Chapter 1057

This thought was like a voice of despair, repeated in his heart over and over again, believing that it made him unable to maintain his rationality. At this moment, his whole heart was in a mess, unable to calm down, looking at everything in front of him, only I feel like my whole heart is flustered.

"You don't think it's too ridiculous to say this now, I won't let you go today, I have already explained everything to you last time, and now I regret listening to you like that Words, I'm sorry that you think you are a pathetic person, I wanted to give you one last kindness but I didn't expect that in the end you still gave back to me like this."

Fu Yanshen wished that he could look at the woman in front of him blindfolded. At this moment, he just felt cold in his heart. He couldn't figure out why this woman could be so heartless and cold, and why he couldn't even do simple things. Well, he knew that as long as he manages his life well, no one will see or feel irony, but after all, her whole heart and all her thoughts are wrong.

I feel tired, the woman in front of me is too far away from this world after all, sometimes it is very difficult to persuade her to return to the right path.

"It's useless for you to pee now. Just now I saw all the surveillance cameras and they will be recorded. I'm going to call the police now. I'm going to punish you with the law. You have been pampered since you were a child, so you will Doing these things that hurt others over and over again, thinking that you are the most hurt one, you think the whole world is sorry for you, you think you are the most pitiful and pathetic person in the world, That's because your eyesight is narrow, you don't see all the people in this world, and you think you are the most miserable self, you pity yourself, but you don't know that such an appearance falls in the eyes of others, it is simply extremely ironic!"

Fu Yanshen supported Qiao Qiancen, while looking coldly at a woman in front of her. At this moment, she only felt a disappointment that she had never felt in her heart, and she never hoped that she could be a good person, but she only hoped that he would not Going on a bad path, after all, he actually knew something about what he did in the past, but since the things he thought about at that time have already passed, and there were no major consequences, he didn't think much about it. Care, he didn't take this matter as a very serious matter, he thought that he would eventually realize his mistakes and grow up, but in the end he found that everything was his fault, and he didn't realize his own mistakes at all , in his opinion, the whole world owes her.

However, it is not terrible to have this kind of thinking. The terrible thing is that after he thought he was the most pitiful person in the world, he wanted to vent all this grief and anger on another innocent person. All this is too unreasonable Yes, he feels sorry for himself, so he wants to drag others into the water, is this really plausible?

"I... I, brother Yan Shen, you really want to call the police and arrest me because of this woman, do you really want to affect our relationship for so many years because of such a small matter like her? I don't believe you would do that Treat me ruthlessly, the two of us have known each other for a longer time, you are just confused by this woman, in fact, the person you care about most in your heart is me, there is no way you don't care about me!"

Yu Tiantian seemed to be stupefied, his eyes widened in resentment, and he looked at the man in front of him without confidence. At this moment, he felt that he was missing a chicken. How could he give up their classics for such a woman? Even if it is true that there is not much deep emotion between them, they have known each other for many years. It is impossible for him to know him to death just like that, but he doesn't care.Even let him accept legal sanctions.

He was having a nightmare, a nightmare that he couldn't wake up from. He knew that this moment was painful, but he couldn't do anything.

"I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe you are lying to me, right, you must be joking with me, right? You just don't love me, and you can't be so cruel to me, I remember you said You hope that the world will become better, you say that everyone has good intentions, why do you treat me so cruelly now?!"

Yu Tiantian's eyes widened, but tears fell down like beans.Fang Xiang finds it difficult to accept this fact, and his whole heart is generally shocked and painful. He recalls the words this man said when he was young, and now he still remembers them all one by one. In his heart, but now he didn't expect that he would overthrow the belief he had established in his heart, and in turn would come to hurt him.

Qiao Qiancen looked at the scene in front of him with complicated eyes.I also knew in my heart that the two of them knew each other before, so I couldn't understand what the two of them said at all. After all, he felt a sense of distance. After all, he only knew this man after he grew up, and they were different. They are so-called childhood sweethearts.The relationship between the two of them is incomparable to him, a latecomer, but at this moment he still feels a little sore in his heart. After all, he and this man once had an unforgettable love, but now he can't understand him and this man. In the conversation between another woman, he was like an outsider, even though he had given up the result and his future in his heart, he still had to feel pain and sorrow.

Why on earth did it come to this point?He hopes that anyone who knows the truth can tell him why his world has become such a mess again, everything is beyond his future, and after all, there is no way to calm down, he just thinks this The world is cold and cruel, full of uneasy feelings, which makes him extremely terrified. After all, he is thinking like this, looking at the once familiar environment around him as if asking for help, looking at the achievement beside him, the man who loves to the bone, but It's like I can't speak half of a sentence.I can only take a deep breath and tell myself to calm down. Only when I calm down will I not be bothered by these things.

"You don't seem to understand my words all the time. I said that one must be kind and the world should become a better place. It is for everyone to work together, not for other people in this world to become kind and beautiful. Except What you are doing now cannot bear the word kindness. How do you want me to accept your words? Your words are like ridiculous words, so I have no way to refute them, let alone pay attention to what you said These words."

(End of this chapter)

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