Chapter 1043

"Sure enough, the outside world is right. The two of them have something to do with each other. I don't think you think it's like a job relationship. I'll do an interview later. I think there will definitely be something earth-shattering. The news can break out, and everyone will have big eyes by then!"

"I'm also really surprised. I didn't expect that there was still a chance between the two of them. Didn't they say that they had fallen out before they got together? Didn't they say that the relationship between the two of them had broken down? Why did they suddenly break up?" It’s too confusing outside, I really can’t understand what kind of operation it is!”

"Sure enough, the two of them are the pickers of various circles. The things they did were so unexpected to others. Because of that incident, they felt that the two of them would never have a chance to reconcile, so they said something to the outside world. When it came to production, I didn’t think that all the rumors could not come without wind, and my own affirmation has something to do with it, and the implication will really happen!”

"Now that the news about the two of them has been photographed, I think they have nothing to say. I think that apart from admitting to the outside world that they have really recovered their relationship, no one will believe them from the outside. !"

"I can't explain how to explain the current situation, but, I think it's too clear that people who are almost irrelevant are coming together again, which really makes people feel serious, my God!"

We all have this matter that the reporters are discussing, and there is a lot of talk, but at this moment the two people sitting in the car are very determined to look outside, as if they have understood each other's meaning in their hearts, and know what to do next. How to do it, 10 points of tacit understanding, none of them held each other back, just let the car drive forward, looking at the reporters blocking in front and the flashing lights that kept turning on, they behaved extremely calm and indifferent.

"Hello, can you stop the car for a while? Can you accept our interview? We have a few important things here, I want to know more, please cooperate with us, please?!"

"May I ask if the two of you really rekindled your old relationship? Wasn't there such a big news before? Could it be that love can cause any morality to fall?"

"May I ask if you have anything to say about this matter, and you want to explain the relationship between you to the outside journalists and the people punished by those departments, because this matter has already caused a lot of public opinion in Hangzhou. I’m already being hugged, Ken and I have no troubles, and now the two of you have been photographed together, which means that there is really something involved, but we don’t know yet, can you explain it to us here?”

"Please cooperate with us, please? We are just here to ask you on behalf of the general public. We have nothing more to do. We just want to understand the relationship between you. Please let us know, please!"

"Consulting the news, is it as the outside world said, you two belong to each other, you forget the pain when you are healed, you both hurt each other, but you are together again in the end, is there really a difficult time between you?" What an emotional experience!"

"Is there any misunderstanding between you, or the outside world has misunderstood your relationship, so now you are together, in your eyes, it is also a normal thing. After all, this matter is really thundering now. There were a lot of people, and they all expressed shock, thinking that you would get back together again, if it is convenient, please tell us some reasons? We really want to know about the things between the two of you!"

"Please cooperate with us, please? Please get out of the car or open the window to accept the interview, please both of you!"


As many journalists are noisy and noisy, this moment can’t stop, they want to get a response from them and the parties involved, or they can write an article as long as they give them an explanation, today’s Toutiao is that they are all eager to get the first-hand resources, but they never thought that they thought they would do their best to avoid this problem, or send staff to dismiss them, because they could not interview successfully, but in the end they have I chose to get off the car directly and faced all of them with a smile, like a generous person, never afraid of anyone's slander or irony.

"I didn't expect that they would actually think of it. It's too shocking. How can you say that the two of them are big figures in their respective circles. It's so frank to accept it. Although it's a bit honest, it's really impressive Feeling shocked!"

"I also think it's still realistic. It's very strange. It's really because I misunderstood them, but it's not right. It stands to reason that the outside world keeps those news from time to time, but now they are acting like this. It's a bit like we are getting more and more It looks more and more confused!"

"Forget it, forget about it, as long as I can make a living, I don't care what big things the two of them have done. I just hope that after this manuscript is sent out, the number of people will be read." It can exceed ten thousand!"


Qiao Qiancen and Fu Yanshen seem to never care about their words. Usually at this moment when the two of them walk to an open space, the flashlights around me are all on, and microphones are constantly being passed to them. I hope they can answer them. However, the two of them acted as if they had nothing to do with this matter at all, just smiled and raised their lips and stared at them in front of them.

"Can you answer our question directly? Is the relationship between the two of you rekindled now? Or is it that he has a new relationship!"

"We want to know about the relationship between you and me. What do you two people think? Do you think this kind of thing can be tolerated, or is it not half of what the outside world said? In fact, you have never Have you been together all this time?"

"There is a lot of news about you on the Internet. If the two of you can give a real explanation, I believe everyone will let you go and stop pestering you. It's a hot spot."

Thinking that many reporters are just asking them to meet the daughter and the man at this moment, they have already guessed that there is such a picture, this smiles and then picks up a microphone on one side, smiling at the media in front of them That's all.

"First of all, thank you very much for coming here, but what I want to clarify with you today is that you have always misunderstood our relationship."

(End of this chapter)

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