Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1082 Is Not Reconciled After All

Chapter 1082 Is Not Reconciled After All
Qiao Moli listened to the angry voice of the man on the phone, but just as he was about to speak, the phone was hung up, and finally her heart was in a state of confusion.She couldn't help laughing as if she was holding her breath in her heart. She didn't know how to relieve this emotion.

Fu Yanshen is still like this, he can recklessly give everything for that woman's birthday, does she love her so much?That woman clearly has nothing good in her opinion!Why is he so obsessed with falling into her temptation?
After all, at this moment, she could only give up, but in her heart she was re-planning the next plan that could destroy her reputation.

No matter what, she couldn't let this woman get too complacent. In the past, she was too soft-hearted to allow that woman to escape.So much so that now he is so arrogant and proud, and he is doing well outside, and even harmed their family who raised her.

What is the use of such a white-eyed wolf in this world? !In her opinion, the only solution is to completely ruin his reputation and make him unable to survive in the entertainment circle in the future. There is no other suitable way!
"Qiao Qiancen, I will never let you go, you have caused our family such misery, I will definitely find a chance to get revenge!"

Qiao Moli stared not far away, filled with resentment.
"Today's matter is really too troublesome for you. If you were not here, I still don't know how to face those reporters. Thank you for not letting the outside world misunderstand the relationship between the two of us."

Qiao Qiancen, Fu Yanshen and others walked to the parking lot, and when they were approaching her nanny's car, she finally stopped and said to the man beside her.

At this moment, Fu Yanshen looked at the happy face on his face. For some reason, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He always felt that this woman really didn't want to have anything to do with him, and he was the only one in his heart. He hid so much thought, but no one noticed.

He felt like he was singing a one-man show.

After all, he lowered his head and looked at the long shadow on the ground, he smiled slightly, the smile on the corner of his mouth was a little helpless and cold, "It doesn't matter, this is what I should do, after all, if this matter wasn't because I invited you over in advance This kind of thing won't happen if we eat together, after all, it's all my fault."

Qiao Qiancen smiled indifferently.Now this man's attitude towards him is very polite, but he feels a little more alienated than before.

It's as if the two of them are really just strangers who don't know each other. Generally, there is no intersection. The relationship between the two is just cooperation, and there is no earth-shattering past.

Smiling slightly, she lowered her head.

"Then this matter has been negotiated. What to do in the future, just act according to the contract."

After she finished speaking, she bowed to Fu Yanshen and his manager, then turned and left.

Now the best way for them to get along is to stay away from each other like this.Rather than being sad again in the future, it is better to draw a clear line of boundaries at the very beginning and clarify the relationship between them, so that there will be no more entanglements in the future...

Jessie looked at the scene in front of her, and understood Qiao Qiancen's choice in her heart. After all, he sighed slightly, bowed to the two men in front of him, and turned back to the nanny's car.

It wasn't until the car drove away that the assistant turned his head and looked at the man beside him, with a complicated look in his eyes, "Don't you guys still have a deal? Why does the relationship between the two of you seem to be the same as before?" different?"

It can even be said to be more indifferent...

Hearing this, Fu Yanshen finally raised her lips and smiled casually, but in the bottom of her heart, because of the assistant's words, she seemed to be half tightly grasped, and she couldn't breathe due to the pain.

While walking towards the co-pilot of his own car, he responded indifferently, "We are all adults, and there are some things that don't need to be said too clearly, as long as we understand each other in our hearts, there is no need to say it."

The assistant lowered his head when he heard his words, realized that he had said something wrong, apologized repeatedly, and quickly returned to the driver's seat.
The two of them obviously just had lunch, and it didn't take much time at all. However, when she looked at the sky outside the car window, she felt that it was already very late. Usually, the whole sky is gray and there is no light at all. Just like her state of mind at this moment.

"Qiancen, in fact, you also know that he is interested in you now, as long as you are willing to run out of the olive branch, it will not be a problem for the two of you to restore your relationship, and you will get a lot of benefits because of it, not only glory but also resources! It can be said that the business of the Fu Group covers all walks of life across the country, almost all of them have their shadows, if you can win his favor and accept his wantonness, then your future development in the entertainment circle will not be a problem."

Sister Jessie said in a flat tone. At this moment, there seemed to be no clear position in his words, and he was just chatting about an unimportant matter indifferently.

However, while talking, he unconsciously took out a cigarette from his bag and lit it deftly.

Open the car window to puff the clouds.

Qiao Qiancen turned to look at her, but there was no emotion in her eyes.At this moment, she knew very well that Miss Jessie only chooses to smoke when she can't figure it out with her troubles. He has always been a person who can restrain himself very much. Know she doesn't like it.

And if she smokes in front of her, and it can only explain one problem, then it is that she has a lot of troubles and worries in her heart, and she can't figure it out.

At this moment, Qiao Qiancen seemed to have thought of something, and finally smiled helplessly, supporting his head with one hand.The eyes seem to stand upright, blinking slowly.

"There are many unsatisfactory things in this world, isn't it? When I tried my best to be with him, I couldn't be together. Why can I go back obediently now that he said he wanted me to go back? I'm a human being, not a pug, why should I follow other people's wishes."

There was a smile in her words, as if she was telling a joke, but at this moment, only she knew in her heart how deadly it was when the pain spread silently.

Sister Jessie narrowed her eyes slightly, and turned her head to look at the woman beside her, the corners of her mouth finally tugged.

(End of this chapter)

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