Chapter 1020

At the end of the concert, all the people gave their acceptance speeches on stage, and the audience in this class seemed very excited. After all, this is their favorite group expressing their youthful stance and all their feelings over the past few years. , as the audience, he is my fan, so naturally he likes to hear their monologues.

And the man was sitting in the audience at the bottom, looking at the girl in the middle of his stage, he just stood there so plainly, as if he had no competition with the world, he only did what he should do He ignored and interfered with the rest.

He has always had such a personality. He is not allowed to grab something. Even if the outside world has a bad influence on him, he will not talk about it and explain something. He has his own home field and opinions on some things. , so he doesn't care what other people think about him.This is his truest self.

I don't know why he is so quiet and well-behaved, but he somehow has a kind of magic power, which generally attracts others to understand him more. It is this kind of charm that makes everyone have to be subdued by his charm and be attracted by him. Influence, this kind of him is full of charm, and also full of magic. Everyone looks at him and thinks that this is a girl who has never met before. No one has ever given them such a shocking feeling. He has always been low-key. As for the excellent one, his low profile is not like anyone else's. He shows what skills he has, and then he will show his own demeanor in every well-behaved performance.

In fact, he doesn't know what this is called. Maybe it's his personal charm. Some people say that people can't ignore the magic power. Looking at this girl at this moment, he suddenly has a feeling that he really wants to see his past. The idea of ​​the work, I don’t know what kind of person he is, maybe his performance is very good, but they have never understood it before, but how to really understand it, take a good look, maybe the ending will be Surprise them.

After all, he has this kind of magic power. He firmly believes that the responsibility has been like that before, and the ordinary life of a person can attract him. It seems that there is an infinite charm, which is generally impossible for all of them to avoid. After all, it is inevitable to like it. Fuck this girl and be seduced by all his charms.

Everyone was giving their acceptance speeches, but when it was his turn, he only said a very short sentence. "Thank you for your care and appreciation for so many years. Although I will work harder, I will definitely not disappoint everyone's expectations of me."

Almost all of his teammates on the field are talking at length. Generally speaking, he has suffered all kinds of hardships and fatigue for so many years. When he is hungry, he is clearly the most attractive person. He should have more bones to lose. , but at this moment, he only chose to say this official sentence, without complaining too much, and without any superfluous words, he only said what he thought he should say, which made everyone stunned.

This kind of him is undoubtedly excellent, and it undoubtedly made everyone feel surprised and unbelievable. He never thought that this woman would give up, such a good opportunity to clean himself up, and he just said such a simple sentence. That's all.

It is clear that at this time, the outside world speaks so badly of him, everyone is slandering him, and they are all telling bad things about him, but none of them take advantage of this opportunity to talk about his discomfort and describe his fatigue. The procedure was suppressed in my heart, and then I said such a simple sentence, giving up all the opportunities they had to defend themselves, after all, not only the audience below, but also him, who had known him for several years in the past Completely stunned.

How could he be like this?In the past, he would never be like this, he only did what he should do.He will do his best in the following things, and he is a very cute person. He will not say anything to the public, but he will express it with his behavior, and now he uses Behavior to express, but no single word affects the majority.

This feeling can't help but make people feel distressed, as if a child has finally grown up and found that there is no one to complain about, he will never say bad things again, and he will never reveal his feelings to the outside world. Sadness and weakness, he only did what he thought he should do, but he didn't overdo anything after all, this kind of him made everyone feel unbelievable, did he grow up?Right, give up the need and desire for the outside world, only do what you should do, and keep everything within your own duties.

Ah Cong is here, he will not cry like a child about what he has experienced, nor will he only do what he should do as if he has suffered a lot, but it just makes everyone unbelievable. This is what he said from.

"What do you mean by him? When everyone is talking about their own suffering and the bitterness of the past few years, he doesn't say anything. He only says what he thinks he should say. He is a representative of the What, is it possible that he has given up, and continues to work hard and continue to cleanse his heart? I really can't figure it out."

"Don't tell me I feel the same way. I remember how he was like this in the spring. Now that he has become like this, I really can't believe that I saw him. He is completely different from the former him. At that time Will he make trouble and be unhappy for a long time because of a word from a netizen, but now he hides it in his heart without saying anything, it seems that he has grown up and grown up, but for some reason, I feel a little sad when I look at it a feeling of."

"Yes, yes, I also feel that way, as if he finally realized that he no longer has any confidence in the outside world. He is really uncomfortable now, as if there is a feeling that makes us feel self-blame and A feeling of guilt. But when we think about it carefully, we don’t owe him anything, and we haven’t done anything wrong, but at this moment, we still feel guilty towards him.”

"Perhaps, this is the joy and power of that woman. All of us were affected by her emotions, but she didn't know what she did. Sometimes people can't accept it. This is what we do. made."

Many times, no one knows what is going on in this woman's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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