Chapter 1042

"But at this moment, I really don't know what to do. If I can, I don't want to panic, but I remember that I have said before, I don't want the consequences of my life, and the future path will be affected again. , It's a pity that at this moment, all things and all efforts have to be consolidated, how do you want me to calm down, I really can't do it!"

Qiao Qiancen looked at the front with some breakdowns and said, up to this moment, he has never talked about everything that will develop to this point. He was thinking about everything, and there should be a chance to pass it back. Whatever he did, everything was beyond his imagination. At that time, there was no way to predict it, and he could only bear and accept all these changes in silence.

With the most flustered face on Nan Renren's soul, he sighed hastily. Looking at the crowd outside, he only made an agreement, and then looked towards him, and he said a word. "Sometimes the more unavoidable things, you might as well try to contact him. When you are no longer afraid of those things, those people will give up when they find that this matter has no initial sense of interest for them. I want to continue my interest in doing this, so now the best way I can think of is to face up to the difficulties. The more they need to see us, the more they want to take pictures of the two of us, so we can cover up and be generous Shooting for them so that not only will they feel depressed, but over time they will lose their initial interest, and they don’t want to go out and do this kind of thing.”

Cursing what he said made sense this moment the woman looked into his face there was something arguing he never thought he could say such a sensible thing to this moment he was perfectly reasonable as long as they presented everything In front of them, let them know everything, just like half of what they imagined, then their sense of interest and expectation will only decrease in the future.At that time, the news they wanted to get from them was already impossible, because everyone already knew the news that had been broadcast. If you put it in front of the screen again, it would be hyped as What a lively piece of news, everyone will always feel that it is meaningless, and they will not expect anything. Over time, the number of people who pay attention to these things will decrease.

So at this moment, he hesitated in his heart. Indeed, this matter has advantages and disadvantages, but he still doesn't know whether he can fully accept the disadvantage and whether he can handle it well. If he can, he would rather accept this matter. Things, after all, you can cut off the gossip people in the media and the Internet, and let their curiosity get the role, you will no longer be so curious about the things between the two of them, it can be regarded as a kind of opposite The solution is just the price behind it.He wasn't sure if it was a big deal for him, and he wasn't sure if he would regret this decision in the future, but he had come to this point now, and there was no turning back now.

He looked at the man in front of him, hesitated for a while, and finally nodded, expressing that he agreed to his words.

Since there is no other way now, I can only accept this setting, otherwise it will be difficult to say which step to take in the future, there is some pain between them, I don't know how to explain it, but I have to let them just happen.

"I accept your way, maybe this kind of way will really make them lose their interest in us in the future, and stop filming these meaningless scandals."

As Qiao Qiancen said, there was an indescribable bitterness in Fu Yanshen's eyes. He just wanted to stick to his own business and didn't want to be disturbed anymore.

He's always said that it's them who are wrong, not him, and he wants to have the perception that he doesn't want to get involved with other people, that's what you should do, he just wants to work hard, with his own It is the expectation of an actor who works hard to gain enthusiasm and attention. This is nothing more than normal. Why does he feel sad at this moment, and why does he think such things are irrational?
After all, he smiled and nodded, knowing that such a decision might actually be what he said in the end, and the media paid less and less attention to the two of them, which is not even surprising. , then the two of them may have nothing to do with each other in the eyes of the public in the future, proving that it is not the ending he wanted, but at this moment, for some reason, seeing him so flustered and frightened, he was always unwilling, he was always I can't wait, and I can't restrain myself, I want to solve the problem and make him happy again, so that he can return to the happy person he used to be.

Even he knows how pathetic he is, but at this moment he has no way to turn back. Since he already knew what would happen before making this decision, no matter what happens in his heart It is also worth accepting that there is nothing else to do.

This is the most normal thing. It is his own fault that they have come to this point today. He knows better than anyone what kind of harm he has done to him, so even if he feels unwilling to accept it at this moment , No matter how painful it is, you can't say anything, and it's worth accepting.

"Well, since we have already made a decision, we just have to move forward. Anyway, which step we will go in the future, none of us can predict this. We won directly and let them see. We are not good. Those who bully have changed for the better."

After saying this, he was able to look at the man and the man today and smiled, the bitterness in his heart was concealed very well, he started the car directly, cut into the reporter in front, and walked over, the master didn't care about those things anymore , It's just that sometimes I can't help but feel a little uncomfortable when I think about it in my heart.

After all, it used to be so beautiful, and they never thought that one day they would go on such a road. There was no persecution in the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there was nothing for them to become what they are now. It is not that some things are more natural once they happen. , There is no chance to save him, and there is no chance for him to return to his original appearance. Everyone must pay the price for this matter. Whether you are willing or not, after all, you deserve to accept this silently.

"Honey, it's really the two of them who took the photo quickly. I didn't expect the news to be true. Today we have news to break the news!"

(End of this chapter)

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