Chapter 1035

Indeed, he admitted that there were loopholes in what he said, and it did allow him to take advantage of the loopholes, but after all, his meaning has been made very clear. Now everyone is deceiving themselves like this, telling himself that there is still a chance, but he knows clearly It is also very clear how decisive his attitude is. If he still wants to say this at this moment, it shows that he already has the idea of ​​the environment deep in his heart, and he already wants to stick to it and not change his mind.

Well, since he already has an idea in his heart, then what's the use of saying more now, some things he knows in his heart, but if he tells others, he may not be able to express his meaning perfectly, what he said just now There were indeed some loopholes that allowed him to take advantage of them.But it doesn't mean his decision, and it will give him the opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes. He is a heartless and indifferent person. He can clearly see what others want to do, and he can also know what his purpose is. What, many times he doesn't want to wear himself, because those things are in front of him, and it would look ugly if exposed in front of everyone, and he doesn't want him to be their end, he only prays that this Everything can be resolved perfectly, and my pathetic progress continues.

But now some things seem to be beyond his control. Some people choose to follow their own ideas and wishes, but ignore that the parties have the right to be considered. They only act according to their own hearts, but in the end It hurt his whole heart.

"Okay, since you, a big president, have said this now, what else can I do to stop you? Isn't it? It's just that you should understand that there are some things. If you can't stick to the end, you should go earlier Give it up, at least don’t lose more than you gain in the end, isn’t your approach at the beginning to let yourself get the benefits first and not get hurt? I can also choose the same way, I believe you won’t blame me, right?”

He smiled and looked at what the man said, but listening to his words at this moment made people tremble in their hearts. Some people were very confident in his words. He said everything too straightforwardly, without any roundaboutness, and It just happened to be like this, he should have felt fortunate in his heart, but now, for some unknown reason, he felt an unprecedented uncomfortable feeling.

He said that he was too miserable, and he was too eager for quick success. After all, he was unacceptable to outsiders, but he knew that there was no lie or exaggeration in what he said. They are also based on facts.

Now he is indeed manipulating him and controlling him for the sake of those in his hands, and for his own selfish desires, ignoring his feelings, but after all, it has developed to such a point at this moment, and there is nothing in giving up to him. When something happened, he felt that he should not be able to do it so easily. He was just an ordinary person on Mid-Autumn Festival, and some things were beyond his imagination, so there was no way to control them.

This feeling is probably more uncomfortable and painful than anything else, he can only take a deep breath to suppress his heart, no longer control the field or pay attention to anything.

"Well, since you have made it clear today, there is no need for me to continue to cooperate with you in acting. After all, it is really not good to waste each other's time like this. Now that you have already stated that you are only doing it for your own private affairs You came to talk to me, so now you might as well tell your so-called purpose, if it can be solved, we can solve it together, if not, each of you is safe, and don't get involved again, okay?"

Qiao Qiancen said this sentence with a smile, but now his smile and his words made him feel uncomfortable and irritated. He clearly knew what he was going to say, and he had clearly decided to reject him, but now He still didn't finish the sentence completely, he used polite words to quote what he said later.But this is obviously cruel to him. He asked him to go through his determination again, repeat it again, and finally reject him directly. This feeling is more decisive than anything else. He didn't give anyone a chance. He was always He has his own ideas and his own stubbornness, he is not willing to change his mind because of anyone, this is the most real, can anyone change his mind?He thought there should be none.

This kind of thing has been exposed, and no one will feel good, after all he hesitated for a while, he could only smile, and nodded with a bitter look. "Your character is really unflattering. I can guarantee that I must have liked you very much in the past, so I have been with you for so many years. Otherwise, with the character of modern people, I am afraid that you will not be able to stand your straightforward Another decent personality."

The man sighed and said, at this moment, Qiao Qiancen felt a little surprised and didn't know how to describe it. There was a feeling of pain in his heart. It was true that he was right. The relationship between the two of them used to be very good, and he was very I love him so much, but I didn't expect the final ending to be like this. Now that I'm exposing those things in the past and mentioning him, it will only become like a sharp knife, which will make both of us feel uncomfortable, and even feel a little confident and unacceptable. .

No one wants such an ending, right?But now that it has developed to this point, what else is there to say? Bringing up the past will only look ridiculous and be regarded as such. Since this is the case, it is better for everyone to forget it. It is best if nothing happened at the beginning, otherwise I will think about it in the future Isn't getting up just to bring pain to each other?
"Yeah, our relationship was very good in spring, but unfortunately, there must be a reason for it to develop to this point. If this is the case, just pretend that nothing happened. From now on, we don't bother anyone. We Everyone lives their own lives, just being the best partner once is enough, you are my immediate boss, and I have always been a member of your hand, if I can't bring you benefits, since you replaced me and fired me, For other things, I can guarantee that I will never seek any legal disputes with your company, and I believe that I cannot beat your company's legal department. In fact, what I want to clarify now is that I hope that our relationship will be frank from now on , It is straightforward to show to the outside world that there is no meaning in that way, adding any deception and concealment, because I don't want us to be involved in any relationship."

Qiao Qiancen said all of a sudden, but this kind of him is the most cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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