Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1113 You know it's impossible!

Chapter 1113 You know it's impossible!
"You clearly know that this matter is not something that can be easily accomplished, and the time you have given me is too short. I don't have an idea yet, and it will take another three months to complete it."

When the man standing by the window turned his head to explain, he didn't have any guilt or dare, he just told the truth, and then the man who came after his words slapped him fiercely head on.

"Others always say that you have become arrogant recently. I haven't noticed many of them. I didn't expect that when I met you now, it was exactly the same as the rumors. Now you feel that you can be arrogant and don't listen to anyone's speculation. Wanton violation of the mission, don't forget that we signed the contract at the beginning, if you can't follow my instructions, I can always..."

Then before he finished speaking, the man standing by the window suddenly took out a dagger and directly touched his heart. "How come so many years have passed, and the skills still haven't changed? Whenever something happens, will you only use my family to confront me?! Don't tell me, according to the rumors outside , you only have such means, I will look down on you."

What he said finally angered the man in front of him, but at this moment, a dagger was pressed against his heart, and he didn't dare to act rashly. He knew that the man standing by the window was not strong in martial arts. He can compare, over the years, he has already become a very capable go-getter under him, but he can threaten him at the same time.

"I didn't expect that a person I had cultivated so hard would not only refuse to listen to my instructions in the end, but would in turn use what I had taught him to hurt me. It's so dramatic, and I'm afraid it will be a joke if it spreads." Someone else."

His tone was deep and cold. When he said this, he clearly read it after reading it, but there was no hint of joke in his words. Anyone who knew him well at this moment knew that he was really angry. The gang of trusted subordinates resisted the most vulnerable position in the heart, and no one would feel easy.

However, the man standing by the window was still indifferent, he just looked at him coldly with blindfolded eyes and said. "If you have the ability, really kill them cruelly, as long as you can firmly believe that you will not die under my hands, you can do whatever you want, but if you are not sure enough, I advise you to let them go as soon as possible and keep holding them Threatening me only made my resentment towards you grow stronger."

It's not that he disregarded the kindness of his master and servant for many years, but that he has been under his control and oppression for so many years. Anyone with blood and brains would be unwilling to resist.

The man standing by the door squinted his eyes blindfolded, looked at the man in front of him without saying a word, the man in front of him was no longer the one he was familiar with, and now he had become someone he was not familiar with, he thought It would be useless to say anything to him, it would be better to give up everything and discuss the countermeasures. It would be better for the two to form an alliance.

The so-called one more enemy is not as good as one more friend.Now it can be explained like this.

Thinking about it from the bottom of his heart, he finally raised the corners of his lips and pretended to be kinder, and discussed with him, "You know, I never treat people like you harshly. My family, also for so many years, I have let them live in the sea view villa area. Every day can be described as the life of the rich. How many people envy such a life and life. If you are really worried that they are under my hands Control, then can I promise you to let him go? But I have a condition, that is, you must continue to obey me, and you can no longer compete with me like you are now."

After saying this, the two of them stared at each other, but the man standing by the window felt a little mocking in his heart at this moment.

The so-called arrangement for everyone to live in a sea view villa and live a life like a rich man is just another term for supervision.

It sounds good to say everything high-sounding, but it is just like a prisoner under guard.

Naturally, he is not a child. He was listening to his words, and at this moment he also agreed with a smile. He knew that the best way in front of him was to stabilize his emotions first, otherwise things in the future would be out of his control. .

"I can promise you, but there are some things I still want to dissuade you first. Let's talk about things that haven't been successful for so many years. Do you think you can defeat that man by accumulating more strength and strengthening your own ability? ?Sometimes rivalry is real, and it’s not difficult to admit that others are better than you.”

After saying this, the man who was originally standing by the window, after all, he did not leave his shoulder, and hit it hard. The man standing in front of him seemed to be giving him a warning, but at this moment the debate was still in the original place. After a while, he finally turned around, looked in the direction of the door, and clenched his fists slightly.

"Why do you let me admit that he is better than me, and why do you discourage me from competing with him? For so many years, people who have been living under oppression are not people who you do not empathize with. Why should you persuade others to be magnanimous. "

After saying this, he sneered.

Turning his eyes to the brightly lit night scene outside, he knew very clearly that everything would be over in a short time, and if he hadn't achieved his goal before then, it would be very difficult in the future.
"Let's take a look here, thank you, sister Qiaoqiao!"

"Come and see, come and laugh, it's very beautiful, perfect!"

"Look over here, okay? Look over here!"


Today is the opening day of the film festival. Many artists walked on the red carpet, but the reporters on Qiao Qiancen's side were even more crowded. All the media reporters held up their cameras and pointed at his constant flashing lights. Press the shutter.

And some people are puzzled, it is clear that he is not a first-line actress, and now he is at most a popular floret, why does he have such traffic?It has even surpassed many first-line stars and movie celebrities present.

Only people who often hang out in the entertainment industry understand that his topic volume has already surpassed many first-line stars, not to mention those stars who have just broken through the top line, and his topic volume is not enough to attract people's attention. Wanting to snatch first-line resources and posting her photos and videos on the Internet.

Who doesn't love such a beauty?The dollar with its popularity and popularity is even more addictive!

(End of this chapter)

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