Chapter 1036

Listening to his words, the man violently moved some of his inexplicable emotions. After all, he never thought that one day he would give such a cold answer, as if he had never cared about the relationship between them. It seems that in his eyes, it doesn't matter to him which step they develop between them. Now when he makes choices, everyone is shocked and surprised, but in the end, how to do it is really correct Yes, none of them know, but now facing this cold and cruel world, what else can they do besides accepting people? He always feels a little unwilling in his heart, so we often find him Let's talk about these words, but what should be done is right after all, no one can explain this kind of thinking clearly.

His heart was a little cold and calm, he didn't know which direction to go, and he silently suppressed all his emotions back to the bottom of his heart, just wanted to work harder to go, what he wanted to do, but he didn't know what to do. I hope that my life will be particularly affected by some emotions. His life is not long. He has experienced so many things now. If he wants to go back to the past, he must have experienced some things. He naturally knows, but why has he worked so hard? , he refused to marry him. Is my past really so important?Isn't it a better choice to let go of all the pain and look at the front again?He still couldn't figure out why he remembered those things in the past so clearly, without him having any chance to get rid of it, how to solve it?
However, at this moment the two of them are lying in their arms in the box, but they don’t know after all. There was a doll just now, and the reporter has already photographed the two of them walking into the box. The two drafts, and the fact that the two of them entered the box together was posted on the Internet in an instant.Occupied the headlines of the news.

The comments from the netizens below were even more intense. It seemed that none of them thought that the two of them would be together again, and their behavior now seemed to them a good omen. They were all a little shocked, but they didn't know what to do It's too good to describe my feelings. At this moment, everyone is arguing. They just feel that such a scene is very surprising, which makes them unexpected, but they don't know how to do it correctly.

"Really, I really didn't think that the two of them would come together again, so did they think it was so sudden again? No way, didn't my god say that they broke up before, and it doesn't matter if they are already here Well, why did things change in the blink of an eye?"

"Is this incident too strange? Why do I feel that it is a bit like a fairy tale? Then what happened before? We are all being played around by them. Why did we finally wait until Huaer's time?" , and now the two of them are silently dating again, what are they treating us for, neither of us can eat well!"

"What you said above makes sense. I just want to eat melons in silence. Whenever things turn out different from what I imagined, are these two people really playing with me? Really? Are you acting in a TV series? Why do you say you want to break up before, and then get together again in a blink of an eye, isn't that unscientific!"

"I think the two of them may really have some disputes, or one of them can't let it go, and the other will suddenly make such remarks. Otherwise, there is no relationship between the two people who are good. Together? I think, there must be something for them to be together. Although we don’t know it now, we can already guess some of it. There is no such person who can pretend that nothing happened to them. Now they feel Being together must be because one party has an idea or both parties have an idea, otherwise how could they be together, they are clearly people who have broken up!"

"I really don't know what to do with this matter. Before graduation, we were on the side of the south, but we didn't expect that the two of them would secretly date behind us behind our backs and sat together again. I don't even know who is right and who is wrong. After all, the two of them have not made a clear statement on this matter. We are just guessing here silently, as if it is of no use. I don't know which one, but it is really true. Let's not make a positioning first, we don't know if we are really being played around by others in the end!"

"It's really annoying, I just want to eat hot pot, I just want to know what's going on, why so many versions have come out, why all kinds of versions of you love me and I love him have come out, Which one is right? Anyway, I just want to know, what happened between the two of them, and why the separation and reunion are intermittent. You have been together for so many years. A lifetime is going to pass, can you hurry up and be neat, and solve our situation for others, and the masses don't want to waste any more time!"

"Let me go out. Is there any conspiracy behind this one? Why are you together? Could it be that the two of them really have a god? After all, I think there may be some conspiracy behind this matter. They broke up again? Could it be that the two of them really have something? After all, haven’t they met some time ago and said that they are good for each other? Now it’s probably just arguing about the heat, it’s actually some alcohol Inside the private room, but they go through their own lives and do their own things. Isn’t this kind of thing very common in the entertainment industry? Now Fang and the two of them are actually the same, which can be explained!”

But the impression is really scary. We already have a general understanding of the things between the two of them. We thought there was a lot of sustainable development. At this point, no one can say that they are in pain. After all, who knows which side it is Chairman, the two sides are still going out together to show us Chonggao people, maybe the things they said are very different from what we imagined.

I'm really scared, I just want to eat a melon, why can't I do anything, I'm really surprised, how did they get together, how did they get together, didn't they say they broke up?In a blink of an eye, they walked together again.

They just feel that maybe they are really being played!

(End of this chapter)

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