Chapter 1045

After all, both of them are worthy of being big figures in their respective fields. This one just understands each other in my English conversation and suppresses the emotions of many of them. I dare not refute it anymore. Just like the current situation, If they dare to say anything, there will be any dissatisfaction. They have the means and rights to ruin their reputations, so that their personal studios and personal newspapers will not be able to stand up again in the future.

This was a fatal blow to any of them, how could they dare to gamble, if they really offended him, would they really not want to mess around in the future?It's not necessary, because such a news, and it's not an exclusive news yet, is an important news that so many people are filming.

Tears and fire, they are limited after all, they began to give up the coolness of looking at each other, and then turned and left, they, after all, were afraid and gave up, the current situation is not so easy to change, to change, to change, Although they are a bit domineering when they say what they say, they must get the real facts.

I feel that if anyone like them releases a sentence, they will be finished in the future. This is something they know and can’t read. They thought about posting this before a few people came together to beat them up, so they wouldn’t be inserted into their own homes. ?One is a figure in the entertainment industry, and the other is an interpretation boss. They can easily decide their fate as long as they say a word in the end, but they have no way to turn around. I found an opportunity to change this matter.

This made them fear themselves, so Duoduo is uneasy in their hearts now, they have no way to solve this matter, they can only hesitate to live, just smile as if it has nothing to do with it, and then this matter will develop.

After all, there is no way now, and no one dares to talk to them easily. If you show your expression, people will see it at that time, then I am afraid that you will only be the one who gets hurt in the end. It's not that they can easily hate each other, so at this moment, they are afraid and uneasy in their hearts, but they have no way to excuse themselves with any words.

"I'm sorry, you two, we know that we made a mistake. We will definitely clear up those articles we posted before, and we can promise you again in the future that we will never say any unfavorable words about you. We know that we made a mistake, please Don't give us any more punishment, or the editor-in-chief will definitely crush us to death!"

To be honest, what should I do about this? They have already reached this point in the future. When they are born together, they will look like weeds on the wall, and they will fall to the left, not to the right. At this moment, they looked at each other and could only die down one after another.

Persevere and become the only leader here, how dare they release such indulgent things, let alone the other party is such a big shot, so they can be trampled to death, if they dare to do it like this, unless They are stupid, otherwise they would be really stupid to hit themselves at the muzzle of a gun.

At this moment, Fu Yanshen looked at the woman next to him, and the corner of her mouth was slightly raised. She never thought that her simple sentence could become like this, and the stern sentence made her actually be in the heart at that time. I can't say a word in my heart.

After all, he is much more powerful than he imagined, he was never a girl to be bullied, but many times in the past, he deliberately showed a weak appearance to let everyone relax their vigilance and not have any doubts about him, Or maybe they think he is a powerful person, so they hurt him easily and presumptuously.

But now that they have come to such a point, how dare they offend him for that scene again? I'm afraid they don't know how they died. It just made them all fear their own affairs. At this moment they looked at each other , After all, I gave up and stopped thinking so much.

"Dear Ms. Qiao, you really have a trick. You just frightened them away with just a few words so casually. No one dares to confront us yet. I didn't expect that your trick of public relations would be quite useful. Yes, I have begun to think that you are better than those professional public relations personnel in our company. If you are not a star professional, I really want to exchange you for our company to be the head of the public relations department. Maybe your handling method is better than mine. The existing employees seem to be thousands of times stronger."

Fu Yanshen called him next time, and at this moment he didn't care too much, but he didn't want to, because anyone wanted to do anything against others, he just had enough now, he I don't want to be dragged by these people to my heart, so that I can't get rid of it. I always feel that I am just an ordinary person, them.You don't remember anything, you let yourself be obedient, even if it's a little white rabbit, after all, there is a point of jumping up to resist, eh, at that time, no one can think of it as a sheep that is easy to bully. Learn to let them all frighten to the end so that there is no way to fight back.

Okay, when I was doing it there that day, I didn't say a word that this was really the object, and I knew what to do at that moment. Then I didn't say a word to each other, and walked to the car tacitly. Those reporters didn't dare to say a word after all, some quickly lowered their heads, and some quickly turned around the villa and left as if nothing had happened. After all, at this moment, no one waited to take a picture of them with the camera, Because they know that doing this kind of thing on the job now is to make it clear that they want to fight against them.And the consequences at that time are definitely not something they can afford.

"You don't need to praise me too much. I just stayed in the entertainment industry for a few years and I'm used to it. Those strange people are afraid of their son's rush. Sometimes I'm too kind to them. They feel that once I won’t praise you for your good personality, I mainly think that you are a bully person, and then step on your head in every subsequent interview, attracting what you can write Just write about your eyes, and don't care about your feelings. The sad thing is that if you are a resolute member of parliament, they will not easily write about you in the future, because they are afraid of being hurt by you , I was afraid that you would rise up and resist, so they only dared to be a coward, not daring to say a word, watching this silently, and the matter developed to a point that they did not expect."

(End of this chapter)

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