worried about your daughter's temperament, and she will really start a fight with her directly. After all, her temperament has always been like this. She doesn't like being wronged, and she doesn't like others to make some troubles and dirty water for no reason. He, as a mother, of course understands how he is feeling at this moment, but after all, if this matter is allowed to continue, his reputation will be even worse, and outsiders will be even worse. There is a reason to hurt him, to slander him, this is not what he wants to see, so at this moment he wants to calm down as much as possible, his emotions let him calm down, don't do stupid things.

And at this moment, the woman also panicked. He didn't expect that he would be so tall and framed him. He actually wanted to commit this crime, and wanted everyone to watch him being beaten in public.

Shocked and surprised in his heart, he never expected him to be so bold. At this moment, he was in a hurry, but he couldn't say anything after all. After all, he was going to play the role of a victim now. If he turned around and slandered , will only appear to be a person who talks and contradicts himself.

"What are you going to do? Let me tell you, although I am very kind, if someone hurts me for no reason in this matter, I will still go to the police. Don't think that you can continue to bully me like this because you are used to bullying others all day long. Let me tell you that although I am kind, I don't think I will be weak and let others bully me!"

The woman suppressed the anger and dissatisfaction in her heart, and at this moment she could only play the role of her fragile little white flower to the fullest, but after all, Qiao Qiancen played even bigger after hearing this sentence and the recent smile , he just felt ironic about himself. As for the explanations he said, he didn't take them to heart at all. This is what he wanted to explain to him, but he didn't want to pay attention to these things. What he wants to do now is more in his heart He is still clear.

I just want to splash dirty water, let Wan Jian make his reputation worse again, and want him to never recover, so since his reputation has fallen to the point it is now, what is there to worry about? Presumably, why do people have to be angry with others when they live in this world?He's not a doormat, he's been hurt a lot before, and now he's reached such a point anyway, why should he not fight back when he's being bullied for no reason? He's a fool and a coward. things.

At this moment, he sneered, and then ignored him, squatted down, raised his arms, and was about to slap him hard.

And how can that woman bear such grievances? After all, he is now a prosperous star. If a video of him being slapped in public is reported, how will he gain a foothold in the entertainment industry and give those little wishes? Looking at everyone, seeing him, he would only think of the picture of him being slapped but still not daring to fight back. After all, the role of this little white flower was a bit unsightly for him. Immediately grabbed his hand, and then wanted to hit him back.

"You bitch, if you really want to hit me, I tell you there is no way. Before you want to bully me, weigh your weight. Don't think you can bully me now. I want to Revenge on you is easy!"

The woman put down her harsh words and stared at him closely, just not allowing herself to be slapped, even though those words just now had been exposed, at this moment he still wanted to continue to cover up.

And Qiao Qiancen just thought it was ridiculous, he didn't care about him anymore, he just opened his hand, and then slapped him hard on the face in the next second.

"Call me cheap, right? Then I'll show you cheap, say I'm stupid, then I'll kill you too, because I'll never turn over, right? Well, I don't expect to turn over, I just want to I want to vent all the anger I have suffered in the past few years on you, yes, I am a villain. How do you want to talk about how I gain a foothold in the outside world, how do you want to swear, your fragility and your weakness It doesn't matter, but no one can stop me at this moment!"

He slapped him as soon as he said a word, and soon he was slapped several times in a row. Uh, the surrounding reporters were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. They originally wanted to take a picture of her being bullied by Qiao Qiancen. Fortunately, the news They framed him together, but they didn't expect the final plot to develop to such a point.

Qiao Qiancen doesn't seem to be worried about his livelihood, expenses and harvest. At this moment, he has a posture of smashing the cans. It is very clean and tidy, without any scruples, and hitting someone who hates itself is more like hitting some cockroaches or bedbugs, and it is not soft at all.

At this moment, the people around were all shocked. They didn't expect that a woman who usually looked weak and weak would get angry, but it would be so terrifying, and she would slap after slap.

(End of this chapter)

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