Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1097 Heartbroken Nightmare

Chapter 1097 Heartbroken Nightmare

"My eldest lady, I have really convinced you. You are still saying these things now. What is the age? Why are you still protecting this and that? What's the point? I care about it! Tell you that in this society, if you have money, you are the boss. After paying so much attention and restraining so many things, you will only be submissive, and you will never succeed in your life!"

Jesse seemed to hate iron for being weak, and didn't understand how the artists brought out by him could be so buddhist and abandon such a good opportunity for the so-called fame and fortune, the so-called loyalty.

"Did I just say that you are the best person in history, or the stupidest person in history? You don't think about yourself at all. Now people are willing to let you cross the river and tear down the bridge, but you still have to pull him over again." , don’t you see Buddha’s kindness?”

Jessie looked at her and nodded her forehead meaningfully.

At this moment, Qiao Qiancen couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words. He looked at the manager beside him, and all the words in his mouth had been prepared, but at this moment he couldn't say them anymore.

Indeed, as he said, now Fu Yanshen is clearly willing to let them use his name to stir up popularity and attract the attention of the outside world, and if they don't take advantage of this opportunity, it will be difficult to find such a wonderful talent in the future. opportunity.

But at this moment, he still had some indescribable feelings in his heart, feeling that doing so was against his conscience.

But Miss Jessie looked so right, he also hesitated at this moment, as if he was so desperate.I did it according to my inner thoughts, and I felt sorry for her.

After all hesitating for a while, she closed her eyes and nodded in agreement. "In this case, let's do what you said first. I hope you can be careful and don't go too far."

After saying this, he seemed to be completely tired, closed his eyes, and stopped looking at the day beside him, but Jesse looked at him, but he had a certain idea in his heart, knowing that he was He made the biggest concession, and now he stood up and said to him "have a good rest", and it was like this after all, he got up and left, he knew that it was not easy for him to make such a decision, but now he is naturally It's worth choosing to cherish, and if he makes further progress, I'm afraid he will regret it again.

Qiao Qiancen fell asleep without knowing it, and in his dream he remembered the scene a few years ago. At that time, she was just a college student, but her relationship with Fu Yanshen was so violent that almost everyone in Yuncheng Everyone knows what happened between them and it has been widely circulated.

At that time, the time was beautiful and short, almost chained people and they all thought that the final ending store of the two of them would be happy and happy, because everything went so smoothly, so beautiful and so dreamy, they always felt that such a story, It will definitely be like a fairy tale, you have an ending that everyone was satisfied with at that time, but after all, you never thought that bad luck would always come suddenly, misunderstandings would fall from the sky one after another, and they also forgot that they promised to be good at the beginning of the Mid-Autumn Festival Mutual trust, and finally chose to separate is also a last resort.

Qiao Qiancen had actually dreamed this dream countless times, but for some reason this time he cried very sadly, as if the whole world had abandoned him, and he couldn't cry by himself at all.

"Don't go, don't go, okay..."

The helpless caller in his sleep, and he only felt cold and lonely, with no one around him, as if he had been abandoned in a corner of the world, with no one by his side, There was no light, no water, no hope around him, he was like a withered grass waiting to die, watching himself become decadent and withered bit by bit, but he didn't even have a chance to save himself.

"Don't treat me like this, can you come back and save me? I can't bear to live without you, I will go crazy!"

His tears kept falling down, shaking his head as if he hoped that such a dream would wake up quickly, but at this moment everything was out of his control, and this dream was the same, after all, she still became A completely withered grass gradually becomes fragile, shattered, and disappears into this world with the fierce sun.

And all the beautiful past between her and Fu Yanshen is like a bubble dream, which can be broken at the touch of a touch.

The pain in his heart seemed to overturn him. He closed his eyes, and there was indeed something in his heart that was getting stronger and stronger. He shook his head and shook his head, hoping to wake up quickly. He didn't want to continue with him. .

But after all, he didn't wake up from this dream until he was in extreme pain.

When he opened his eyes, he saw darkness all around him. He couldn't help but think of the scene in his dream. He was trembling with fear. At this moment, he wished so much that someone could appear by his side. Give him a little hope and light.

But no, after all, after waiting for a long time, that person never showed up.

Finally he came to his senses slowly.It's just in the ward of the hospital, but now I look at it, it's three o'clock in the morning, the lights in the whole ward have already been turned off, only some faint lights and small footsteps can be heard outside the corridor, it seems lonely in this late night And weird.

He felt scared, but he didn't have the courage to get up and turn on the light—or open the door to see other people in the world.

After all, he had a nightmare, and the person who woke up was fragile, even more terrified, with the deepest sense of despair and powerlessness in this world, so at this moment, how could he be able to open that door, and how could he stand up ?
He could only keep shrinking into the quilt, covering his head with the quilt, trembling uncontrollably, but still hugging himself tightly.

How much he thought that all of this was a nightmare. After waking up, he was still the same person he was in that college period. There was no threat from others, and he didn't have much to do. He could still do whatever he liked.

The reality is so real, and they are telling him unintentionally that this is the fact, this is the truth, and this is everything that cannot be reversed and changed.

After all, the tears slid down, and he has been enduring these days, but after waking up from this nightmare today, he can't control his emotions anymore, like a broken doll, after someone sees it clearly Only then did I realize that the doll is not so soft and wear-resistant at all. In fact, it is also a work of art that needs to be supported and protected.

(End of this chapter)

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