Chapter 1018

Young people hate iron for steel, but this is his own idea, and he can't influence his thinking. Some things he thinks are good, and others have no ability to say what, after all, they are his own. In life, how he wants to make decisions is up to him. Foreigners can only play an auxiliary role at best. What other people want to say to him or ask him to do something Also do not work.

"Well, since you've already talked about this, I can't stop you. As long as you feel happy and persevere like this, if you can get rid of yourself, I will support you. I will ask you to do something. After all, this is your own life. If you feel that you can persist, then you can let go and do it. I will not stop you. Just remember to tell me if one day you regret it , After all, I am quite experienced in this kind of thing, if you come to me, I can help you, right?"

Qiao Qiancen listened to Jesse's words. At this moment, he only felt that his whole heart was warm. Why did he treat him so well? He didn't seem to make him proud or make him happy. Feeling, but what can this month do? What has happened, they can only accept silently, and then let this matter be put aside for the time being, don't bother with it anymore, and the rest can only wait and see Look at the ending.

After hanging up the phone, he went back to his study room.Now he is going to start finding some scenes for himself, otherwise, if this continues, his life may stop here. It is impossible for him to rely on this woman's words to prosper himself for the rest of his life. Prestige and fame are not as good as before. If I don't develop some business, I will only become less and less famous in this circle.

And it just so happened that he entrusted someone he had a relationship with before, found a variety show, and then he took the initiative to send his invitation letter.Not long after giving the result to the other party, the other party learned English and agreed to let him participate in this program after a while.

Qiao Qiancen still feels a little lucky. After all, there have been a steady stream of topics recently, and the attention and enthusiasm for him from the outside world has never dropped. This is a good phenomenon, and it is also something to be thankful for. I don’t think it’s possible to do it so fast nowadays. If I have a variety show to accept my invitation, I may not be able to find the show or make a movie. Thanks to my current popularity, er, I can do it now. To average this feeling, hurry up and strive to restore your reputation to half of what it was before.

And in his heart, like a policeman, he clearly understands that the reason why the other party accepted his invitation so quickly is because the topics on him are so hot now, and it is very likely that the other party will use his reputation and his He copied the entire program with his reputation and increased the ratings of the entire program, which he had already expected.

When he was doing makeup in the dressing room, the makeup artist Xiaomei looked at him and said with a sigh. "If you talk about your development, how can it be like this now? Back then, when your reputation was so high, many people rushed to kiss your ass, and wanted to give you some gifts. Offer them up to beg You like it, what kind of downfall is it now, you can find out by yourself if you participated in a show, I really can't stand it anymore."

Xiaomei's words are not without reason, and he agrees with him very much in his heart at this moment, but he nods to others, smiling helplessly and disappointed, and the smile at the corner of his mouth has some strong meaning.

If he could, he would often think like this, but now it has developed to such a point, what else can he do besides accepting, some things are very clear in his heart, but there is no way to do anything, this is the deepest helplessness Now, he can only live now, let this situation develop like this, and he can no longer say anything. This is a very sad and terrible fact. He feels a little helpless in his heart, and he can only take a deep breath and let this matter go ahead. Go on like this for now.

"Okay, okay, don't criticize me, you should also try to develop your own business, you will only give me this bad star for the rest of your life, I can't do much with makeup, from now on, it's better to quickly find a job A little bit of work, or work hard to improve yourself, otherwise you will never be able to get ahead if you keep doing make-up for an unknown artist like me in this circle."

The make-up artist sighed deeply, he was right, if he hadn't seen him well, how could he have the right to control others?So he could only take a deep breath, then waved his hands and said in a helpless manner.

"There is a lot of competition in this industry. Both you and our makeup artists are graded, so I still remember that it is difficult for us to find each other. Let's encourage each other and work hard. Otherwise, it will be scary. I don't know if there are any. How many days have passed, there is no way to say anything now, how hard is the interview!"

The two were talking and laughing, and soon it was their team's turn to perform to him.Before going on stage, Qiao Qiancen was watching his previous dance video, and re-practiced some dance moves that were more appealing. Now he will be on stage soon, and if he makes any mistakes, I'm afraid the company's opinion of him will change. What's more, how to say now, he still has the identity of a girl group to gain some popularity for himself, this is the only resource he can grasp, and he must not make mistakes again.


Backstage, they simply repeated some actions while blocking the slogans. Before Shanghai, the team members encouraged each other and promised each other that they must adjust well.

Qiao Qiancen smiled and looked at the two young girls next to her. They are full of fighting spirit now, and they should be full of hope for their future life, so shouldn't they be the same?Life is still long, so what is the current suffering, these pains and difficulties are just as long as you get rid of these predicaments, there will be more beautiful moments waiting for you in the future.

Following the team to the stage, there was still a little cheering at this moment.Following the beat of the music, they exchanged dance moves one by one, often looking at the audience in front of them as if the flash lights responded in front of them, and there were constant cameras shining on them.

(End of this chapter)

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