Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1122 Do you want to give birth?

Chapter 1122 Do you want to give birth?

At this moment, she doesn't plan to pay attention to the worldly eyes anymore, she just wants to be the kind of person she wants to be the most.

"Just wait and see, those who have laughed at me, I will use my best posture to let you know how capable I am, and I will use my own way to let everyone see me and wake me up."

She sighed, and said to herself in the mirror, maybe what he needs at this moment is not courage, but a dream to move forward regardless of everything.

When he was young, he was not the kind of existence that people can see at a glance. He was always unknown in the crowd, but he had a big dream. He hoped that one day he could let others see himself shining brightly. Not being able to realize this dream, I don't know that after growing up, this dream was finally realized.

People gradually realized that with his existence, they would also care about him to observe what kind of person he is. This is what he has paid a lot of money to do. He knows that he wants to continue to be here. It will be very difficult to get the sense of honor he wants if he goes down this road, and at this moment he still doesn't want to give up after all.Giving up without doing something, this is the least thing. Looking back on the barren time in the future, I will definitely want to give myself a hard slap.

So at this moment, he doesn't want to let himself slack off, he just wants to do everything he can to restore everything to the original point to make him believe that as long as he works hard, all this will not be too far away from him.

He is frank and frank in his heart, as long as he moves forward, he will definitely meet the future he wants to meet, which he firmly believes.

"Qiancen, don't be too tired."

He thought for a while about what he was thinking. It was a text message from his mother. When he saw the content, he couldn't help giving up his eyes, and some moved and sour emotions came to his heart.

All along it seems that only his mother will continue to support him and give him a lot of help and encouragement, but now looking back on the past, he still doesn’t know how to cherish it, maybe without his mother, he would not be where he is now, so he should do more The thing to come is to work harder.

"Don't worry, I really have nothing to do with you. What I said just now is just my plan sometimes. You don't have to take it to heart, and I have decided to be the kind of person I want to be. Then I am ready to face all the difficulties, no matter how others mock me, no matter how hard they see me, I don't care, this is my inner world, and the emotions I want to express can only be understood people will understand."

Turning off the phone, he lay back on the bed, closed his eyes, but couldn't calm down for a long time. He knew that in this long time, only by firmly believing that the future will get better and better, and by constantly increasing his belief, will he be able to see the sunrise when the clouds open that day.
His stomach is no longer as flat as it was in a month or two. Now his stomach has swelled slightly, and he knows that there are some things that can't go on. At this moment, he has been thinking for a long time, combining all the results with the After thinking about the way to deal with it, he finally mustered up the courage to knock on the door he was once familiar with.

"What happened in the middle of the night?"

Fu Yanshen saw the smile in his hands and eyes, and seemed to want to joke with him, but he knew that he had ulterior motives, so he came to say these words to him.

As expected, the next second, he heard the woman in front of him say a word. "I have your child. In the past three months, I want to ask you whether this child will be born or not."

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be banned. He just looked at him without speaking, and he also raised his head to stare at him closely. The two of them seemed to be separated from each other by tens of thousands of gaps and couldn't see the camera. They couldn't find everything they wanted, so they could only accept the dramatic reality that fate had arranged for them.

Qiao Qiancen knew that he should explain it well at this time. After all, they had only been together for a month, and he actually said that he had his child. This is obviously the kind that is popular on the Internet.Find a receiver to come back and take care of himself and the children.

But he was inexplicably unwilling to explain. He felt that if he believed him, he would believe it. If he didn’t believe it, no matter how much he explained, language would be useless, so it’s true that he had been seeing for a long time, and he still didn’t intend to respond to any Lie or not, just look at him like this, without saying a word, waiting for his memory.

"Before I answer your question, I just want to ask you a question. I want you to answer me, and I will give you an answer right away, okay?"

Fu Yanshen lowered her head, stared at him and asked.

Qiao Qiancen nodded almost without thinking, and he promised him that no matter what he asked, he would answer truthfully and never tell a single lie.

"Are you sure this child must be mine and only mine?"

He only asked this sentence, and the amount of information in my ordinary sentence is really full, after a voice falls.Qiao Qiancen just looked at him and smiled for a while, but finally nodded,' in response to his words.

"I'm sure and sure it's only you."

"it is good."

After all, Fu Yanshen raised the corners of his lips, smiled lightly, and stretched out his palms to face him in the next second, which was not interesting.Qiao Qiancen understood this in almost a second, and he also stretched out his hand and put it in his palm, staring at him, as if he knew what he was going to do, without any hesitation or anxiety.

"As long as it's your child, and it's between us, then let the classmate come down, we will give him a home, we will be his parents, and we will run our own small family."

When Qiao Qiancen heard this sentence, even Wednesday would have expected him to say this, but tears still fell down uncontrollably. He just stared at the man in front of him motionlessly, as if something was happening in his heart. The thing was half touched, and suddenly I couldn't help crying.

"Why cry? Two have their own home and give our children a home. We love each other. Isn't it good for a family of three? What's there to cry about?"

The man stared at his tears, and finally hugged him in his arms with some distress, and asked this question with some puzzlement.

But at this moment Qiao Qiancen couldn't listen to any of his words at all, she was still crying and smiling as she watched him cry uncontrollably, the whole person looked extremely awkward, but he didn't care at all, just watched him cry .

home, their home.

a family of three……

(End of this chapter)

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