Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1126 I Seem to Find My Love Rivals Are Many

Chapter 1126 I Seem to Find My Love Rivals Are Many
However, this sentence is exactly what Lin Kexin has always ignored and didn't want to pay attention to.And this is what needs to be measured the most.

After all, if the forces behind him are really powerful, then if they hurt her, the price they will pay in the future will be very high. I am afraid that the fruits of their hard work for so many years will also be invalidated!
He was a little uneasy and flustered in his heart, but at this moment, he was still unwilling to bow his head and confess to him.He replied with a strong face: "This matter is my own matter, and it has nothing to do with others. You'd better take care of yourself!"

After Lin Kexin finished speaking, she turned and left, very annoyed in her heart, why Qiao Qiancen could have such good resources, and he was clearly an old artist who had debuted for many years, yet he had to humble himself in front of him, this was obviously not what he wanted!
Although Lin Kexin is now the number one female in this show, she always has a premonition that she will continue to develop in the future, and one day she will not even be worthy of carrying her shoes!

If such a day really comes, it will be a very terrible time. He is unwilling to accept such a time, and now he can only work hard with all his strength.

I just hope that this matter won't make her despair too much, she just hopes to get back the reputation and wealth that should belong to him, as for other people, he doesn't care, she just doesn't allow Qiao Qiancen to come to her!

What happened to Qiao Qiancen at the banquet was quickly posted on Weibo by media reporters. At this moment, after an hour of reposting and clicking on comments, the number of comments has already exceeded [-]. Everyone is discussing this matter enthusiastically. Things, discussing Qiao Qiancen's EQ and his way of dealing with people, and many of them praised him and supported him.

Others were condemning the man who confessed to her.It is clear that nowadays, the love affair between her and Fu Yanshen is spreading all over the Internet, but that man is still so ignorant to disturb others. Is this part obviously poaching?But he doesn't look at his own identity, just there to force others to agree to him, to be with him, it's really ridiculous and unreasonable!

Jessie originally wanted to watch Weibo to relax, but he didn't expect to get a favorite from his own family. He was helpless to eat melons, but he didn't expect that the comments on Qiao Qiancen on the Internet have changed a lot , From the screen full of bad words in the past to the praises now, everything is as beautiful as a different style of painting, so he can't believe that this is actually happening.

"I think this girl is amazing!"

"If I have a chance, I will definitely ask him to sign a name for me. This way of dealing with people, as well as this emotional intelligence and the way of handling things are all textbook versions! It is so admirable and admirable!"

"I think one day, I will bow down under his pomegranate skirt. Although she has not given too many answers and affirmations now, I think he is a girl who has her own ideas and opinions in her heart. He will not be affected by the outside world. It feels really comfortable to change the way I do things because of what he thinks, and it feels like a girl who has a crush and never regrets it."

"It's great. This girl will be in the future. I must train my daughter to be such a person. It's so cute!"

"Yeah, who doesn't like such a low-key and dignified girl? She is obviously with a business boss, but she never uses him to hype her. She just has a relationship in obscurity and doesn't bring this matter to the public. To affect the society without affecting her career, such a girl is really admirable!"

Jessie looked at the hot comments under the Weibo comments, but for some reason, his eyes felt a little red, and there was a feeling that the clouds had finally opened to see the moon.

When he was hacked by everyone and looked down upon by everyone in the past, how much he felt sorry for that girl, for fear that he would do something that he regretted on impulse, but instead of doing these things, he took all the seniority and insulting words As a strength, use a better and positive attitude to deal with all the eyes in this world.

As if she was telling the world silently with her attitude, 【Come on, I will never be afraid of you, as long as you have the ability to knock me down, otherwise I will never bow to you. 】

The emotion in my heart is indescribable.

She read the comments and sent a message to Qiao Qiancen, "You did a great job, I never thought that one day you could do such a great job, and let everyone see your radiance is something I never dared to do." I just hope that you can live a better life in this entertainment circle, without being misunderstood and narrowly viewed by others, but I didn't expect you to live in such a good place. Not only did you let everyone dispel their thoughts about you, but you also Even better at getting them to like you in front of them. You're awesome!"

Qiao Qiancen saw this news just after taking a shower, her eyes were full of surprise and doubt, she didn't understand what it was talking about, but when she opened her Weibo, she found that a bunch of private messages exploded all of a sudden People are texting her.

And she didn't read private messages in the past, because the public always misunderstood him and always regarded her as a vicious and unprogressive woman, but now the private messages on the Internet have changed from normal, there are no more insulting words. Almost all of the scrolling down is to encourage her.

He stared at him for a moment, as if he had thought of something, he went to open the hot list, but he didn't expect that everything was half as he had guessed, he was on the hot list, and he even commented positively on the hot search.

Almost all of the comments below are praising her for being sensible and reasonable.After all, she couldn't help feeling surprised and a little unsure how to deal with it.

After all, I have always been used to being scolded by others, but now they are all being nice to you all of a sudden, how could I accept it all at once.

Silently flipping through a few comments, he finally couldn't help but return to his own page, edited a Weibo and sent it out.

[Thank you very much for your positive comments on me. I am very confident that I have received so many words of encouragement. No one can deify me into any role. I just did what I think I should do, and I am not as powerful as everyone said. I hope everyone will still treat me with a normal heart. Next, there will be a new part. The drama is about to be released, if everyone supports me, support this new drama a lot~]

After sending the Weibo, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, but only then did he realize that a few minutes before she sent the Weibo, Fu Yanshen also sent her a WeChat message.

He said [what to do?I seem to find that I have many rivals in love. 】

(End of this chapter)

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