Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1103 Caught in the Trap!

Chapter 1103 Caught in the Trap!

Hearing his explanation, the leading man seemed a little impatient, waved his hand, and said directly. "Since it's all right, let's drive quickly. It's getting late, don't ask for sir, and hurry up if you wait for a long time. I have already notified the people on their side."

The driver agreed to start the car immediately, but the moment he started the car, he found that the car seemed to have lost power, and he couldn't move forward with determination. The people in the back seat frowned and looked at the driver impatiently. .

"What's the matter this time? Didn't I tell you to drive? Why are you slow again!"

"No, Mr. Zhang is this car. This car is so strange. I can't even start it. It feels like a tire has blown out, or a hole has been poked!"

The driver frowned in embarrassment and said, but at this moment the man sitting in the back seat frowned even more when he heard this sentence.

"What's the matter? After seeing so many things in one day, you two go down and check!"

The man pointed to the two subordinates beside him, and the two subordinates immediately jumped down to check the program, but then they found that the contact between the front seat wheel and one of the rear seat wheels had been smashed, and they were constantly discouraged at the moment, unable to move forward at all. Continue to drive.

They went back and reported the incident to a man called Mr. Zhang.

But the man was even more upset, he raised his hand to look at the time on the watch, and said impatiently. "What should we do now? We have already reported to the gentleman. If we don't arrive there on time, if the husband blames it, none of us can bear the responsibility. There is still a long distance between here and there. What should we do?" Solve this matter?!"

"Sir, there is nothing we can do. The only way now is to take this woman there. We can only rely on walking. Otherwise, if we delay some time, I am afraid that the husband will be even more angry. You should call and tell the husband now that we have to go to the hospital again." Go later."

The subordinates could only think of such a method, and hurriedly reported.

And the man surnamed Zhang had no choice but to call his boss after hearing this sentence.

"Sir, I'm sorry, the car on our side has a problem, and we may have to go on foot, but you believe us, we will arrive within half an hour, you go to rest for a while, we will be there in a while, You won't be kept waiting for long."

After hanging up the phone, his expression was a little ugly, and he waved his hand immediately, signaling his subordinates to push him down, and the few people set off towards their destination in a mighty manner.

This road was not easy to walk, and the many winding stone roadsides made the terrain even more complicated. They stumbled a lot when they walked, and they began to get tired after walking for a long time.

"What the hell are you doing, how can people walk this road!"

"Mr. Zhang, I'm afraid that we will be exhausted before we have passed this road. If the boss waits for half an hour and still can't wait for us, I'm afraid he will be furious after waiting!"

"What should we do? We have to find a car as soon as possible, otherwise we won't be able to go until it gets dark like this now, and this road is so difficult, we are really tired from walking!"

Several people were discussing in a hurry, and at this time, it was as if God had helped them, two large trucks drove over at the same time, and when they saw the vehicle, their eyes lit up, as if they saw a savior.

It just so happened that the two large trucks could get all of them present, so they immediately waved their hands to signal the two large trucks to stop, and they walked forward to discuss with the driver.

"Look at it, we can pay you 800 yuan here, and let us drop by. This road is not easy to walk, and our car broke down halfway, so we can only trouble you."

The two drivers looked like people on the surface. Hearing what they said and making money, they waved their hands and let them get in the car pretending to be generous.

"Success! But you have to give us the 800 yuan first, lest you backtrack later, and we will suffer!"

When the driver said this, Mr. Zhang didn't think much, so he impatiently took out 800 yuan from his wallet and handed it to him. He paid 800 yuan and handed it to him.

"The money has been given. It's time to get on the road quickly. There are still many people who feel that there are urgent things to do. Hurry up and don't waste our time."

"Okay Mr. Le, please rest assured."

The driver Ying caught his gaze and glanced at the woman who was suppressed by several men. At this moment, there was a glimmer of light in their sight-seeing, and he quietly pressed the recording button in his hand.

Sent the entire recording to the man on the other end, and soon he heard back.

"Everything as ordered."

The driver understood from the bottom of his heart and opened the door of the back seat. The door was not blocked because it was about to open, so they got into the car, opened the door one by one and walked in one by one.

Now they don't care too much, they just want to complete this task quickly without being punished, but they didn't realize that on such a rugged mountain road, there would be two large trucks at the same time, just enough to carry them, and they felt deeply I didn't pay any attention to it, I just thought they were bad people, and naturally I wouldn't meet someone worse than them, so I was completely relieved.

However, they didn't expect that after they got into the car, they could feel a fragrance in the air for a long time, which was unobtrusive, obvious but vague, which could not be ignored.

In the end, when they realized something was wrong and wanted to stand up to ask the driver, their feet went limp, and they fell into a coma. This was the case for the people in the two cars in the past.

Qiao Qiancen just felt dizzy, as if he was lying down and sleeping on a bumpy carriage. I waited until he woke up to realize that my whole body was warm, as if surrounded by a warm embrace , she slowly opened her eyes, but she didn't expect that the first eye she met was Fu Yanshen's...

The whole person in this class seemed to be frozen, just looking at the man in front of him arguing like this, and slowly realized that he had been lying in his arms for a long time.

"Why am I here, and where is this place?!"

He asked a little unnaturally during the interview, but in the 4 weeks after the job was over, fragmentary memories came to his mind. Gradually, he seemed to understand something, and his eyes glowed with surprise, as if he hadn't expected this to happen.

"Didn't I get kidnapped!"

(End of this chapter)

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