Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1063 I will let her be punished!

Chapter 1063 I will let her be punished!

Yu Tiantian pointed at him and said that at this moment, he was going to be pissed off, because once this incident came out, there were more and more comments on the Internet about their family's unhealthy family style. It worked, and everyone said that their family style was unhealthy, and they raised such a vicious daughter.It can be said that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, and denying him is also malicious.

Originally, their family had discussed a cooperative business, but now it has been messed up, and the partners have begun to doubt them, thinking that they have done something incomprehensible out of their minds, so now they all have Terminate the contract with him, and even feel that the cooperation with them will be greatly affected in the future.

Not only that, even the shares of Ao and his company are falling rapidly. Now their market price in the stock market has already shown a red line. If it falls again, they may be declared bankrupt. He is like an ant on a hot pot. It was a mess.

Yu Tiantian's mother is also worried. Now all his good sisters and girlfriends have come to ask her why her daughter is so vicious and why it doesn't play a guiding role, but he really doesn't know what to do It is good to explain, because this is indeed taught by himself. Now that his daughter wants to say that this matter has nothing to do with him, this statement is impossible to be true, so he is very worried and feels that his own She has no face left, and now she has completely left the image of a vicious mother in front of everyone.

"That's right, that's what your father said. It's true. Even if you have a quarrel with a girl, you should improve some of your little tricks. Don't be caught by others. It's you. Look at you now. What is it like, everyone talks about you like this, don’t you feel embarrassed inside? If you want to make friends in the future and go out to cooperate outside, everyone hates it, so what do you do! "

Yu Tiantian was dying of a headache when he heard what his parents said. At this moment, he was so angry that he just wanted to get angry. He didn't expect that man would actually make his affairs public for the sake of Qiao Qiancen, and his behavior was originally his own. He was impulsive, thinking that he would be able to suppress it with a little money, but who knew that some people with impure thoughts would publish it on the Internet. Now, almost every vicious comment about him is playing tricks, and almost everyone who speaks good things about him He couldn't see it at all, he was going crazy with anger, the image he had maintained for so many years was ruined, now she really can't wait to kick Qiao Qiancen out and ruthlessly to make her kneel down and beg him!
It's not that he has been doing some nasty things, so she won't lose her image!But now that the public opinion on this matter has been announced, everyone has reversed the influence. In their eyes, he is a vicious female supporting role, while Qiao Qiancen has become a little vernacular who has been wronged and aged. This makes him feel very painful. I hope to find a way to get all the hatred back in one go.

He took away his feelings and made himself miserable, but now he wants to mobilize public opinion from the outside world to attack him on the Internet. He really can't stand how there can be such a vicious and vicious woman in this world. She has nothing to do ignore.

"Dad, don't talk about it anymore. I will never let him go. It is he who caused us so much misery. It is he who made everything become what it is today. If it weren't for him, my life today would be like this." Will be very happy, and it is impossible for our family to suffer so many blows because of his influence, all because of that bitch who is nothing, what qualifications does he have to understand my things compared to mine, he really puts What do you think of yourself? If you think that he still has a chance to get these things, why doesn’t he look in the mirror if he is qualified? What is his identity, what class is he, and what should he have? I don’t have a point in my heart?!”

After all, Yu Tiantian clenched her fists and stood up and said that at this moment, he couldn't bear it any longer and such things, and if she continued to endure like this, she would eventually go crazy one day.

When her parents heard what he said, at this moment, they only felt a little uneasy in their hearts. Looking at him, they were only afraid that he would do something again, and when he was hurt, he would lead to a worse situation. The two of them looked at each other , I always feel a little uneasy and uneasy.

"What do you want to do, I will warn you. Don't do things indiscriminately with a rush of enthusiasm. Don't ruin our family completely. The abyss is in the abyss. If there is really no way to save it, I see you in the future." Where does the source of income come from, we all should not think about it!"

"Yeah, I can warn you, our family can't stand the toss anymore, you have to make sure that this thing is safe is that girl, I also don't like her, at first glance she is not a simple product, it must be something The person with impure intentions is for the children, and I also know that he is the one who robbed Yan Shen from you! If you look like that, just coax a girl, and don’t give him any more chances to show off in front of us Well, although our family is not particularly big and powerful, I still can't do being bullied by others, anyway, I also support his ambition to come back, but it's just that he can't be scorned by others!"

The parents said to Yu Tiantian, and at this moment the corners of his mouth bulged in indifference and sarcasm, he didn't want to, this matter came to the end, what he had to do, of course, was for his own sake, he would never bear it again I can't help it, I've been being quarreled secretly by others.The feeling of stepping on the bottom of his feet secretly, what he has to do is to let everyone see clearly that what belongs to him will come back, and those who try to snatch things from him will not end up well in the end.

"Parents, don't worry, I have dealt with that spy many times. In my impression, he is not a capable person at all. He is just a foreigner. He has nothing to do since he was a child. Things, it’s just good luck, I entered the entertainment industry and gained a little fame, but in the end, I didn’t make my reputation as bad as a bad pot, and now I want to climb to the top of the entertainment industry by stepping on me, I really want to Beautiful, as long as I'm around, he'll want to walk to that position on my shoulders, and I'll pull him down hard to let him know that I'm not easy to bully!"

Yu Tiantian said with a sneer.The coldness reflected in his face seemed to drench it into a fistful. At this moment his parents looked at him, and they felt a little uneasy in their eyes, and felt that the girl in front of them seemed to be different from what they had imagined. same.

(End of this chapter)

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