Chapter 1017

After all, he knows his character and some of the things he has experienced. Now he has no way to completely deny all the decisions he made. Maybe he has his own ideas in doing these things, and has been carefully considered by his own life experience. That's why he did such a thing, so at this moment he has no way to express any opinions of his own, and can only be sentenced to wash his hands by himself, not knowing what to do, so distressing himself.

What's more important is how his development should be in the future. The company will have some opinions on him, because he didn't cooperate with his personality in the past, but now the company thinks he is a difficult person. It is best to know when the son can be picked out, and what he did now is undoubtedly putting himself on the cusp of the storm, and everyone has even more reason to hurt him.

This is a headache for him, he doesn't know how to talk to this girl, let him be more rational, don't be stirred up by these things, affect his emotions, and even do such excessive things to let the outside world misunderstand I just thought he was such a bad girl.

Even if he knows that he is not like this, what is the use of his own strength?What the outside world believes is what he sees, and what the public believes is the fact that they will not listen to the words of a small number of them. This is what makes him a headache. Will be pushed to such a point again, everyone is accusing him, almost the whole Internet is full of news about him, if it is another ordinary person, I am afraid it will not be able to bear it long ago, and he has a star after all What about his identity, he is just an ordinary girl, and now he is being bullied by the Internet, targeted and excluded by everyone, how sad he must be when he sees those remarks.

And he also knows that those who have worked with him are now separating their ties, which will definitely make him more chilling. After all, everyone's interests come first, and their own interests are now the most important part. Immediately cut off the relationship with him, and immediately want to let the public know that there is no relationship between them, so that the public can cherish this person who has worked with him.

Sister Jesse looked at the public opinion on the Internet, and her head was going to be big. Now he doesn't know how to get this matter back, and the other public relations teams have been disbanded by the company since they offended the company. Now In the entire company, it can be said that the only person who supports him is his agent, but the company is still unwilling to let him intervene too much in his affairs, because now they are completely stocking him, if he can fire him, it will be convenient They will use the capital on him to exchange for more benefits. If they can't live, they will simply break away from him and stop getting involved in any connection.

This world has always been cruel and ruthless. Only when you use capitalists will you be given certain conditions and resources. If you are useless, you will never want to be released. Maybe for a lifetime, because of this incident, you will never die again. He can't let go of anything and is destined to be crushed under the dust. This is the ending he doesn't want to see, and it's also what he absolutely doesn't want the girl he once brought to follow in the end.

Thinking about Mid-Autumn Festival, he still sent him a WeChat message, hoping to meet him. He didn't know how he was feeling now, so he didn't dare to call rashly to influence him. He could only use this kind of In the form of direction, ask him how his situation is before deciding what to do next.

However, after sending this message, the other party responded almost instantly and told him directly that there was nothing wrong with him, it was just that some people outside had misunderstood him, and he was helpless, but there was nothing he could do.

Sister Jessie finally relaxed a little after seeing through these mental illnesses. He was finally able to comfort himself. At the beginning, there should be nothing to do here, and he could treat it as calm and calm here, as if it had nothing to do with him, explaining his They didn't fully take this matter to heart. They were very clear about some things. It was useless to avoid even if they were afraid.

"It's good that you are fine, but the main thing I want to tell you today is that you must never be right with the outside world, you know? Now your negative news is flying all over the sky, if you don't wake up quickly, don't want to If you fight against the outside world, you are afraid that your reputation in the future will be completely wrong, and no one will invite you again, do you understand?"

After all, Jesse didn't want what he brought would still lead to such a dead end, so he could only try his best to guide him to a path he thought was right, but he didn't expect that this time he had always been obedient to him Shun Qiao Qiancen suddenly told him that he rejected his proposal, and that he had already thought about what to do in the future. He no longer cared about those so-called worldly views. He just wanted to be the truest self. As for how others viewed him , he no longer cares.

This sentence shocked Jesse, but after all, he had already said this, what else could he do? He just felt like a thunderbolt in his heart, and he didn't expect that with one hand holding it, one person would say such words in the end , as if he had completely given up on himself, and he didn't care what his reputation would become, which made his heart break down a bit. He didn't know how to tell him that the time in the future was still long, and now it didn't mean anything.

But all the things about the Mid-Autumn Festival have left him too late to think about it. They can only be forced to stay in this place, and then wait for the judgment of the outside world, waiting for the time that will usher in the future. None of them can predict what it will be how is it like.

"I'm sorry to make you worry about this matter again, but I have my own opinions and ideas. What others want to do is their freedom, and I will try my best to do my part, no It will make you worry, if the company wants to blame me, you can just let them contact me directly, don't make things difficult, I don't want you to be affected because of my affairs, can you?"

Qiao Qiancen sent a voice with a slight smile, but at this moment he sent the agent away, but he felt a little sad when he heard it. How far his wishes have been forced, since he is still at this juncture Saying such frustrating words made him feel pity in his heart and his body. He didn't know how to talk to him.

"You silly girl, why do you need to go to such a step? I'm your manager, I don't want you to be like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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