Chapter 1021

He is beautiful, generous and elegant, and he dances very seriously. Almost everything is omnipotent, and he has not disappointed anyone, or he feels a little disappointed in his expectations. He has done everything very well, but But it just makes people feel that his nature is not like this. Now he is covering up his nature and pretending to be misled by the public.

But at this moment, what can they do even if they know it in their hearts? They can only accept all of this silently, and then try to overcome and forget with peace of mind, but they forget that in their hearts, they are actually still looking forward to the original him. return.

Because he himself has seen what he looked like in the past, he will know that this look will not be the real him, he has a chance to be like this, he was born in a family that is not rich, and in the end because of his birth, he can only follow him. His own mother went to a wealthy family to work as a servant, how could he have a happy childhood in such an environment? Because Da Pan had seen the past, he would feel that the current appearance would not be the real him, and he Isn't it like this, he was born in a family that was not wealthy.

However, at this moment, he just doesn't show any emotion, which makes it hard for people to see through. He feels that when he is looking at him, it seems that there are thousands of clouds and silent mourning in front of him, so that they can't cross this distance, they can only rely on In his own imagination, he thinks about which side is the real one, and he imagines when he will meet the real him.

This makes them very suspicious, but they don't know what to do. Now he makes them unable to attack and choose. Faced with such a situation, he said that I can't find any place that can be hacked for them to go. place for jokes.He seemed to be completely disappointed in them now. Even though they had expected it in their hearts, when such a day finally happened, they still felt very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

"Do you think he felt that I was too disappointed with us at the time? Otherwise, how could he have shown such affection, and it will never matter next time. It seems that if we say something to him again, he won't feel anything. Because this is what he had expected, but he was clearly not like this in the past, why he has become like this word now is really embarrassing, but what can be done, Even if we don’t want to accept his current appearance, I think it’s a little unbelievable, there’s nothing we can do about it.”

"To be honest, I can't figure out what he thinks in his heart now. I just think that he seems to have something in his heart, but if he doesn't show it, it will be inexplicably annoying to him. Maybe after so many years He's really been through a lot of violence, so now he's completely hopeless, for all of us."

The man was listening to this moment, and there was indeed a feeling of concern in my heart. I didn't know how to describe my inner emotions, but I felt that some things seemed to be completely out of control, and I was going in a direction that he didn't expect. Development, and after all, what can we do now that we have come to this point?Because which way is suitable for them, no one knows.

But after he saw the expression culture on the stage, his face returned to his useless appearance, and he felt some pity. From the bottom of his heart, he seemed to be pushing him to the current situation step by step. After all, those people who are fans of black charcoal are not innocent, but he is innocent.

If at the very beginning, he hadn't added a meaning to his already broken heart, he shouldn't be like this now. , but never said a word.

After hesitating for a while, he finally made a phone call to his assistant.

"The spokesperson for the new product hasn't been found yet."

Hearing the words of his own president, the assistant felt a little flustered, whether he was blaming himself for his inefficiency, but he could only sigh and tell the truth.

"According to your request, we have already searched for such an artist on the market. They have no black material and are topical and popular, but after looking around, we found that there is no standard person, or there is no black material, but no fame. , or someone who is famous and black, we really don't know who to choose as the spokesperson for this new product. It was difficult for us for a long time, but don't worry, we will try our best to pick out suitable candidates. The publicity will never be delayed, and the suitable candidates will be selected, and the publicity period will never be delayed."

The assistant said nervously, and then the welcome fell, but the man said. "There is no need to think about this matter anymore. The candidate I have already selected is Qiao Qiancen. You can start to formulate promotional advertisements and some words, probably next week, let him go on stage to promote our products, but you must do it today. Send this notice to his economic team, our company will invite their artists to promote our new products."

After simply saying this, he hung up the phone directly, and at this moment, the support on the other end of the phone was all arguing, and he never thought that he would make such a request.

It is clear that Qiao Qiancen was asked to do this. This is something he did not even think about. After all, the relationship between the two of them is the same as before, and there are dirty comments about him from the outside world. This is the candidate they will exclude in the first p. Unexpectedly, at this moment, he, a famous high-end president, would directly name him and say that he would be their spokesperson, which really frightened everyone.

At that moment, the phone had already been hung up, and they had no choice but to follow his instructions and notify his economic team.

"What? Did I hear you right? You actually want Qiao Qiancen to be your company's product spokesperson. When you came to ask me for someone, didn't you say that there should be no black material and you must be famous, although he also has a little Fame, but now it is full of black material!"

The assistant of the company said with some embarrassment that he did not expect the final ending to be like this.Originally, the first batch was excluded, and in the end it would be selected. Then I had some preparations and wanted to push it to the next year. At this moment, I was completely slapped in the face. They simply didn't want the ones he didn't go.

No one knows what kind of engine it is, but they all feel that this one is very strange in their hearts, and they will choose him.

(End of this chapter)

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