Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1067 Unbelievably angry and puzzled!

Chapter 1067 Unbelievably angry and puzzled!
However, at this moment, an unimaginable scene happened. After several pages, he found the diary where the two of them reconciled.

I took a special look at the moment, and then two years have passed since they broke up. After two years, the two of them met again, because at that time there was already a relationship between them.become different from each other.

He returned to his family, inherited the family business, and became the helm of the empire group that belonged to Yuncheng.And that little girlfriend who used to just follow him and do nothing, finally participated in the draft, and step by step to a higher place to shine, more people in this society have seen it , he knows his strengths, and even has many fans.

After all, the two of them became different from before.And at this time, the distance between them seems to be getting farther and farther. Although their relationship has eased a little, and sometimes they can chat a few words on social networks, but after all, they understand in their hearts that if something changes, it is true. changed.

Flipping through, a photo suddenly fell out, and it was turned upside down when it fell on the ground. He subconsciously thought it was another photo of himself, maybe it was just a photo taken somewhere in the work field, but he never thought of it. When he knelt down and opened it subconsciously, his whole body seemed to be frozen in ice.

That photo turned out to be on a big stage with bright lights. He was kissing Qiao Qiancen. The photo looked like it was taken from a certain internet platform. It was not very clear, but it was possible to clearly identify who it was. For a moment, he seemed to be stupid. He usually just argued like this, and couldn't say a word when he looked at the photos.

In the past, there were many things that he didn't want to believe were true, but now the naked evidence was placed in front of him, it would be too ridiculous to pretend that he didn't know that he couldn't see it, and that he couldn't see it if he couldn't see it.

It turned out that he really didn't guess wrong about the relationship between the two of them.The relationship between them used to be like that, as sweet and beautiful as described in the diary, and finally returned to the sweet and happy environment from the misunderstanding after tossing and turning.

And his diary did not completely abstain, it only told a period of history and then stopped updating completely. He didn't know why he stopped taking notes at that time, but he could also guess that in the days when he didn't take notes. Then he suffered an accidental amnesia.

And he can probably understand that the reason why he can't find his old memories and past is that some people buried these things behind his back, and they don't want him to know the truth. Let him restore his memory, which is obviously obvious, but after all, he has no choice but to accept all these arrangements.

"Something crazy."

He closed his eyes and leaned against the bookcase. After all, he felt a sense of exhaustion rushing towards him. He knew that he didn't do any labor at this moment, and there was no need to feel hard work. But at this moment, he still couldn't control it. A feeling of exhaustion surrounded him.

He didn't know how to explain his inner feelings at this moment, he just felt as if something had overturned his mind and overturned half of his whole being.

And after all, he couldn't control the trembling, and kept suppressing his emotions, but at this moment, it seemed that he could no longer restrain him. It was only at this moment that he was able to truly confirm that the relationship between him and that woman was true in the past. Yes, but all along, Qiao Qiancen chose to hide from him, unwilling to tell everything about him, and blinded him in the ancient world, which made him very painful and angry. He didn't know why, this If a woman wants to lie to him, he must have loved him once knowing such a past, why is she unwilling to tell him the truth now?Assuming he really told him, the situation between them would not be like this now, they would be miserable and even ridiculed. Would such a past really make him so unwilling to accept it?He still can't figure it out.

And at this moment, he couldn't bear it after all, picked up the phone and made a call directly. He felt that if he didn't ask clearly, he would go crazy one day after all these things.

It took dozens of seconds for the phone to be connected. He also understood why this happened at this moment. The woman was obviously new and wanted to stay away from him and draw a line with him, even if he No matter how humble he begged him, he was unwilling to give himself any chance to restore and improve everything after that.

He really wanted to ask him what good it was for him to hide this matter like this, and why he was unwilling to face his own heart all the time. Could it be that facing those things just made him feel sick, Feel reluctant to accept it? !

"What's the matter?" After the phone was connected, the woman's cold and indifferent voice came from the other end of the phone. She seemed to have nothing happened, and the words she usually spoke were flat, without any bullying. If he didn't see those things by accident today, he might really be deceived by him and completely forget the past that happened to them. At this moment, he only felt an unprecedented sense of anger.

"What are you asking me about, don't you have any guesses in your heart, why I will call you suddenly?!"

At this moment he said it with a sneer, he could hardly suppress his emotions, but he was still trying his best to stabilize his breath, so that he would not be so angry and angry, but after all, there were some things that he really couldn't restrain , he knew that one day he would be magical and angry.But what should we do at this moment?He didn't have a clear answer in his heart.

Qiao Qiancen frowned slightly, he didn't know what had happened that made him suddenly call and say the first sentence to him so hostile.

At this moment, there was a vague bad feeling in his heart, but he was still trying his best not to let himself show it. He knew that some things had happened after all, and no matter how he felt the atmosphere and tried to improve it now It's useless, but I always feel that I still can't get angry in my heart, why does he treat himself like this.

(End of this chapter)

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