Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1123 Probably This Is The Realest Children's Chapter Story In The World

Chapter 1123 Probably This Is The Realest Fairy Tale In The World
It's not that he wants to cry, nor is it that he can't control his emotions, it's just that every time he hears the word "home", he always feels touched in his heart.

Isn’t the so-called home just the harmony, happiness and happiness of having parents in the family, but these simple and ordinary things, he has not been able to have since he was a child, and he has exhausted all the power of the rest of his life to yearn for what he wants Happiness is so difficult.

He couldn't figure out what he did wrong, why God was still unwilling to give him a complete family after working hard for so long, this was her biggest resentment towards the world when she was a child.

But when I grow up, I don’t care about it anymore, not because I look away, but because I feel that no matter how angry I am, no matter how hard I try, these things are impossible to have, so I gradually gave up, and now I don’t have any. Thinking that when he grows up, there will be someone who really promises to give him a home, this feeling makes him ecstatic and moved more than any other blessing.

He never expected that one day he would have a home again. When he almost gave up and no longer had any determination, since someone would give him this feeling of hope again, he really couldn't believe it happened. Feel like I'm still in a dream...

But if this is really a dream, then she hopes that she will never wake up again...

"You silly girl, I just said one word and you cried like this. If I had known, I wouldn't have said it. Seeing you crying like this now makes me feel distressed, and I have no way to comfort you. It's really frustrating. "

The man stared at her, and said helplessly while joking, but at this moment his words fell.

But Qiao Qiancen stopped him suddenly, "You can't regret it, you can't think about it and say nothing, this sentence brings me happiness and peace of mind more than anything else, and only you have said such a thing to me. I feel so precious, how I hope that moment just now can be forever remembered in my mind, and in my future time, every time I feel down, I can continue to go up and have the belief to persevere.”

Fu Yanshen listened to him say this long series of words, and his mood changed a little. That kind of graceful feeling seemed to come up from the bottom of his heart. It was generally not obvious but had a great influence. He never thought of it. It turned out that she thought so in the bottom of her heart.

This girl who looks innocent and trouble-free on the surface, turned out to be living an unsatisfactory life. What she wanted was just a very simple fake, but no one has ever been able to fulfill him, and now he just made a verbal promise, Before she took any real action, she cried like a tearful person, out of breath.

Not knowing how to explain the emotion in his heart at this moment, he stared at him, after all he absorbed it and gently wiped away the tears on his face, and then said softly, "You are so stupid, so stupid, aren't you just a Home, I’ll just give it to you, don’t you just feel that there is no one to rely on? You can just find me, I’m just afraid that no one will be able to take care of you in the future, just follow me forever, I can do for you what others can’t do Do, I can do it for you that no one else can think of. You have to know that in my eyes, you are the most worthy person. No one is more worthy than you. I am willing to pay for you, so I can do things that arrived."

Song Luoyu stared at him with teary eyes. At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten the promise, but his eyes just stared at him, tears washed his cheeks over and over again, and he knew in his heart that he was moved by him at this moment, and he also I firmly believe that this man will live up to my expectations of him.

One day they will create a happy home, when his happiness will no longer depend on the handouts of others, and his light will no longer depend on anyone's help.

At this moment, Qiao Qiancen thought that promising to bring a family culture is the most wonderful vow in the world.

She raised her arms, hugging him actively for the first time, and murmured over and over again. "Thank you, really thank you, I am really happy in this world to meet someone like you, who can accept my imperfect family, accept my imperfect character, and promise to give me a home, I feel that I am the happiest at this moment..."

Her voice was slightly trembling, and she seemed to be crying slightly. She leaned her head on the man's shoulder, and every sentence was a real word from the bottom of her heart.

"You are not considered happy right now. I will tell you what a real happy little girl is in the future. Believe me, I will never let you down again this time."

The two embraced very tightly, as if no matter how cold the world is and how much suffering there is, for them, as long as they can hug each other tightly and stay inseparable from each other, there is no need for fear and panic.
As soon as Qiao Moli was kicked out of the bar, she was very excited when she saw many little girls in school uniforms talking about something while staring at their phones.

And he walked over drunk, intending to pass by them directly, but he didn't want to hear what they were talking about.

"To be honest, Fu Yanshen and Qiao Qiancen are really worthy! If they get married, I will congratulate them very much!"

"One is beautiful, the other is also handsome, and they are both capable and respectable people in the society. This combination is clearly a prince and a princess. My God, it really is exactly the same as the plot in a soap opera!"

"Probably this is someone else's life. It's full of drama and beautiful unreality. Anyway, I support them to be together. I hope their relationship can be harmonious and beautiful in the future, and they will no longer be obstructed and discussed by others."

"Probably this is the most authentic fairy tale in the world. I heard that the things between them have been spread abroad, and some people even said that they would use this to remake the story into a movie!"

After all, Qiao Moli's pace stopped, but at this moment, she turned her head and looked at the little girls, but the resentment in her eyes became more and more intense. The next second she walked over directly, pushing Picked up a girl.

"You people talk about this all day long, and some of you don't do anything. It's impossible, okay? Just the two of them are still married? Are you laughing or not? It doesn't match at all, and no one wants to be optimistic about it. Bless them, you are talking nonsense here, you are really out of your mind!"

The girl companions who were pushed all looked at her, looking at the drunken woman with smoky makeup in front of her, after all, they looked at each other with disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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