Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1066 Those are just excuses!

Chapter 1066 Those are just excuses!

And he guessed that this person was most likely Qiao Qiancen.

Because the feelings they had were so similar, and all kinds of facts were moving in that direction, how could he believe it when someone told him that everything was false.

Only by coping with all these things now can he be able to meet what happens next.For example, accepting that he is about to recover his memory, but he has to be sad and helpless. This process is very cruel. He really wants to get rid of him and miss him. It didn't matter at first, but it was not easy after all.

Suddenly he seemed to have thought of something. His eyes were completely opened to look at the mist in front of him. It was clearly still hazy, but his heart seemed to be no longer hazy, and was washed clean by a hand. Usually at this moment he started Seeing some ideas, he hurriedly took a shower and walked out of the room to look through the previous things.

There is a study room in their house, which stores his notes from childhood to adulthood, and some important things stored from childhood to adulthood. He has never paid attention to it before. Going to pay attention to it again, now that he thinks about it, the best way to learn about those past memories as soon as possible is to get in touch with the things he used to have?

And did he not expect that he made this decision, and finally helped him restore his memory, but pushed him into an endless abyss, and he realized how important a relationship he had lost. , and the chance of that relationship being able to come back may be very small.

The documents and materials stored here are almost all from elementary school to university, and he found that there seems to be another girl in it since the first year of freshman...

One of the diaries wrote that he was participating in the school basketball game in his freshman year.At that time, a very beautiful girl came over and handed her a bottle of water, and wanted to get acquainted with her.At that time, he could guess from his expression that he should have been pranked by his friends before he came to say this to him, otherwise how could a green freshman girl do such a thing under normal circumstances? ?

And at that time, he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, so he agreed by accident, and developed a good impression of this girl, because her appearance was indeed in line with his criteria for choosing a mate for girls, and every one of his Every word and demeanor touched his heart so much.

So probably from that time on, he had a good impression of that girl, and he began to have the psychology of falling in love.

So during a basketball match between the School of Economics and the School of Art, he took the initiative to take the basketball to the cheerleading team in the audience area to find the girl that day.

I probably started at that time, the marriage between the two of them was formed, and from then on, they began to interact, from the initial youthful ignorance to the final relationship, with ups and downs of passion, they also seemed like Just like ordinary couples in the period of passionate love, they moved to the apartment outside the school together, lived together, and the two of them went out together every day.

They almost eat, drink and sleep together, and their feelings for each other are deepening day by day.And from the tone of the diary, he could vaguely feel that he really liked that girl at that time.He will be moved by his every move, every word of his smiling face, and he will remember it for many days, and hope to be with him for the rest of his life. At that time, he must be very eager for these two people to have a bright future. And he could vaguely feel from the description of the girl in the diary that the girl also had the same thoughts about him, and the two of them were a couple who really loved each other deeply.

[If possible, would you stay together for the rest of your life? 】

A final diary entry.

But for some reason, when he saw this sentence, his heart seemed to be fluctuated by something at that moment, and his whole body was a little emotionally fluctuated. He began to stare at that sentence tightly, and seemed unable to say a word for a long time With the other half watching closely, I finally read it tremblingly.

It's just that the more he practiced, the more his heart hurt. He stretched out his hand involuntarily, and stroked the position of his heart. He only felt that the pain in his heart seemed to be getting farther and farther away. He didn't know why, but he I can always guess that this matter must have something to do with this sentence, and it must have an inseparable relationship with the girl in the diary.

"Since it hurts so much, and since we have such a strong bond with each other, why did we separate in the end?"

He commented on this relationship like an outsider, but at this moment he had no idea how much pain and beauty this relationship had brought him, how beautiful it was, how cruel the queen was in the past, and the relationship between the two of them There have been many quarrels and misunderstandings, and it was not until the last time that we really separated.

It is undeniable that when he separated, he had resentment towards that girl. He thought he was a girl who worshiped money, because she said to him at that time, "If you are separated from the family, then from now on we There is no relationship or involvement between the two of you, and what I love is only your identity and your status, if you don't have these things, why do you think I will continue to be with you. "

When he heard that sentence at that time, his heart was so shocked, not to mention that he was also just a young boy who went to college. He had never experienced other feelings, so he naturally believed it when he heard her say that, and that At that time, there were always such messages in the campus, and everyone thought that the girl was with him because her number one had money, but he didn't believe it before, until now he confessed to him personally, It was as if his heart had been struck by lightning, it was unbelievable but extremely painful and he could only accept it.

Fu Yan frowned deeply, flipping through the diary here page by page, and he skipped the next few pages, because since they broke up, there was almost nothing to read in his diary, and it was almost filled with every day. The dark daily life is a description of how painful he has been, and there is also a period in which he went abroad to forget all of this.Unexpectedly, he still failed in the end. He was in pain and felt useless, so he gave up drinking on the street.Such a time is almost ridiculous in retrospect.

He frowned slightly, and after all he sighed and rubbed his temples, realizing that everyone has such a story about China, but it's not so easy to understand when he accepts it.

(End of this chapter)

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