Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1081 It Was a False Alarm

Chapter 1081 It Was a False Alarm

"Mr. Fu Yanshen, we know that your company's legal department and public relations department are very capable, but now let's talk about the facts, we just want to know the real situation, please don't use such clumsy excuses to deal with us!"

"What is going on with this matter? We are all adults. If you two rekindle your old relationship, you can make it public. The outside world will still bless you. If you hide it and refuse to admit it, maybe you will Lost a wave of favor."

"Please answer our question truthfully, okay? We will never report any news that is unfavorable to you. We just want to help the outside world find out the truth. Is the two of you really reunited?"

As a voice of discussion that was finally suppressed, he remembered it at this moment, and Fu Yanshen looked at the scene in front of him, and quickly understood what was going on. A person who leads everyone, and now, there is obviously that person in the crowd. It was not the voice that suddenly came to mind just now. I am afraid that this group of reporters has already heard it, and his words have been read superficially. Dare to say one more word, but now he is secretly manipulating everything, doesn't it mean that someone wants to announce the things about the two of them, and let them fall into discussion and crusade?

After all, he smiled slightly, but the corner of his mouth raised an insignificant smile, "It turns out that everyone has already confirmed that the two of us must be related. Then, someone must have told you something, so why not?" Tell me, who is so assertive and courageous to tell you these words? Then how about I get to know that person too?"

Although he said these words with a smile on his lips, but this smile is gloomy and hazy with a force that cannot be ignored. At this moment, he is clearly pointing out that if he finds out who is behind Those who spread rumors inside, he will not let him go!
After all, many people looked at each other and began to feel uneasy, and the person who was ordered to be the leader at the beginning also panicked in the end.

His steps were a little flustered, and he stepped back slightly, not knowing what to do, and then the two of them came back when the scene was deadlocked.

One is Qiao Qiancen's agent Jesse, and the other is Fu Yanshen's assistant. Seeing the chaotic scene in front of them, they raised their brows slightly after all, a little unhealed. Looking at the reporters in front of them, they asked, "What's the matter?" Is something wrong? Our main station is full of work arrangements today, if you want to interview, please make an appointment in advance?"

"Oh, why are there so many reporters here? Why, is our Qian Cen on fire now? Why are so many people still taking pictures of him, interviewing him, why doesn't my agent know anything? Today is not an arrangement Is it good to work? Where did you get the news that we are here?"

Both of them came back, and now all the reporters seemed to suddenly realize what had happened.

Just now Fu Yanshen said that he and Qiao Qiancen got together here because of work, and they didn't quite believe it at first, but now that the evidence is in front of them, it's hard for them to believe it or not.

"Could it be a mistake?"

"It seems like a waste of time. I originally wanted to say that there is a news that I can interview, but now..."

"It's all the fault of the person who broke the fake news. He thought how the two of them would find out that they were back together. I don't want to spread rumors anymore. Really, can you make the news more accurate next time before releasing it? It’s a waste of time for a group of us to come here!”

"Which newspaper reported the news just now? You are really a fool. If you have nothing to do, don't make fun of us. Wait until you confirm it before publishing it, okay?"


The reporters were extremely distressed at this moment. They felt that they were not human inside and out. They originally wanted to shoot a big news back home, but today’s topic news was set, but they didn’t expect that after a long time of trouble, they ran for nothing. A trip!
Qiao Qiancen looked at the reporters who were discussing in front of him, but at this moment he couldn't help but feel relieved, and looked at the man in front of him with some contempt, always thinking that he was indeed capable of leading a large company.

He has courage and willpower many times higher than those of his peers. No matter how difficult or difficult the situation is, he can solve it easily and face it without fear.

And now if he wasn't there, she really didn't know how to face these things.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, please go back. Today is our working time. Our agent and assistant have something to do just now. They left for a while and are back now. You should be able to believe my words. It's definitely not a private date, but just sitting together for work reasons, don't get me wrong, okay?"

Fu Yanshen put one hand in his pocket with an air of indifference.He didn't care what other people would think of him at all. Normally, his words had already reached such a point at this moment, and those media reporters could only leave dejectedly, and didn't dare to stay and play against him.

Now Qiao Moli, who was standing in the dark, couldn't hear what they were talking about. She only saw that the reporters all lowered their heads and left with a clear look.I couldn't help feeling anxious again. When you called the reporter you hired, you would criticize him straight away.

"What's going on, haven't you and I told you? This matter is up to you to guide, and you must get a good result, right? Why are all those reporters gone? What the hell are you doing?!"

He couldn't understand at all why the person he hired was so incompetent. He had seen that the matter was about to be completed, but as long as the outside world broadcast the news about the two of them, the fluctuations would still be very large, and he As long as they release a few unfavorable news for Qiao Qiancen, they will have a chance to turn around this matter!

But now I didn't expect it to be like this.

Then just as his voice fell, the man on the other end of the phone was completely angry. "You still dare to say these things to me now. You don't know that our newspaper office was almost reported by others just now. If there is a big fire at that time, what do I think of you? Now that things are still going on, you still don't know. If you dare to say these words to me, you don’t know that our newspaper office was almost exposed by others just now, so I see what you should do!”

The reporter was so angry that he didn't benefit at all, and ended up like this in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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