Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1108 Someone is behind the scenes!

Chapter 1108 Someone is behind the scenes!
Director Zhang was stunned when he heard his words at this moment. He knew that he had guessed correctly. As a pampered niece, he didn't want to let go of any good things, let alone this kind of bright pecuniary interest.

I was a little anxious in my heart, and quickly stopped her, "It's no big deal, it's not that uncle doesn't want to give you these gifts, it's just, you have to understand that it's hard for me to take the position of director now, if I look like this I just filled in your name, it's obviously biased, I can't get rid of the responsibility if you blame me from above, I will only suffer together!"

He regretted it all at once. If he had known about this matter earlier, he would not have known about it. If he wanted to cross out Qiao Qiancen's name, he would have to wait until he left.

However, at this moment, he felt a headache, but there was nothing he could do. Zhang Miaomiao had already seen the form, so he had no intention of giving up.

"No, what are you worried about? Uncle, you have managed to get this seat now. If you don't make good use of it to explain and develop our family, if something happens to you in the future, our family will have no right. He is powerful and has no reputation, so it will be called a word of regret at that time!"

Zhang Miaomiao didn't want to listen to persuasion at all. After seeing the form, he picked up the pen next to him and wrote his name brightly without any hesitation. At this moment, Director Zhang felt regretful when he saw this scene. The headache was excruciating, and he didn't expect that it would really develop to such a point in the end. What he wanted to stop was too late after all.

"It's because my uncle didn't give you any favors, but because this matter is really not a joke. You must know that my uncle has spent a lot of effort and sent a lot of gifts to get to this position, but was discovered by the people above me. I have given you all the resources that Qiao Qiancen should have received, and I will not be able to go around without it!"

Originally, the relationship between the two of them was relatives, and they were more sensitive when doing these things, which easily attracted the attention of others. Now they are still giving him all the resources in such an aboveboard manner, and it is strange that others do not discuss and report him behind his back.

If his niece is a little more competitive and can be as popular as Qiao Qiancen, then he puts these resources on him, and others have no way to say anything, but the situation is not the same now, the popularity of the two of them is different too big!If the level of enthusiasm is not the same, then if he gives these resources to him, the controversy will only be very large in the future.

"Uncle, don't you just want to get more benefits by working here? I said that your brain is really elm-headed. If you think about it, if so many resources are thrown at me, I will definitely be popular, right? Besides I feel that all these are given to him alone. You are too unfair. It is better to give it to me, a newcomer. Everyone will think that our company is humane. When our artists go out, others will only be more embarrassed. Support, so, I am doing this now, not only for ourselves, but also for the sake of the entire company, even if the higher-ups find out, they won’t blame you!”

Zhang Miaomiao said indifferently, and hearing his words at this moment, Director Zhang almost wanted to cry without tears, he cried out in a broken heart. "I really can't let you go about my little aunt. Let me tell you, if you still can't coax me at that time, and you have caused such a big loss to the company, I will not only pack up and leave, There is a large amount of liquidated damages waiting for me to pay. After all, when I signed this position, it was clearly stated in it that there should be no serious mistakes. But now I will do these things for you. Gross mistake!"

"Oh, no matter how much favor you said about my parents, now I want you to help their daughter, you won't agree to a little favor. In the future, I will tell my parents how much they helped a daughter. White-eyed wolf people, they will definitely not support you anymore!"

Zhang Miaomiao said solemnly while touching his brows, and at this moment Zhang Zhongjing listened to his words and finally surrendered.

In my heart, I just wanted to stabilize him first, coax him to pass first, and then change the form back to deform it when the time comes, but I didn't expect that he just agreed, Zhang Miaomiao is like a genius, very clear about his thoughts , urging him to sign the form.

"Okay, uncle, I promise you that if I become popular, I will never forget you. I will buy you a big house, buy you a lot of cars, and give you a lot of money. Your benefits will definitely be indispensable. As long as I can live, and these will definitely not be treated badly."

Zhang Miaomiao said proudly.

However, when the words fell, Director Zhang agreed with some dumbfounding. "Okay, okay, I got it, I hope one day, before I'm caught doing this kind of thing by the company."

Zhang Miaomiao pouted slightly, thinking that his uncle didn't believe in his ability, but at this moment he didn't care that he believed that he would be popular with so many resources. After all, he felt that he was not popular in the past and was not well-known in the entertainment industry. It's all because of the unfair distribution of resources, and now that he has so many resources on him, he must be able to become popular in the entire entertainment industry!
It wasn't until the next afternoon, when Qiao Qiancen was about to shoot an advertisement, that he was notified that many of his resources had been replaced. At this moment, he just felt unbelievable. Looking at the notification, his whole brow would have a conscious frown up.

"What's going on? But they haven't signed a good contract. Is it me and them, advertising? Why did you change people temporarily? I didn't get the slightest word about this matter. I just changed them all of a sudden. I don't think it's very strange Is it weird?!"

He felt a little unbearably angry, and sent a voice message to his manager. However, after finishing speaking at this moment, a face appeared in his heart. This was the Zhang Miaomiao he met yesterday afternoon...

I still remember that Jesse told him that Zhang Miaomiao's uncle was a director in the company, but he didn't know which department the director was in charge of. The director has an inseparable relationship, how could it be possible that all the resources about him were changed to someone else's name overnight, and he still doesn't know who is behind it.

Soon the manager replied to her message, "You must have guessed who that person is, right? It's Zhang Miaomiao! I suspect that he used his uncle's ability to play tricks behind his back, otherwise how could such a situation happen? So many things!"

(End of this chapter)

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