Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1065 The best result among them

Chapter 1065 The best result among them
As a mother, she always felt that she was negligent.She has no way to take good care of her daughter, and has no way to let her enjoy everything she should enjoy. Instead, she has been suffering by her side since she was a child. Live like a servant.When she grew up, she entered the entertainment industry and was criticized and ridiculed by the public. She never seemed to have a truly happy time. In her dictionary, she always worked hard and never gave up. But she never gave herself a chance to breathe. After all, she worked hard and made her feel distressed.

"Mom, don't worry, I really have nothing to do. What I said about this matter is that those people are abnormal in their hearts and jealous of people who are better than them in this society. So this proves that I really worked hard, and the outside world They all found out, that's why they are jealous of me and behave like this to me, those who are not famous and don't work hard, have no chance to experience this."

Qiao Qiancen smiled and patted her mother on the back. At this moment, her words were trembling because she concealed the real events behind these words. She suppressed all her emotions very well, and she was even afraid that her mother would worry about whether she would Tell the real story.

The reason why Yu Tiantian hurt her was actually because of that man. If she hadn't existed, she wouldn't have held grudges against her. After so many years, even today, she had such a vicious heart. To ruin her appearance, such a thing would not be thought of by any girl with a normal mind, but a large part of the reason she thought of it was out of unwillingness and jealousy.

In fact, she knows this feeling better than anyone else.Because she has come from this kind of feeling since she was a child, she also understands that she should not just let herself pass the past casually like this, and should face all the things in front of her, but when one after another suffering and pain oppressed her When you come, you have no way to keep doing things because you know that in the end all the pain will fall on you alone. You have no right to retreat. You only have one way to go up and face difficulties. This is the final way back.

And this feeling is the most painful.

Her heart ached unceasingly, she finally sighed slightly, and smiled with a look of helplessness and pain. "What I'm talking about is true, mom. Don't worry. One day in the future, when your daughter is no longer jealous, you will feel sad. I am now because of my prosperous career and the long road ahead. It will make everyone jealous and unwilling, if one day they no longer have this kind of emotion towards me, wouldn't it just prove that in their eyes I am not a person worthy of envy?"

She smiled and comforted her mother, and at this moment, her mother was a little moved after listening to her words, and some tears welled up in her eyes. She knew that her daughter was comforting herself, so she said this on purpose, but at this moment, the tears could not be restrained after all. After the words fell, she wiped it secretly when she couldn't see it, and said with a smile, "Mom is really relieved when you say that, but you have to make sure everything happens from now on. Tell mom, do you know? I don't want to see you working so hard. You have made yourself suffer so much all the time, and you don't want to tell mom. Sometimes mom feels pain in her heart when thinking about it. Ability, it will not make you feel so wronged now, every day you will be hurt by these unrelated people in various ways, and look down on you for no reason, after all, I am useless!"

Qiao Qiancen's eyes trembled slightly, and she was finally angry. She hugged her mother even tighter with her arms. Which girl didn't dream of being a princess when she was a child, and she was not quite like those ordinary girls. The same thing may be that her identity should have been a princess.But in the end, you have no choice but to carry out an ordinary identity to the end, and when outsiders doubt, you can only answer with a smile and do not make any objections.

"Don't be silly and talk about these children. As for me, I don't care about anything. Why do you care so much? Well, well, today's business is over and I can't eat you today because I am busy with work. It’s a pity for the food you cooked, in my heart, because I’m busy with work today, I couldn’t eat the food you cooked, but it’s a pity, in my heart!”

She smiled and brought all the words to the past. At this moment, she didn't want to be like that. Everything happened. She only hoped that all this could have a good ending, and that the good destination would not continue.
Fu Yanshen closed her eyes, allowing the water to slide over her face again and again, outlining her entire emotions.

For some reason, after experiencing so many things, some strange emotions vaguely arose in her heart, and she always felt that a familiar feeling was gradually returning, but now she didn't know how to deal with it.

But she could vaguely guess that she should restore her memory, and those things that were buried in her heart and forgotten by her will eventually come back. She should have felt excited and happy at this moment, but she didn't know. Why did she have this kind of thought in her heart but she didn't have it at all.

Reminiscing is a cruel process after all, and remembering this feeling again after losing it is probably like rebirth, allowing you to re-understand a period of life, understand what kind of person you were before, and have What kind of things and relationships have you had.

But in the end, if you find that the beauty you once thought no longer exists, and you are left with the feeling of being alone now, it will probably be the most painful.

Now she seems to be more than one person and under ten thousand people, as if it can be generalized, the whole empire should feel happy and proud, but for some reason, her heart always feels empty, probably Because those people who I thought were important and those who wanted to care about all left me in the end.

Emotional sustenance is not a substitute for money or rights.Only when you have truly harvested that feeling, can your heart understand what it feels like to be no longer empty.

But now, she doesn't know who is the real, intimate and trustworthy person around her. She only remembers that she once loved someone very much, very, very much, so much that they have been together for life, but in the end they had no choice but to part.

(End of this chapter)

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