Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1064 I Trust My Daughter

Chapter 1064 I Trust My Daughter
After all, no one can change what Yu Tiantian has decided on. At this moment, she has already decided what to do in her heart. Since that woman dared to let herself fall into such a painful and desperate situation, then she would not Blame her for being ruthless, she was too tolerant of her in the past, and now she dares to stand on top of her and act recklessly, but does she think that she will really be like this, so that she will never fight back when bullied?Is it too naive? !

"I want you to do something for me."

After returning to the room, she walked to her balcony. The room was not lit, and it was almost dark. She stared at the night scene of lights in the distance. At this moment, a crazy revenge was ignited in her heart. Plan, she has been forced to be suppressed under her for so many years, and it is because of her that her life is so sad. Now she can't bear it anymore. Only then can she save her life.

"Miss, you say yes."

The gloomy and cold voice of the boy on the other end of the phone came, and at this moment, she seemed to be used to the woman on the other end of the phone saying such things to her.

Yu Tiantian put her hand on the balcony railing, but she tightened it slightly. Her fingertips seemed to be holding something she hated extremely. Normally, she exerted so much force at this moment, she just wanted to vent all her emotions in her heart, otherwise If this continues, she will go crazy one day.

That woman made her suffer so badly, from now on she will definitely let her experience the taste of pain, don't think about it, after causing her to come to such a point, she will act as if nothing happened, she will let others know the hurt What price will those who have passed her have to pay!
"Remember to handle things well and don't leave any clues. Nowadays, things about us on the Internet are closely watched. If there is any trace of inadvertence, the person who will come forward to manage us will not only be on the Internet. After getting those online names, it may involve people at a higher level.”

Yu Tiantian narrowed her eyes slightly, just at the moment she said the words, she was cold to herself, as if she was talking about a dangerous and terrifying thing, but at this moment, there was no fear in her eyes, she had already calculated it in her heart All in all, she wouldn't let those things happen.

"Understood, it's just that this matter is very difficult to deal with. If I get exposed to the end at that time, my life will be ruined, so you must pay me the corresponding reward and leave it to me to deal with it." The cost of life in the future."

After the words fell, Yu Tiantian looked at the scene in the distance with complicated eyes, and finally aroused Hong Chen and said, "Of course, I will never be less with you. On the contrary, I said that this matter can only succeed and not fail. If there is compensation for failure, it can be given to you, but you know what price you have to pay, and you know me in your heart."

After hanging up the phone, her fingertips were finally clenched into fists, and her nails pierced into her palms sharply. The pain felt at this moment, as if she couldn't feel it, it was because of the hatred in her heart, and for that The anger and repulsion of a man and woman.

When she encountered such a thing and fell to the ground, she was extremely embarrassed, but in the eyes of that man, she never looked at her. In her eyes, it seemed that she should have encountered this thing. Feeling bad, she was just a spectator silently, watching all these things happen, and finally took the woman away directly, and revealed this matter, so that everyone in the world knew about it .

This was a bigger blow to her than anything else.She never thought that this man didn't love her, but he could be so cruel. She was clearly trying to ruin her, even if she really wanted to ruin Qiao Qiancen's appearance at the beginning, so what, in the end it wasn't Failed, since she failed, then she didn't really do that thing, why should she make it public, let people all over the world laugh at her, look at the boys of their family, she absolutely Will not let it go!

At this time, the other end of Yuncheng.

"Mom, I'm really fine. You don't need to worry. My matter has been taken care of. It won't happen again in the future. Moreover, the people in our company have also begun to promise me that they will be safe because of public opinion." The management of the company will be strengthened, and strangers who don’t know will never be allowed in. Even if it’s a courier or takeaway, it can only be placed in the security room. Don’t worry, I will absolutely guarantee my personal safety from now on.”

Qiao Qiancen smiled and approached her mother's arms. At this moment, she felt some pain in her heart, and also felt a little pity. She felt that she had done so many things, but in the end she couldn't reach the standard she wanted. Instead, she needed people around her She has been worrying about herself all the time, and she feels very bad about this feeling.

At this moment, besides comforting my mother and telling her not to worry about herself, what else can I do? Once such a thing happened once, she will not let me happen again, so now there is no need to entangle myself in the past .Seeing all the suffering in front of you is the most correct.

"Qiancen, if you can really rest assured of yourself, the godmother can also rest assured. Mom just thinks that you are under too much pressure in this line of work. I don't want you to try those things again. If possible, mom really wants to go back. In the past, no matter what you say, you will not be allowed to enter this industry. You see that you are not happy now, and you are under a lot of pressure every day. It's all just wrong, and it's really unfair to you."

After all, the mother still said distressedly.She had no way to watch her daughter suffer, and she let it pass as if nothing happened. Now she is very painful and regretful in her heart. As long as she can understand more about her daughter, she will not Let her suffer so much pain and pain.And if she hadn't turned on the TV by accident today and saw the news, she believed that her daughter would have chosen to hide it from her again. There are so many things to worry about, so one of her has been bearing these things silently.But she didn't know that the more she understood, the more pain she would feel in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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