Chapter 1044

At the moment when everything happened to everyone, they didn't have any warning at all, just watched everything happen to such an extent, they could only look at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why things would develop to this point.Obviously according to the past, it should be impossible to reach this moment, they looked at each other in dismay, trying to find out what was going on, and figured out which direction to go is the right one , but in the end they couldn't find any way out.

"Did I hear it wrong? How is it possible!"

"They even said that it doesn't matter, I don't believe it!"

"Both of them share the same car, I really don't believe it's okay!"

The last double is mine. I don’t believe their actors are generally at this moment. The two of them reluctantly accompany each other. Has it come recently?This is how I ended up, and then they didn't care about these things. Anyway, where they will go in the end, go, they are very clear in their hearts, and they are willing to do things that are not enough. They have no hesitation in their plan, nor I need to change my inner thoughts because of this matter. Sometimes I know their thoughts in my heart, but it is just a chance encounter with them.

After all, these things are not enough to affect their future development and path. What they want to do now must fix their own direction and not be affected by anything. This is the only thing they have to do now. The rest really have nothing to do with them.

At this moment, the corners of the lips are slightly raised.Qiao Qiancen's deskmate finished talking about his hair, looked at the man in front of him, and didn't care whether he would change his mind because of his own affairs, he just thought indifferently.

These things must be able to be handled perfectly. In the future, I will not be affected by this matter and ignore it. I just want to have such an ending, right?After all, what they think is their business, and after all, there is no need for him to affect himself because of these things, and there is no reason to harm himself because of things in his heart. What they have to do is nothing more than that, such a brief One thing, why did it come to that order again, who is embarrassed and unable to start?This is irrational.

"Our religion will clarify things about us. If the outside world wants to know, they can ask. We don't need to stop talking about those things ourselves. Anyway, after this month, we will publish them on the Internet again. About these things We will remember exactly which media has been shining behind our backs, and when the time comes to announce the list, if it will affect your career in the future, there are also beauties, and you will bear the burden of Beijing's smog on the Mid-Autumn Festival, because you As for the affected victims, there is no relationship other than that."

Qiao Qiancen said it indifferently, and this sentence meant that all his friends present looked at each other without paying attention, some of them were afraid, and they didn't care at all.If you have the courage to continue to do this, as he said, the two of them are generally leaders in their respective fields. If they publish Xuanyuan that is not good for them, their careers will be seriously affected in the future. This is not what they want to see.

If there is negative news about them in front of Qinhuang's arms, the two of them are only the top in the entertainment industry, and the other is just the boss of the group. It is immeasurable, a risk they dare not take, not to mention that they are just a small job in the rising period, which is photojournalism.

They don't dare to let their own affairs be spread on the Internet, otherwise they will not be able to stand up again based on their influence and the oppression of power. I don't want to bring up my own affairs.

If this matter is spread out and they are the ones who caused it, I am afraid that the editor-in-chief and the management personnel in their news agency will not let them go easily. This is a very terrifying thing, because This is what irrational people would do. Seeing them looking at each other in dismay, I don’t love you in fear. How to go is the real right choice. I don't know.

"What should we do? He's already talked about this. If we can talk to him today, will he just delete us from the list of reporters in the future? I don't want to. I don't want to It’s hard to get this certificate. After studying this major for so many years, it’s not worth it to ruin my future because of one incident. I think we should think about it first. They were all dragged into the water in the end!"

"I also feel the same way. With the pissing nature of our Xinhua News Agency, if something happens in the end, I, a little intern, will definitely be pushed out. I don't want to be treated as a serious illness by everyone because of a small loss. If the news agency doesn’t welcome our newspaper or me, what should I do and how should I escape? It’s too wasteful to give up the major I’ve studied for 4 years!”

"Why don't we think about how to describe it again, but is it really necessary to say that there is no relationship between the two of them as they said now? But this is not a bit explosive. I think it will be taken back to the editor-in-chief They will definitely not admit such a piece of news about us!"

"They have developed to this point after all these years, what else do they want to do? Am I really convinced?"

As a Fanfan, but as a person, the two of them listened to their phone bills, and they estimated that [-] would pay off the costumes. The solution they wanted, but it finally developed to this point, and it was a surprise to themselves after all. They just I want them to know how good they are, and I don't want to just hear about their profession so casually with them.

After all, everyone has dignity. No one in the local area can accept them if they are so miserable now, let alone ordinary people. They just have their own careers and reasons for their own reasons. Why?Because these things refract the wings of others, it is unfair to others, and it is also a stupid practice for themselves. There is no need for them to harm their own interests because of these things.

(End of this chapter)

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