Chapter 1041

He was about to send him back, but when he walked halfway, he suddenly saw a lot of people gathered in front of him. At this moment, his car couldn't help but stop. There were too many people in front of him, and they seemed to know that they were deliberately blocking the road. On that road, after all, they can't do anything, they can only look at everything in front of them, feeling a little strange and depressed in their hearts, but they can't do anything.

How could this happen? Why did these people suddenly appear here? Could it be because of the headlines exposed on the Internet, and they actually blocked their car, what did they want to do?
Was there something in Qiao Qiancen's heart that overturned?At this moment, he was shocked for a while, looking at the scene in front of him, he clenched his hands in a panic and floated out to see if the man beside him was begging for something?Generally, the man next to me has a serious face. He didn't think that everything would turn into an honor. He originally thought that I was just posted on the Internet, and there would be no follow-up or follow-up. These things, but now all things have broken through their neighbors, so that they can no longer calm down, okay, they only feel shocked when they look at all these things in front of them, but they have a good way.

"What should we do? Are we surrounded? They seem to have come prepared. They generally don't know how to get into our news. What should we do if we are caught by them? What should we do next? It's good now, I'm afraid everyone will be suspicious of us, we must look for something between us, what should we do about it, I don't like our news, and if it is reported to the Internet that there have been such headlines, just treat it as Nothing happened, okay? Why are they persecuting us like this!"

Qiao Qiancen said in a panic and flustered that at this moment he was already a bit confused, he didn't know how to describe his emotions, but the woman in front of him was a little surprised, he didn't know how to explain the feeling in his heart , Some things broke out soon, but the unbearable things in my heart had to be suppressed silently, buried these things in my heart, don't let him have a chance to read them out, and affect my mood.

At this moment of silence in his heart, he didn't know what to do, the man beside him suddenly fell in love with him, and reached out to pat his arm.

"Calm down, now that they are all here, I'm afraid they already knew that we would pass by here, or even remember my license plate number and lights, so it's useless to panic at this moment. Wait until the car drives past them. It will definitely be blocked, you said what should we do, they already know, we are sitting here, so it is useless for us to avoid it now, we should think of a good way to face it, to bear what we said It’s the things that matter, and it’s the responsibility of the so-called things.”

The man looked at him and said, but at this moment he listened to his words, but he still couldn't help it in his heart. He felt a little flustered. He looked at the man with a complicated door light and only hoped that he could give him a way, because except In addition, he has no other way to explain, the feelings in his heart have pushed them to the extreme, and he has no way to endure and change his inner emotions.

"But, but I really don't know what to do. At this time, no one has given me any way. I can only silently watch everything that is said and say, but I am happy in my heart and not love, but no matter how I go on. There is no other way, I really don’t want to, because our matter has been reported again, and I have already told you that I only hope that my future career will be obtained by my own efforts, not by these The so-called gossip, jumping on the heat and letting the public see me, I don't want everyone to think of me in the future and think that I got up because of the heat."

He went to the hero with a crying voice, and there was nothing he could do in his heart. Looking at the man in front of him at this moment, he felt that all emotions were about to break through his spiritual ability. He never thought that everything would be very honored. Seeing people, I am the group owner, so I want to give feedback that he doesn't want to be affected by these disgusting heartaches and his future development. After all, I don't want to do those things, and I definitely don't want to have anything to do with them.

The man in the middle didn't expect that this incident would hit him so hard. At this moment, they looked at him complicatedly, after all, after thinking about it for a while, they sighed, looked at him silently, and said. "I know you are panicking, but as I said, panicking is useless. They all know we are here, so what we have to do at this moment is not to hide, not to continue to avoid, but to accept this romantically and let them There is no way to get back in front of us, is it affecting us?"

The men just looked at him seriously and listened to his words.Qiao Qiancen always felt that the emotions in his heart were very complicated, and it was good to see him behind him and couldn't find a way to do it, but at this moment his heart was completely panicked.

"But, but I really don't know what to do. I don't want the outside world to give me such a bad reputation when they really think of us. As I have said, I have never been a strong person. I have always been A messy person, I don't want to have more stains on my body, or pass my stains to those around me, now we are just a cooperative relationship, nothing else, this matter Both of us are very clear, so I don't want to completely misunderstand what we should do because of this matter, and everything should not be turned upside down."

After all, Qiao Qiancen was a little anxious. He looked at the man in front of him and couldn't find any way to get rid of it, and he couldn't find a way to bear it. He only felt that something had broken through in his heart, making him unable to go any further. Patience, looking at him, he only felt that he was going half crazy, and this feeling made him more painful than ever.

If possible, he only hopes that he has never set foot on this matter, and he does not want to have any relationship with these things, because this matter will always bring him only pain and sorrow, and he has no way to explain it. , I still hope that everything at this time will stop quickly. If he doesn't stop, he will not be able to bear it anymore. What he said has pushed me to the extreme. He doesn't know how much stamina he still has to endure such pain. , Stop here, don't continue.

(End of this chapter)

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