Chapter 1056 ·
At the very moment, an embarrassing voice rushed over and pushed his whole body away. At this moment, her whole body was caused by external force, and she fell directly to the ground.

Qiao Qiancen and Yu Tiantian were stunned, they did not expect that at such a moment that was already preordained, there would be a sudden change. At this moment, neither of them knew what to do. They stared at each other and gradually turned their heads away. , only to find out who this sudden rushing person is?
Yu Tiantian's blindfolded eyes widened immediately, he never thought that there would be this man's figure here, and at this moment he obviously knew everything he said, and the sulfuric acid product in his father's hand was completely dropped to the ground , he was completely lost, looking at the man in front of him, all his emotions were suddenly wiped out, and he couldn't think of anything.

"Brother Yan Shen..."

He often felt trembling and looked at the man in front of him at this moment, he didn't know what to do.The whole heart quietly broke apart, usually he seemed to know what the ending would be like in the future, and usually couldn't figure it out anymore.

Why would this man know about his plan, why would he suddenly appear here, if he came a step later, he would definitely be able to ruin this woman's appearance now, and he would never like this person again in the future, from now on he Then it can be completely his own. Then, why is the sky helping Qiao Qiancen!
Painful in his heart, he couldn't figure it out. He didn't know why his life seemed to be hitting a wall forever. It seemed that he would never find a good girlfriend who really belonged to him. He was always forced to stay in this world to see everything. People are happy and happy, but he can't do anything from the beginning to the end, he can only look at the things he loves, leave him little by little, and finally fall into the hands of people he hates.

He already had a very clear meeting in his heart, what will happen in the future, his whole heart is trembling at this moment, but he always doubts that it is hope, he does not hope that the final ending is really like this, he is almost unable to bear it, why is this Couldn't the world give him a little more kindness?

"Yu Tiantian!"

He supported Qiao Qiancen, and saw that his eyes were on the hotel. He seemed to be looking at someone who hated him. Usually at this moment, he couldn't say a word, trembling and worshiping, as if he wanted to defend himself. But he couldn't say a word from the beginning to the end, because he knew that this man was on Qiao Qiancen's side, let alone the scene where he personally committed the murder. This was the latest moment that he couldn't escape. His whole heart was in despair. All hope was half destroyed in an instant, he couldn't say a word, lowered his head, and clenched his hands tightly.

"Why are you here?"

Qiao Qiancen asked this sentence with trembling words. At this moment, his whole heart was full of fear. He knew that if this man hadn't suddenly appeared to him just now, his appearance would have been ruined, and now he still has no way to say it for himself. When he uttered any word, he just felt that his whole heart was confused, and he couldn't recover from it. Everything happened too suddenly at this moment.

But Fu Yanshen didn't respond directly to his topic, he just looked at him nervously, as if checking him for any injuries, and that worried look finally made him move. At that moment, he finally appeared and saved himself from the dire straits.

But at this moment, he still has no way to say emotional or touching words to him, because he knows that the distance between the two of them is no longer as quiet as before, and now those words will only look ridiculous after all. It's better to completely pretend that nothing happened and be indifferent to each other.

But in the end, there was nothing he could say. He could only keep silent to let his heart gradually calm down, and gradually become calm. He had no way to continue such things.

"Do you believe me, okay? I really didn't want to hurt him on purpose. I just can't understand how arrogant he has been living in the world. Why do I have better conditions than him? In the end, you still I like him, you have to know that I am really unwilling in my heart, I hope everything returns to the original point. I can’t accept that everything from me is taken away by him, who is he, and why can he With these, I am clearly the person who deserves the most happiness in this world. I have worked so hard to live since I was a child, and I have accepted many things that I don’t like, just to become better one day and make more people happy. See me, but why can’t even this little wish come true in the end.”

His voice was almost trembling. Even though he knew that it was impossible to return to his previous appearance, he still tried his best to defend himself. After all, the man in front of him was his beloved.He never wanted his appearance and character to be damaged in his mind. He only hoped that he would always be a perfect and elegant person in his eyes, but he didn't know when these conditions gradually disappeared. Go away by yourself.

Now he can't do anything, can't maintain anything, he can only watch the things in front of him quietly break through his reason and leave him.

He still couldn't accept the fact that he lost to her.After all, the education and living environment he received since he was a child is thousands of times better than him, so he should be shining brightly, living with everyone's yearning and admiration, but why when he meets this hateful woman, Everything was destroyed, she couldn't do anything, she couldn't fight for herself, it was like a drowning person, she couldn't do anything except get close to the only hope.

This is the situation he is in now, he has no way to tell anyone how painful he is, he is just desperate now, and he just tries his best to do the only thing he thinks he can work hard, but it is such a thing after all.will completely destroy yourself.

But she didn't know it, and she persisted foolishly here, and finally completely ruined herself without knowing it.Breathing a sigh of relief, he watched the man in front of him look more and more mocking. At this moment, his whole heart sank, and he felt that there was no way to calm down rationally.

He really misunderstood himself. Maybe he will never believe in himself from now on.

(End of this chapter)

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