Chapter 1019

He danced his part very well, because it was a part he had practiced for no less than [-] or [-] times. What touched him was that when it was his turn, he just walked away. When he came to dance in front of me, there were some cheers and screams at the bottom of the song, which moved him very much. Now that he still has someone who recognizes himself at this time, it is simply a shame for him. He just wanted to cherish this priceless treasure and be worthy of anyone.

"Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that his dance seems to have improved a lot compared to Chongqing. I remember that his dance moves were not fluent at that time. Everyone said that he was not very suitable for dancing, but now he seems to be in the whole body. It’s as if it’s been completely reborn, and it’s very well posted!”

"Yeah, I feel that his dancing has become much smoother, and his singing is already good. Now it seems that he has improved. Could it be that he really wants to start over and be an idol?"

"I think it's possible, and when he came out just now, he screamed quite loudly, maybe he wanted to rekindle his confidence and work hard, anyway, I'm just a melon eater, if he works hard If he does well, I will support him."

"It's hard to say, it's really hard to say, this time I heard that they work or their company doesn't praise him very much, because there are too many scandals about him recently, all kinds of news about him, good and bad There are all of them, how should I put it, although he is really a topic queen, but, if he doesn't work hard now, he will be sorry for his title, and sooner or later he will have fun!"

"It's really hard to persevere. I don't know what he has experienced in this industry. I always feel that his eyes are not as bright as they were at the beginning. It seems that his eyes have dimmed a lot, as if he has experienced many people and things. However, this does not prevent me from liking him, because he is a very hardworking person!"

At this moment, everyone in the audience was discussing, but they didn't realize that the tall figure sitting next to them was the famous Fu Yanshen,
He dressed up like this, wrapped himself up tightly and sat in the crowd silently watching the girl who was performing hard on the stage. He was also the one who was hidden in the palm of his hand and spoiled by him. You need such a hard-working performer, but now the reality forces him to bow his head and let him face all of this, and then he can only accept it silently, but he cannot refute such a sentence.

This is something they can't refute. From the past until now, things have come to such a point, they can only accept it, and quietly watch this girl worrying and frightening, how hurt it is.

But Fu Yanshen, who was sitting at the bottom at this moment, was psychologically complicated. This girl of hers clearly knew that she was pregnant, but now she still had to work so hard. Could it be that she was not afraid of what would happen to the child?She was excited and regretful in her heart, and she didn't know how to describe her mood at this moment. All in all, seeing his hard-working appearance made him feel a little distressed, but more importantly, he felt a little regretful.

Such a beautiful him should have a happy life, this is for a person who likes him, looking for him, pampering him, spending his life carefree, or being a star and using fans who love him I prefer it, not like it is now, but they can't let them think about what the Mid-Autumn Festival said, they can only watch all these things happen to such a point, but I can't stand a word.

His heart is complicated and full of water. He doesn't know how to describe his feelings at this moment. He only feels very complicated in his heart. He only hopes that one day everything can develop according to his heart, and he can not be in such a painful situation. develop.

But in the end, all things are said, and it is not so easy when it is simple and true. They want to work hard to let this matter stop here and stop it from getting worse, but everything about the Mid-Autumn Festival is beyond their control. It is impossible for the boss to develop.

It's hard to believe this day's true facts, but what my mother said has reached such a point, what else can I do except accept and endure, so that she knows very well in her heart that this is an unchangeable fact.

"What kind of life do you think he will have in the future, and he has come to such a point, many people don't know what will happen to him in the future, but now I look at him and I always think that this girl works so hard, will she not Will it have a good life and ending?"

This matter is really hard to say, no one knows how it will go in the end, but after all, some things still need to be tried. How will you know the final outcome after hard work?okay then. ?
"I don't know, I dug his hand at the beginning, and I also hacked with him. He felt that such a girl had nothing to give, but after all, when he really got to know him, he would find that he was a real girl. A person who works very hard, I really think he deserves a better ending than what he is like now, maybe we misunderstood him in some things, but one day we will understand that he has paid a lot, but It’s just that we don’t know him well, but he is actually a very hardworking person, right?”

"Actually, I don't like him very much. After all, I feel that he is like us, a commoner girl who succeeded in counterattack. As a result, there are too many people in the world who are prejudiced against him. If one day everyone seriously finds out If he takes a look at his words, it’s hard to say that he might like him, after all, nothing is impossible these days, especially if he works hard like him, when he is alone, I think everyone will like him.”

Listening to the comments on him, there will be something to say. He can't tell what it is in his heart, but he is inexplicably happy for this woman. He very much hopes that he can have a happy ending in the future. After all, he once cared about it He doesn't want his life to go to such a bad point, he just hopes that all his efforts will be rewarded, instead of living his life alone, that would not be what they want .

Without saying a word, he just looked at him silently, like the girl who sang and danced, glowing and smiling under the camera. At this moment, his smile gradually began to laugh for some reason, which was what he once wanted to insist on. As for those who used to, seeing him working so hard now, he also felt a little warm, and the child in his heart couldn't stop smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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