Chapter 1026

The person in charge had a way of avoiding the important and neglecting the trivial, and wanted to evade this matter completely. At this moment, he clearly only wanted the benefits, but he didn't want to bear the risks that would be encountered in it.He said this passage of this episode very satisfactorily, and completely shirked his own responsibility, as if this matter was just a resurgence of old feelings between the two of them, and had nothing to do with him as the person in charge. When it's time to share the benefits, he will lend a hand again. This is the power of his words.

At this moment, Qiao Qiancen also understood in his heart that his mood had changed a lot. From the panic at the beginning to the calm acceptance now, he looked at the person in front of him without any other emotions in his heart. The files are organized and placed on the desktop.

"If the person in charge and my agent have checked this document and there is no problem, then I can sign it."

He first sat back with his slender body, as if he let you have the final say, in fact, this is indeed the case, what he should do in the current situation, what he can do, and the rest is up to him, he can only Looking at these so-called superior forms, and they just wanted to pass the responsibility on to him, of course he also knew that there is no such bargain now, since he wants to share one of the benefits, then this contract is his right now. If he was asked to sign, things will not go well in the future, so he should also be responsible, and he can't blame everything on him.

The person in charge's face was a bit ugly, his wishful thinking was overturned like this, he was a little embarrassed at this moment, he glanced at Qiao Qiancen, thought in his heart and pretended not to understand what Qiao Qiancen said, but at this moment There is no way, after all, all the words have been spread on the surface, and it is not so easy for them to pretend that they don't know.

The manager Jesse couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he saw this scene. He also understood what this girl was thinking in his heart. Now he also knows that he has counted himself in, but he is thinking of his own interests, and now He didn't make any mistakes in doing so, and he only praised the girl's wit and vigilance in his heart, and then watched the person in charge silently without saying a word.

Sensing the heavy objects around him, the person in charge only felt that the expression on his face was a bit unstoppable, but after taking a few breaths in his chest, he managed to put on a smile.Then he said, "No problem, of course no problem, I have seen everything in this contract clearly, anyway, Xiao Qiao, you just believe me, how can we say that we are also stepping on the same boat, isn't it? Since you will be badly treated, why would I ask you to agree to sign this contract? Just rest assured, I have reviewed everything, and if anything happens in the future, this contract will Be responsible for whatever you want,"

Qian Cen raised his fists and nodded in satisfaction. Now this is indeed the ending he wants, and what the rest of the people think is their business, and has nothing to do with him. Now he just wants to put all these things together. It's all settled, and the rest has nothing to do with him anymore.

To be able to make good development progress is what he wants, but he said that he wants to drag it into the water to be one of the fish in the water and be slaughtered by others, so it is best to choose another person. He has come to his senses and will not Like before, half of him was cheated by others, and the interests of culture are not clear yet, and he has already figured out how to go.

And as a skilled veteran in the economic business field, how could Fu Yanshen fail to understand that the operation just now, but the operation of the other party is usually witnessed in the progress of other contracts in the mall, for women like them He has never seen such a tough and demanding person for a small artist in the industry and his immediate boss.

The master doesn't care at all what he thinks about this matter, and he doesn't care whether others will regard this matter as his consequence. He doesn't care about other people's thoughts and opinions, so at this moment he can do everything with ease. Sloppy.

A little bit of admiration and admiration could not help but grow up in his heart. This kind of kung fu and means is not something an adult can have. Now his blindfolded eyes are shining with a temporary light. Looking at the girl in front of him, he finally nodded, and then put his hands The document was also placed on the table, and he picked up a pen and signed his name directly.

This contract was proposed by him first, and he drafted it first. Of course, there will be nothing in it that will harm his own interests. Of course, out of humanitarianism, he will not deceive his partner in the contract. At this moment, he just wants to To take this opportunity to see what kind of feelings he had for this woman, he just wanted to understand clearly, and he didn't think much about the rest.

Although others may misunderstand him and treat him in other ways, it doesn't matter. There are some things that he knows how to do in his heart, so at this moment he will no longer take into account the outside world's opinions. What he wants to do is not Anyone can stop him, and after all, those who want to let him fall into the endless abyss, and he will never give them a chance.

Qiao Qiancen saw that the men had already signed the contract readily. At this moment, he also raised the corners of his lips, and smiled indifferently when someone picked up the pen and wrote down his name in a straight line. He raised his eyes to meet the man opposite him. At this moment, there is an aura of tit-for-tat confrontation.It is clear that the identities and status of the two people are different, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.However, at this moment, they felt as if they were meeting opponents, staring at each other, neither of them said a word, they were all silently competing in their hearts, this game is a foregone conclusion, who will win and who will lose.

Acupuncture and moxibustion, they also understand what kind of relationship they have had with each other, but at this moment, they have to cooperate regardless of public opinion, but they are giving each other one last chance in their hearts, and they want to test what kind of feelings they have for each other in their hearts Emotion, so they will do such a thing.

In the days after the signing of the contract, he continued his previous work as usual before he started filming for promotional activities, and practiced dancing after returning to the company every day, even though his belly had grown. The trend is getting bigger and bigger, but he also understands that he can't let it go until the day before he is due to give birth. His entertainment industry is changing rapidly. If he doesn't show up one day, there will be thousands of people who can take his place. And if he hasn't come to his senses and allows others to slaughter him, then he will be brushed off in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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