Chapter 1125

The man bit the bullet and said this sentence, but he didn't notice that after he said this sentence, the smile on the corner of the woman's mouth in front of him widened even more.

As if hearing something funny, her eyes were full of sarcasm and amusement.

"Are you sure you are really my fan? Why didn't you answer any of the questions correctly? I really find it very strange. As a so-called true fan, you shouldn't answer me so confidently at this time." Is it a question? Why do you seem to be guessing every sentence, and you don't have a correct answer?"

Qiao Qiancen curled his lips, said this sentence slowly, and the words fell.There was an uproar all around, as if no one thought that the questions he answered in the end were all wrong, and all of them saw the attitude of his answer just now, it was indeed evasive, without hesitation at all. decision!

If such fans are also true fans, then there may be no so-called passers-by in this world.

Seeing the audience around him, they seemed to have discovered his own clues. The man's expression was a little unbearable, but he still tried his best to maintain his words.

"Qiao Qiancen, you should know that there is still a kind of fans in this world who just like you and don't like your works. I belong to that kind, so I really don't know how to treat your works. I simply like you, I think you are very attractive, so I have been silently supporting you, but it’s not my fault that I haven’t seen your works, right?”

The man resisted the unnaturalness on his face and said this sentence, uh, welcome down, the people around him also felt that it seemed reasonable, so they didn't refute any more.

Qian Cen only felt that it was both funny and hateful. Nowadays, people can tell all kinds of lies, and they can say them without blushing or beating their hearts. They are really thick-skinned!

At this moment, he just smiled lightly and nodded, pretending not to care, and said generally, "Yes, of course I know that there are such fans. Speaking for him, I just simply like this person, I know, I have been in the entertainment industry for so long, everyone knows, but now what I want to say is, just because you don’t read my works, and you don’t pay attention My content, just tell me these words, how do you think I should answer you? If I agreed to you directly, wouldn’t it seem that I am too casual, only for a person who doesn’t care about me, If I warmly welcome me, those fans who have been silently defending me, how wronged should I be?"

As soon as this remark came out, the people around also nodded, understanding what she said was reasonable.

The man's complexion was extremely ugly, he clenched his fists slightly, but he still tried his best to hide his emotions and said with a smile, "Now you just give me a chance, I'll confess my love to you, don't take it too seriously Don’t worry, it’s a big deal. After we’re together, you can just watch my performance. It’s too petty for you to do this now. Just because I haven’t given you support or protected you, you won’t give me a chance. ?”

This man is obviously going to mess things up today.After all, Qiao Qiancen has been in the industry for so many years. Some people can't see his trajectory, so they don't post it in the entertainment circle. It's very common for such people to deliberately do it at opponents' banquets and press conferences.

But today someone would come to do such a thing, which meant that someone was jealous of her again, seeing that she was upset, Qiao Qiancen saw a joke at that time, usually raised her red lips indifferently, and said with a smile. "Okay, you want to be my boyfriend, wait in line, I didn't say I'll give you a chance, it's just that this opportunity is equal for everyone, sorry, you are the 135th person in the queue, wait for your turn When you come to me again."

As someone laughed out loud at the time, he knew that this was a tactful means of rejection, but he showed his high EQ to the fullest.

There are already people talking in low voices around this class, claiming that she uses this trick very well, neither will she look petty and she will not say everything, but it is really difficult to give him a clear rejection. This roundabout way made everyone sigh.

"Excellent, this kind of statement is neither a rejection nor an agreement. Is it really worrying?"

"On the contrary, your brother-in-law and I think he is quite smart. The man he said is here to embarrass him. He doesn't disgrace himself in front of everyone, and he doesn't tear his face. That's it. Give an answer, if it is the man who will not lose it, then he is wrong if he agrees."

"This matter itself is the man who came to find fault. There is no good way to force others to be with you. You have to know each other for 10 or 8 years. You can't ask others like that. This society pays attention to everyone's equality. Ok!"


There was a lot of discussion around, and the man couldn't say anything when he heard their words. He could only endure the dissatisfaction and anger in his heart, and pointed at him for a long time without saying a word. leave.

Qiao Qiancen laughed at this moment, and I also remembered a lot of applause on the weekend. Everyone was happy that he repelled this annoying amount, but only a woman standing in the corner, the anger on her face was already obvious.

"It's really useless. After a few words behind the little girl's back, I admit that I'm cowardly. If I leave, I would have known that I wouldn't look for him! Useless scumbag!"

"Miss Lin, let's stop this matter. You have to know that if you want to respond to someone, you have to put in a lot of effort! I will find out that we are the masters behind the scenes, but the loss outweighs the gain. In front of the outside world and our good opinion, everyone will stare at you and shame you!"

The servant reminded him in a low voice beside him, but Lin Kexin felt very angry when he heard this, turned his head and gave him a look before saying: "What do you know, seeing that his career is so good now, if he doesn't I will be pulled down, and my position will be taken away by him in the future. I will not be reconciled. It is obvious that a little transparent actor who is not well-known suddenly rushed to me. It is not obvious that he wants to fight. My face? I will not give him this chance!"

"But Ms. Lin, I always feel that the forces behind him are not something we can easily offend!"

After all, I can't help but remind this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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