Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1104 I Have To Handle It

Chapter 1104 I Have To Handle It

He was a little anxious, looking at the man in front of him, he was puzzled and anxious, as if he was trying to know what happened, but when he saw what the man was listening to, he curled his lips slightly and did not intend to force him The meaning of embracing him, let him break free and stand aside.

He didn't feel angry at all because of his obvious alienation, but just smiled indifferently, with indifferent emotions in his eyes.

"Then it's not thanks to me helping you. It's exhausting to deal with so many people in the underworld."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was just saying something ridiculous, but Qiao Qiancen always found it difficult to accept, he kept asking the man in front of him.

"But at that time, I was clearly escorted into the car by them. It stands to reason that my next day should be very difficult. Why, why am I here with you now?"

Although he knew in his heart that those who kidnapped him were not necessarily targeting him, it was probably because of Fu Yanshen that they came to kidnap him, but at this moment he still felt incomprehensible, explaining that matter, it seemed to be He is going to die, why is there a reversal now, he returned to him instead, where are my bad guys now?
Fu Yanshen seemed to understand what she was thinking at once, and explained to her with a smile, "They are people sent by the vice president of my company, so I want to use you to threaten me, I have really checked it out This matter, so when they were following you at the very beginning, I had already found someone to watch. I didn't expect it to be them. Stay together, after all, I am not going to hurt you."

"Is it really because of you?"

Qiao Qiancen's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't expect those people to choose to kidnap her in order to contain him?Could it be that she really has a deterrent power to him?
Consciously puzzled in his heart, but this part of the man didn't mean to read the explanation, he just stood up, poured a glass of warm water and put it next to him and said, "I know you want to distance yourself from me, but After all, this incident happened because of me. Of course, I can't do things together. I will explain this incident clearly, give you justice, and try my best to apologize to you. Please forget about this incident as soon as possible. , this word will not appear again in the future, I will send more people to protect you."

Qiao Qiancen heard the last sentence but subconsciously wanted to refuse. Isn't the so-called sending someone to follow him and protect him the so-called monitoring him?He hates the feeling of being controlled by others, not to mention that now he wants to get rid of him completely. If he makes people follow him, can I know his every move every day?This feeling of being watched is really uncomfortable.

"No, no, just check these things out. As for me, you don't need to worry or care too much. I have been used to suffering since I was a child. I can survive alone. You don't have to worry too much about it." Too guilty, after all, they misunderstood you, not because you subjectively wanted them to misunderstand like this."

Qiao Qiancen explained that he really didn't look at him, and he seemed to feel a little guilty. He didn't want to let the fashionable man be blinded at this moment.

Fu Yanshen is the leading clue of this matter and he should be responsible, but for some reason he just doesn't want to, he doesn't want to get involved with him, the relationship between the two of them is already very vague, it's easy People are misunderstood, if there are some other people who haven't completely confirmed the rumors among them?

He knew it clearly in his heart, so he didn't think too much about it at this moment.His eyes froze around, he hesitated for a while, and called his mother, after all, it was already the second day, and he didn't go back all night, I was afraid that his mother would be worried.

It's just that as soon as he picked up the phone, the man on the opposite side had already seen through what he was going to do, and usually said directly to her, "I have already said hello to your mother, and now he only thinks that you were only with me last night , did not encounter any danger, so you can rest assured as much as possible, and you won't care so much, and you won't think about it."


When Qiao Qiancen heard this, he felt dizzy, and some of them wanted to pass out very much, so he felt that it would not be misunderstood by him?I'm afraid that mother has already confirmed that she and him have rekindled their old relationship.

Rather than listening to him say this, she would rather he told his mother directly that she had been kidnapped, so that at least her reputation would not be ruined.

At this moment, he had some headaches, and consciously wanted to hit the wall. He felt that his mother would definitely misunderstand. It would be very difficult for me to explain everything, so I just couldn't explain everything.

"These things are nothing more than making your mother suspect that we have a relationship. Do you need such a painful expression? I don't think I have failed so much. It makes you feel painful to have a relationship with me. I really want to No way."

Fu Yanshen's self-satisfied appearance while talking about playing games with one hand in his pocket really made Qiao Qiancen jealous.

She bit her lower lip slightly, feeling unwilling and impatient, but now she also understood that it was the man in front of her who saved him, and he couldn't let it go, he could only endure his unhappiness and continue talking. "Just treat it as if I owe you a favor. This time, if I will find a way to repay you, but I also hope that you will not say such things in front of my mother in the future. He is easy to think wrong, so you Knowing that his thoughts are stubborn and single, sometimes it is useless for you to explain one thing to him and explain all kinds of diseases."

Qiao Qiancen and Sun Hongxing said this in one breath, after all, he was about to stand up after packing, but this man came over to stop him.

"The doctor said that your body is still very unstable and you must stay in the hospital for observation. You should stay here obediently and don't wander around. If you have anything to do, you can tell me. You know my phone number, or You just call the hospital and let them take care of you, this is a VIP ward, you have a lot of privileges, you can read the instructions of the hospital yourself."

The man spoke in a flat tone, as if he was just talking about something unimportant. At this moment, Qiao Qiancen could only nod his head to know that he was kind to him, but he didn't know how to face it. He could only look like he didn't So depressed.

"Okay, I have to deal with those things in the afternoon. If you have anything to do, call me, but I will go first."

(End of this chapter)

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