Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1135 Why Can't You Forgive Me!

Chapter 1135 Why Can't You Forgive Me!

Zhang Miaomiao was still yelling in the room and his mother was listening outside the door. He felt that his head was getting bigger, so he could only sigh helplessly and leave after speaking the last sentence.

"You should think about it and take care of yourself. Our family can't stand any blows anymore. If you go out and make trouble again, it will only bring us trouble. I have no choice but to do so now. Please understand me!"

Zhang Miaomiao didn't know that her mother had left, but felt that she was going to go crazy when she heard these words, and she yelled even more angrily.

"You asked me to be considerate of you, then have you ever considered me? I am being bullied and trampled on, and I can't turn over after being trampled under my feet. You still ask me to be considerate of you, why don't you look at it? I, I'm almost out of breath!"

Then after yelling this sentence, she didn't hear a response from her mother. She finally understood that her mother had left. At this moment, she was so angry that she could only kick the door hard, and she was extremely angry.

"Don't let me just let it go, don't think it's over like this!"

After saying this, he took out his mobile phone and called the boy.

"You go to do what I said now, and remember to be foolproof. After this thing is successful, you know what the award I will give you. If you don't do it well, then you will never come to see me again. Me!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for his reply, and the boy on the other end of the phone immediately raised his fighting spirit when he heard his words.

It's just a small thing, to him.

Anyway, he didn't study well in the first place, and he didn't pay attention to the lectures. He always fought and wasted his life. Letting him bully someone now is just a trivial matter for him, and he only needs to do something to get the girls' attention. And favor, why not give it a try?

Soon he found the location of Song Luoyu's house according to the address given by Zhang Miaomiao, and just as he picked up a wooden stick, he was about to go upstairs to find trouble.Two figures just happened to come down from upstairs, a man and a woman looked quite tall and strong, he hesitated for a moment, then retreated back into the darkness.

Let's talk about it after this man leaves, he will definitely give that woman a good lesson when he goes up later, and then send her a photo as evidence!

As long as the girl is willing to give him a chance, she can say anything, and he doesn't care about anything.
"It's really hard for you today, please come here as a guest, and let you cook and wash the dishes at the end, I feel a little embarrassed when I think about it!"

Qiao Qiancen couldn't help laughing when he thought of this, and looked at the man beside him, thinking that today his master gave him a big gift and didn't go there, but he didn't say anything, this appearance made her feel even more distressed and wanted to laugh.

Fu Yanshen shook his head helplessly, and looked at her with one eye, which seemed to be a bit cold, "But why do I feel that you are a bit gloating, you still provoked this matter on your own initiative Now, what's the use of talking about it now?"

Qiao Qiancen heard that since he would say this, it seemed like he was going to settle accounts after autumn, he couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied, and raised his head to stare at him.

"That thing is in the past, what else do you want? It's too late to come to me to deal with it now if you want to regret it. Let me tell you, anyway, it's already in the past tense, so you just accept it!"

"Smelly girl is quite lively. You were trying to find fault with me in this matter, and you still dare to tease me now, don't you? How dare you!"

Fu Yanshen was amused by her, and sighed helplessly, but at the moment they didn't know, when they left, could it be that the shadows of people hiding in the stairway sneaked up to the residents upstairs.

According to the address given, the man quickly found Qiao Qiancen's house. With a sneer, he turned his wooden stick to the wooden door and began to knock hard.

"Open the door! Open the door! Do you hear that?!"

Li Yiyuan was a bit full after eating, and he was walking in the living room to digest his food, and watering a few potted plants, but at this moment, he heard several knocks on the door, which seemed very rude, like an enemy in a TV series looking for him same scene.

"Who is this? Why is it so rude to knock on the door in the middle of the night?!"

Li Yiyuan was old after all, when he heard such an impolite knock on the door, he felt his brows furrowed tightly, and couldn't help but want to scold him, but when he walked to the door, he felt that the knocking force was very rude and distasteful. It was heavy, as if it was about to smash the entire door.

I couldn't help but the anger in my heart gradually calmed down, I just felt a little strange, why there was someone knocking on the door in the middle of the night, it sounded like he wasn't drunk, and he became confused after a while, as if someone The purpose is to seek revenge.

But thinking about it carefully, they clearly didn't offend anyone, and who would need to come to them for revenge? The daughter got through the phone.

After a few rings, the phone finally connected.

Qiao Qiancen originally planned to go to the nearby garden with Fu Yanshen to have a heart-to-heart talk, but she didn't expect to receive a call from her mother suddenly, and she thought she was just asking her to pick up some daily necessities on the way home.I really didn't expect to hear my mother's terrified voice the moment I connected the phone!
"Qiancen, has Yan Shen left? If not, you two, come back home and have a look. There is someone knocking on my door for no reason and still refusing to leave, as if trying to knock the whole door down. It's fierce and vicious, I don't know what to do, should I open the door?!"


Qiao Qiancen's eyes widened uncommonly. He never thought that since such a thing would happen, there would still be people in the villa knocking on people's doors in the middle of the night to find trouble. What's more, they didn't have any enemies with others, and they didn't tell anyone else about it. , Regarding his address, why would someone come to him to find something?

"what happened?"

Fu Yanshen found that his face was very strange and asked nervously, and the next second he heard Qiao Qiancen say to him in panic, "My mother said that a lunatic suddenly came to our house and smashed the door of our house for no reason. , what should I do as if I want to rush in to find something? How should I deal with it now?"

Hearing what she said, Fu Yan probably understood what was going on in his heart, so he patted her on the back comfortingly.

(End of this chapter)

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