Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1134 Mother locked her up

Chapter 1134 Mother locked her up
"Have you heard? Yesterday, those cases have started to be investigated and the investigation has become more and more serious. I heard that the person has been found out, and his ID card will soon be wanted!"

"Wanted is good! Wanted is wonderful! Those who make small moves behind the scenes will eventually be caught and criticized by everyone under the sun!!"

"He really is that kind of person, how could he be so disgusting to do such a thing, and he doesn't worry that he will be arrested one day and scolded severely!"

Discussions on this matter on the Internet have reached a fever pitch, and news about the murder of Qiao Qiancen in the dressing room is constantly being searched on the Internet every day.

Zhang Miaomiao was unwilling to be reconciled and impatient. At this moment, he had to admit that this woman still had some influence in society. It was just that something happened to her. Since she endured it all, she would have his place every day. , and has been ranked to the top few.

It made her panic and panic all the time, not knowing what to do. The comments on the Internet always said that the police had already investigated who the murderer was, and she was always worried that one day she would be investigated by the morning.

I'm afraid that if this continues, she will go crazy one day sooner or later.

"This woman, let me see how long you can be arrogant. Now seeing your fans attacking like this, I'm afraid I'm very proud. Let me tell you, you won't be able to laugh anymore, and those people will see See how miserable you ended up, no one will say a word for you again, because at that time you are already a disabled person, even a dead person!"

Zhang Miaomiao yelled at the comments, but at this time the mother passing by his room heard her words, was terribly frightened, and hurried in to see her.

"Miaomiao, what were you talking about just now? Then why don't you understand what you said? What do you want to do now? Do you know that the police are already looking for you for those things? If you Do some more bad things, and your proof will be more than that simple, you won't be able to come out just by squatting in my brain for two days!"

The mother was anxious, looking at her daughter, seeing the resentment and dissatisfaction on her face, she only felt a feeling of uneasiness in her heart, which was getting stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Zhang Miaomiao didn't care much and pushed her mother away. She didn't want to explain anything more at all. She just sneered and said coldly, "How should I do this matter? I have a good idea in my heart, and there is no need for others to intervene here or make irresponsible remarks." Four, let me tell your mother, you have taught me since I was a child that I must not be bullied by others, and these things are the same. I have stopped being bullied when I was a child, how dare others bully me when I grow up! "

The corner of her mouth sneered, but in her heart she had already thought of Qiao Qiancen's tragic end in the future. As long as that man is foolish enough to do something that hurt her, even if he is discovered in the future, she will never be found on her head. She is not worried about this at all. a little.

"Miaomiao, mother didn't use this sentence when she saw you. You can clear your mind, if you make a mistake in this matter, you will leave a clue for others to make irresponsible remarks! Now mother is not only doing it for you. You speak, you speak for our entire Zhang family, if you do something wrong, what will your parents do in the future, we don't want to visit you for the rest of your life in prison!"

The more the mother spoke, the angrier she became, and she stared at the daughter in front of her. Zhang Miaomiao felt more and more bored and disgusted after hearing these words.

"Is this your daughter? Now that people have bullied me, you don't care. You only think about the whole family and the rest of your life for you and Dad. What about me, my self-esteem Where should I lose? If I am so stupid, if I bully but don’t fight back, don’t they think that I am really easy to bully?! Then how should I behave is right, I am If they laugh like this, they will bully them, and then say nothing, do nothing, even if they are worthy of our family?!"

Zhang Miaomiao was not understood by her mother, she just felt that she was going crazy with anger, and she just wanted to vent her anger for herself, but her mother disapproved of him keeping pouring cold water on him and giving him such ugly curses.

What does it mean to go to the prison to watch in the future? Could it be that she really hopes that she will stay there? !This matter was not serious at all, and besides, the boy was leaning against their family when the accident happened, so there was no need for her to do it herself.

After all, he couldn't take it anymore, he stood up directly, let his mother push him out of the room, and then said with disgust. "You don't need to take care of this matter. I can do what I say I can do. If you stop me, I will only agree that you want to make me suffer on purpose. Then I will never do it again. Listen to your words!"

Her words were very decisive, but the mother could only shake her head in the middle of listening to the words, sighed and said no more words.

"It's all because I spoiled him, so what if this kid really does something bad in the future!"

Thinking about this matter, he became more and more uneasy, especially his mother. His husband was still on a business trip, so he could only deal with this matter by himself. locked at home.

Probably the only way to ensure that he doesn't do bad things, as long as she can't get out, those bad things will never be done by her, and she can feel a little more at ease.

Thinking like this, she really went to lock her room, and when Zhang Miaomiao wanted to go out of the room at night, but found that the door was locked while eating, she was so furious that she slammed the door and shouted, " Why are you locking me up now? I'm not a dog or a cat. What do you do? I'm your daughter!"

Zhang Miaomiao was so angry that after shouting this sentence, she began to kick and knock on the door vigorously. When her mother heard the sound, she hurried over and scolded her, "You are a girl, can you be more restrained? Now you are so Noisy, when the time comes, the neighbors will laugh at our family when they hear it. Besides, why do I do this, don’t you understand? I told you not to do those bad things, but you are still obsessed. If I really let you out , I am really sorry for you!"

When he thinks that he is obsessed with rushing out to do bad things, he just feels a headache. Now this is just a solution, if she blames her, there is nothing she can do.

"Mom, are you crazy? What do you mean by locking me up? Do you think it will be useful if you do this? I can still do what I want to do. Now let me out quickly, or I will really I'm going to be angry!"

(End of this chapter)

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