Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1096 I want to explain clearly!

Chapter 1096 I want to explain clearly!
When he saw the caller ID, Qiao Qiancen only thought that Jesse was coming to question him. After all, such a big thing happened, and now even the news of being married has been spread. I am afraid that the whole company will fall out. Well, he thought that the agent must be calling to reprimand her.

Physically troubled, he covered his head and answered the phone depressedly, and said in a muffled voice. "Hello? Jesse, you're going to scold me, aren't you?"

However, after the words fell, the manager's extremely happy voice came from the opposite side, and said with a smile: "What am I scolding you for? It's too late for me to kiss you. I've seen everything about you on the Internet after today's incident." The popularity of search has been pushed to a new height, why are you so powerful, my agent is not as clever as you, do you know now? The news that our company has made an appointment for you to endorse the show is all over the place!"

Qiao Qiancen just thought he heard it wrong, he frowned slightly, and asked again in disbelief. "What did you say? They came to me to endorse something again?!"

Her voice was unbelievable, so believable, he couldn't imagine that the outside world actually had a good impression of him and increased their joy for him because of his incident. Now his Weibo fans have grown by 200 million. And the outside business leaders saw the convenience, but they identified the business opportunity and came to him to endorse the advertisement.

This is and since this fact has already happened, he can only digest and comfort himself in his heart, maybe it's just luck, and while patting his chest and stabilizing his mind, he continued to say to the economic man, "You Seriously, you are not joking about this matter, the outside world did not attack me because of this matter?!"

After all, when he was exposed as having an orientation of marriage or dating, many hospitals had two faces, with good and bad comments, but this time the comments about him were a bit too strange.

The outside world is full of blessings and good prospects for their relationship. It seems that they take this relationship more seriously than him, and it is clear that there is no relationship between her and Fu Yanshen. Now they are speculated and misunderstood by them like this. I just feel more depressed.

At this time, he seemed to have thought of something suddenly in his heart, he became a little cautious, and quickly asked the manager on the phone. "Do you think he will misunderstand that I did this on purpose? Then what should I do? I don't have such an idea at all, but now that the outside world thinks so, what else can I do?!"

Is it possible to ignore it like this and let outsiders look at it and guess at will? !It was too irresponsible outside, he felt anxious all of a sudden, walking around in the ward.

I feel uneasy and terrified.

"Forget it, hang up the phone first. In order to call him to explain this matter, I really didn't mean it. I was just out of breath and couldn't help posting on Weibo. I didn't think about the words, they were all inappropriate, since I was caught in the pigtails like this, I really want to vomit blood now!"

Qiao Qiancen held back his anger and said to the spirit, but at this moment his words were just thinking wildly, but Jesse interrupted him. "Wait a minute, I think, you don't have to explain this matter."

"Ah? No explanation?! Why!"

Qiao Qiancen obviously couldn't accept his words. At this moment, he asked incomprehensibly, and the manager couldn't figure it out.

If these things are not explained clearly, then maybe in Fu Yanshen's eyes, this matter is what he deliberately wants to lead, but it is clear that the truth is not the case. Of course he does not want him to misunderstand, not to mention that he has no idea in his heart. Looking forward to the reconciliation of the two of them, he only hopes that in the future they will go their separate ways and have nothing to do with each other, and now they only get together because of work. She doesn't want everyone to misunderstand because of this matter. The two of them.

"You are stupid, the outside world thinks so now, and there are so many appointments for endorsement advertisements at one time, it is normal, you don't even think about it, let alone if this kind of thing happens to our company's first-line artists. There must be something, you should go for fun now!"

Jessie said as if she hated iron and iron to him, but at this moment Qiao Qiancen felt very depressed in his heart, he didn't want to accept it, and also couldn't understand her words.

"But I still think it's meaningless to persist in this matter so stubbornly, or let it be. Let me call him to explain clearly, and then send a notice to tell the outside world that the two of us It has nothing to do with the individual, so they won't misunderstand again!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as his voice fell to the determination on the other end of the phone, he seemed to be so angry that he called his name loudly.

"Qiao Qiancen!"

"I said, are you stupid? Now it is obvious that the interests are in front of you. In the past, or in the future, you would never have such an opportunity. Now that you have such a good opportunity, why do you want to shirk it?" What about it? Let me tell you, if you really go against me in this matter, you will find another agent from now on. I really can’t afford you. An artist like you is completely disobedient of!"

Jesse seemed to be very angry, and usually he was a little depressed when speaking to him. He really couldn't accept Qiao Qiancen's meat, and instead pursued things that were true or not.

Now in this society, there are all the resources in the front, and it is the most powerful real name among all kings.

If there are no these two, talk about ideals.

It's just how long he has been through and seen all of this, but now Qiao Qiancen is not mature enough and has not experienced enough, so there is such a childish baby, he feels that he can't be allowed to just give up like this, when the time comes It is absolutely impossible for her to make any concessions to her about this matter.

"Don't do this, you also know that I don't believe it at all in my heart. To do such a thing, after all, I always think it's better to do it at a fair time. These things are completely of no benefit to him, only to us It's the intentional party, I think it's too unfair to him, shouldn't we do this?"

Qiao Qiancen took a deep breath but still couldn't help saying this. He couldn't accept the matter in his heart and was dealt with like this. He just wanted to continue doing what he wanted to do, not because he had to bow his head due to reality. In that case, wouldn't everything go against her original intention? !
Listening to what he said, Jesse always felt that she was going to be mad at her to death.

(End of this chapter)

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