Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1107 What's the matter? !

Chapter 1107 What's going on? !
The moment she heard these words, the woman's face changed, and she looked at Qiao Qiancen with a kind face, and he just wanted to rush up and scratch his face.

It's just that there is a title of the most beautiful in Yuncheng, but it's just that she has gained a little popularity and popularity, and she is showing off her might in front of him, knowing that she is the niece of the company's director, but she still dares to disrespect him like this!
"Do you really think that you are very popular, do you really think that you are great? Let me tell you, you are just a woman who relies on her appearance and figure to be superior. There are many people who are better than you in the entertainment industry. You Thinking how long you can stand in the entertainment circle with these two things, I tell you that you will be pulled down by other people in a short time. By then, you will have no status and power and you can only watch me on stage Shining brightly, you don't need me when the time comes!"

Zhang Miaomiao stared at her and said.

And Qiao Qiancen really laughed after hearing what she said, "How come you know the tongue twister so well when the time comes, then you should hurry up and let the time come, I really look forward to that time, who else is there to talk about?" Let me tell you that my popularity is based on my face and figure. As you said, there are many people in the entertainment circle who are prettier and have a better figure than me. So why am I popular? Haven’t you thought about this? Is it because of my ability? Sometimes you only see people one-sidedly, and you will definitely suffer in the end. This can be regarded as a senior. Let me give you a little advice, restrain your own tail that is about to go up to the sky, fine If Wu Yitian is too flamboyant, he will be cut off."

She smiled brightly and pleasantly, but the words she said at this moment were indeed very neat, making Zhang Miaomiao's entire face darken!

"You dare to curse me, you dare to curse my uncle, I tell you, you are a little too arrogant now, I am afraid that my tail has not been chopped off by then, and you will fall off him in advance, it hurts you My nose is bruised and my face is swollen!"

After Zhang Miaomiao finished speaking, she waved her hands and left directly.

It seemed that he was annoyed but couldn't talk back, and could only leave alone.Then she was still very unconvinced in her heart, her only support was trampled under her feet like this, it was so ironic to him, she just felt unwilling and anxious I urgently need to do something to vent my emotions.

After passing his uncle's office, he finally stopped, hesitated, knocked on the door and walked in.

When Director Zhang saw him, a smile appeared on his originally serious face.Standing up, he waved to her.

"Miaomiao, why are you running around so well? Uncle is here. Is it boring to stay in the company? Just tell uncle if you want to go play. Uncle recently received it. A friend who owns an amusement park sent some tickets. , you can play whatever you want, play as long as you want, it’s up to you.”

Then the words fell, but Zhang Miaomiao's complexion remained unchanged, that is, a calm face, very unhappy.

"Uncle, I didn't mean you. You have been stepped on your head now, and you can still laugh. Do you know that some people look down on you and the two of us? Now some people are too arrogant and don't give a damn. Your face, as if you don't exist!"

After Zhang Miaomiao said this sentence filled with righteous indignation, Director Zhang was a little stunned, his complexion suddenly turned ugly and he asked quickly. "Who is so bold to be in this company? I said that there are not many people who dare to say 2, and dare to talk about who I am behind my back? Tell Uncle Uncle to punish him now!"

Director Zhang relied on his own ability to curry favor with his superiors in various ways, so he got his current position. Naturally, he is proud of himself in the company. He can't stand anyone who looks down on him, so he will definitely step on them. Down.

However, hearing such remarks at this moment, he was naturally extremely angry.

When Zhang Miaomiao saw that his words had worked, he immediately burst into a smile.Ingratiatingly, she walked behind Director Zhang, squeezed his shoulders, and made a small report. "Who else could it be? The most arrogant person here is not the second person besides Qiao Qiancen. He is the one who is very arrogant and speaks ill of you behind your back and tramples our family members down." I said it again, saying that we didn’t explain it, but only deceiving others, and one day our tail will be cut off by others, and we will fall from heaven to hell!”

What he said was very serious, and at this moment Mr. Zhang had already heard the slap of his thigh and stood up angrily.

"Why does she dare to say that about me everywhere? I usually see her very serious and abides by company discipline. She looks innocent and kind. How can she say that about me behind her back? Have you let me go?" It's in my eyes, because I, Director Zhang, live in this position for fun!"

Director Zhang was obviously so angry that his nose was crooked. At this moment, when he thought of the itinerary and arrangements arranged for him next, he regretted it. He took out the typesetting form, glanced at it, and took out his pen Draw on it.

"Uncle, what are you doing? Is this form arranging activities for artists like us?!"

Zhang Miaomiao's eyes lit up involuntarily, and said with some surprise, as if he had discovered some huge treasure.

Hearing what he said, the director Zhang seemed to understand what he meant, smiled a little embarrassedly, and hurriedly wanted to put away the form, regretting taking out these things directly in front of her, while explaining, " It’s nothing, nothing, it’s just some work forms, there is no gold content, so don’t worry about it.”

After he finished speaking, he even wanted to put away the form, but his niece was disobedient.People said that he could snatch the form before putting it in the drawer, and said, "Uncle, you love me the most, don't you? Why don't you show me? Why do I feel that this form looks like it is for one person to arrange work?" Cousin, why don't you help me add my name, how about it? You just drew Qiao Qiancen's name out, how about writing me in it?"

When Zhang Miaomiao said this, he smiled as if he was sure that Director Zhang would give him this position, and squinted his eyes blindfolded, as if he saw that after he got these resources, he would be popular all over Huaguo. People know her.And by the way, he trampled Song Luoyu who had mocked her before!

(End of this chapter)

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