Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1112 Really Nasty!

Chapter 1112 Really Nasty!

When the staff member said that he gave such a considerate reply, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He was worried that he would take this opportunity to make a fuss about their separation, but now he has no such statement. With this in mind, they were completely relieved.

After all, he is a popular artist now, no matter which company he throws the infected person at, that company will obediently reach out and offer him a gift.

Why would their entertainment company let him go so easily? It's just that if there is a bottom-line mistake, he has the right to do so, but fortunately, he has not done such a thing now, making their entire company Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is the matter settled?"

The manager on the side was also with him, wearing a mask, turned his head and looked at him lazily and asked.

Qiao Qiancen nodded, turned off the phone directly, threw the phone on the sofa aside, and gave the mask on his face with some helplessness.

"After resting for half a day, it's time to give myself a breather. Now that those things have been investigated, I'm going to resume my formal work. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep peacefully in a few days. Another announcement, really tired, but fortunately I rested for half a day."

Hearing his sighing words, the agent couldn't help but chuckled, "Don't worry, everyone is very close now, you can receive advertisements and endorsements one after another, everyone envies you It’s too late, you’re in trouble if you’re still sighing here, and you don’t have time to sleep, in the future this kind of opportunity will not be so easy to find, of course you are in the stage of being popular now, so of course you want to take this opportunity to shoot more commercials and earn more money. "

Qiao Qiancen also understood the meaning of the manager's words, he smiled and nodded, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart.

"In the past, I was not popular. I didn't have many commercials and endorsements. There were only a handful of dramas that I could shoot within a year. Now I'm also popular and a lot of commercials are hitting me. If you are really idle, you will die if you are busy. If you are busy, you will die. The entertainment industry is really not for ordinary people to enter. You must have a strong physique and a strong heart to be responsible for facing the evil that comes from all directions. You really don’t know if you can accept the black-box operations of critics and insiders.”

He seemed to have thought of something ridiculous, and made some sarcasm when he was drunk and confused. At this moment, the manager understood what he had experienced in these years after listening to his words, and described it in an understatement.

At this moment, he turned his head to look at him with some distress, smiled, and pursed his lips to comfort him. "Don't worry, this kind of thing will definitely become a training for you in the future. After you experience it, you should experience what happened now. Everything will become an irreparable wealth in the future. I can't be envious."

"Thank you, I am really confused during this period of time. Some people always seem to hurt you for no reason, while some people clearly love you very much, so I want to hurt you. You are really tired of living It's Qiao Qiancen."

He is like an outsider, and his eyes are usually moist after saying this sentence to himself. He thinks of his two tired and hard lives, which always seem to be unsatisfactory, and now he has finally realized a dream, but behind him He didn't know if it was worth all the sweat and painstaking efforts he had made in order to realize his dream. He always felt that he seemed to have forgotten his original intention in the hard work along the way.

"Yeah, it's worked hard, my Miss Qiao, but, I see you quietly, you must know that in the future, you will definitely become a person who makes yourself proud, and those who have known you and liked you will also be proud of you. You are proud of the red star, think about it at that time, you will feel very looking forward to it, I am looking forward to it for his realm, let alone him himself, what are you talking about? Qian Cen."

Qiao Qiancen knew that Jesse often comforted him, at this moment he smiled and turned his head to see the expression of gratitude in his eyes, nodded and agreed. "Yeah, I'm grateful. In the future, one day I will be very happy. I want those who looked down on me to see what kind of peak I stand on in the end to make everyone look up to me." There’s nothing you can do about it, like me, and it’s such a great feeling.”

The manager couldn't help laughing when he heard this sentence, looking at him with playfulness in his eyes. "That's right. This is the first time I met. Ms. Qiao is narcissistic and stinky. People feel like they want to repay her for a while but are reluctant to part with her. Probably only slots in this world can make people Have this feeling."

"Then do you envy me? Or are you obsessed with me, and you must follow me all your life?"

Qiao Qiancen was in a good mood, but she also became playful, turned her head to look at him with a smile, and said this sentence in a joking manner.

And the classical Chinese manager smiled from ear to ear and nodded. "The fact is that I am fascinated by the fascination. Every time I see him, I want to rush up and hug him hard, so that everyone can't see him, and let him blend into my body and become one with me." !"

"Hey! It's really disgusting. I didn't expect my agent to memorize all the lines of the male protagonist in Mary Su's novel!"

Qiao Qiancen jokingly said that the two of them were in a good mood this afternoon, and the conversation was much quieter, and the time seemed to become shallow and gentle in the end, which may be the ordinary and inconspicuous they were looking for at the beginning happy and beautiful.
The sky became dark, and when he came down, he looked at the flickering lights outside, and some of his eyes became silent.

Even if some things are not clearly stated, they will always be hidden in the bottom of my heart, and there will never be a way to pretend that nothing happened. There will always be a thought in my heart, like constantly clamoring to be crazy, to break through everything and rush out, so that everyone can see His own ambition, but after all, he knew that he couldn't do that, otherwise he would definitely suffer the consequences one day.

And it was precisely because of the stakes in it that he could only suppress all his emotions to the bottom of his heart without saying anything, turning himself into a hateful and pathetic person.

"How did things work out? Did you do everything I asked you to do?"

At this moment, a voice from behind interrupted his thoughts, and he turned his head to look, and as expected, he saw the familiar figure.

(End of this chapter)

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