Chapter 1027

And that kind of ending is always something he doesn't want to see, he just wants to do what he wants to do, and the rest of the people dream to stop him, pushing his life to the direction he doesn't want to go, what do he want? It is impossible for others to change him in vain. Why should he obey the orders of outsiders and listen to the opinions of outsiders to change himself. Being himself is the most authentic and comfortable way of life.

"Sister Qiancen, to be honest, I think you are super powerful. You see that you were still in a slump a while ago, and your life is misty every day. Today, you suddenly have a sign that you can get up and turn around. Tell me, You are really our idol, it would be great if we had the opportunity to work with you in business."

The girl in the group told him that this is the person who encouraged him when he was confused some time ago.Qiao Qiancen smiled and reached out to stroke his hair and said to him. "You will also know what moisture is in the groundwater in this matter, but God is sometimes unfair. He will drive you into the dust, but he may give you a piece of honey at a certain moment, making you feel like a heavy Go to heaven, but you have to understand that these are short-lived, everything is temporary, and you will have a chance to turn around before the worst moment, so thank you for giving me encouragement, so that I don't give up so quickly, so I will Wait until this day, and you will continue to work hard, and the glorious moment that belongs to you in the future will come soon."

I have everything he said with a smile. Listening to his words is very useful. He nodded his head and understood that what he said was also very sincere. In today's time, no one can say who owes whom, nor They can say who is right and who is wrong in this matter, they can only work hard to move these things in the direction they imagined, and try to make everything not so difficult and difficult. This is what they want to pursue all their lives, and the rest they will continue There is no way or way to change.

Smiling, he hugged him gently, feeling very grateful in his heart, knowing that his encouragement was the most sincere words for himself, life is indeed half as he said, there is no constant happiness, and there is no eternal happiness. Pain, so they should all base themselves on the present moment, look forward, and not be affected by anyone or anything. After all, they will get the life they want most and live the life they most closely desire.

This is very realistic. Reality is a process without falsehoods and fairy tales. You treat her well and treat her with the most positive attitude. Life will give you everything you want in the future. Only those who understand it can understand it, live a thorough life, and gain their own appreciation.

Following the beat of the music, the two of them started to dance after encouraging each other. While following the dance teacher, they danced every movement to the extreme, and then, whether it was singing or dancing, all shots with them were required Be 100% perfect.

Ai Dou of the girl group has this kind of ability, no matter which moment in front of the camera is perfect, you will show just the right smile and unrestrained, let everyone forget your smile, and drive everyone because of you They all understand this truth, and now they are all working hard to move forward and show their perfect side.

"Great, great, everyone kept up with the rhythm, and then those who turned around on their own, and the details of the jumping part have to be tightened by me. Don't say that everyone will not care about this kind of place, although watching It seems to be able to develop at will, but in fact it is the most difficult, so it can be seen that your group can't afford to dance, and it's the part of your group that is not united."

Teacher Bian Wu stood in the front row and told them, and they all danced according to the rhythm, and followed the progress of their team to complete every movement. It was true that Teacher Bian Wu stood in the front row and told them, but They all danced stammeringly, following the progress of their team, dancing well, every movement was indeed like this.

Now they can only go in the direction they want to go only if they follow each other's footsteps and do not lag behind anyone. This is a place that cannot be avoided, resisted and cheated.

They practiced until it was dark before ending a song, which is often the case, because in order to return to a song, you must master its singing and dancing methods, these are the skills you must know .For the rest, if you can't even do this well, you can only do other parts.

Qiao Qiancen was covered in sweat from jumping. He bid farewell to his teammates. After finishing, he went to the lounge to dry himself off. After changing into clean clothes, he was about to leave.It's just that he never thought that when he walked out of the elevator door, he was about to go out for a ride or contact the company's nanny car to take him back. After all, it was getting late, but he never thought that a familiar car would stop Outside their company, he will never forget that car model and that license plate number in his life, so at this moment he couldn't help but froze, standing where he was, with a feeling that he didn't know how to proceed.

Everyone clearly understands that it is possible for this matter to go in the end, but now when I see him appearing in front of me, I still can't control my heart.After all, he is a person who once cared about and loved him very much, but now that he appears in front of him, how can he be so calm?He can never do this state.

He also couldn't guess why this well-behaved man would appear here. In fact, he would be able to accept it as the boss of any company. I understand that there will be many girls who will not hesitate to sell themselves for the sake of power and the role of going abroad, so he can understand and understand.

It's just that now that he appeared here, he obviously didn't want to think about him in that direction. At this moment, he stood in the same place amid some arguments, as if he didn't want to be like this, but after all, he couldn't move forward. I really want to know what he is here for, is it really looking for him?

After thinking about this idea in his heart, he thought a little bit, he had already hit his head, now at this time, why are he still thinking about some messy things in his mind all day long, haven't he already made up his mind to start a career?
(End of this chapter)

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