Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 1139 Turning faces too quickly!

Chapter 1139 Turning faces too quickly!

"You're right to think so. In the past, they did those things because they saw you as a bully. From now on, let's be tough and don't let them have another chance!"

Listening to Qiao Qiancen's words, Jessie finally felt that Yang brow exasperated. In the past, they were young rookies, and those people relied on their status as seniors to suppress them. They couldn't refute anything, but now they He is no longer a rookie who just debuted, so why should he still be bullied by those juniors? It's all too ridiculous.

"Don't worry, since I have decided on this matter, I have to investigate and give myself an answer, then I will not let them easily escape responsibility for this matter."

Turning off the phone, Qiao Qiancen opened the company's communication group and soon found Zhang Miaomiao's WeChat.She clicked in to add a friend, and sent a sentence by the way, [If you want people to know, unless you do nothing, since you dare to do that kind of thing now, then don't be afraid of being found out, I will tell you about it I will not let it go easily, no matter what the final result is, as long as you are the one who did these things to me, then I will definitely ask the police to deal with it strictly! 】

Zhang Miaomiao ran away in fear all day long, and finally hid at a good friend's house. As soon as he turned on his phone, he saw Qiao Qiancen's friend application, and he also sent such a message. He dropped the phone, and the eyes on the table next to him revealed a fierce light.

"How did she know that this dead woman was done by me, and now she still says so firmly and confidently, why does she really want to kill me this time?!"

Zhang Miaomiao saw that Qiao Qiancen said such words without guilt or panic, but at this moment he understood that no matter how panicked he was, it would be useless after all. He had already stated that he would deal with this matter severely, so he would not do it again. The meaning of giving him any chance, what she can do now is not to ask her for forgiveness, but how to shirk responsibility for this matter.

No matter what, she must not lose face and lose her momentum in front of her. Now she speaks to him in such an overbearing tone as if she doesn't take him seriously at all. How can he bear this grievance and contempt? Not reconciled!

It's just that he is also very clear that these things will naturally be investigated in a short time, and by then, won't she fall into Qiao Qiancen's arms?Wouldn't her tail stick up to the sky?

Thinking of this in her heart, she became even more unwilling. After some hesitation, she still called the boy.

"You turn yourself in now, just go right now."

Her voice was cold like that of a leader, as if she was speaking to her subordinates in a commanding tone.

The boy has been in a bad mood for the past few days. When I heard him speak to me in this tone today, I couldn't help but feel even more angry in my heart.

He didn't get the benefits he could have gotten, and now he is threatened a lot, and he still has to worry about the police coming to him. How can he be relaxed and in a good mood?
My temper got a little bit up, and I asked back, "Now I am just helping you, just helping, I am not in an employment relationship, and I have not received any benefits from you, you said you would give me a chance, and I haven't seen it yet. Seeing a shadow, you let me surrender to the police station now, what do you think of me? A dog you sent?!"

Zhang Miaomiao hardly expected that the boy would wake up so quickly and talk so coldly to him.She was a little flustered, but she still tried to keep herself calm and said, "What are you talking about? I don't treat you like a dog anymore, I just treat you like a boyfriend in my heart Oh, don't you always want boyfriends and think wholeheartedly about your girlfriends, now I just changed my mind, do you blame me for this?"

Zhang Miaomiao's tone sounded very aggrieved, and the boy was originally in an extremely angry mood. When he heard this sentence, he was completely arguing, and he repeated her words in disbelief.

"Is what you just said true? You regard me as a boyfriend now, and we are now a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend?!"

He was ecstatic in his heart. The dream he had been looking forward to for so many years finally came true one day. He only felt that it was illusory and unreal, and it was hard to believe.

When the voice fell, Zhang Miaomiao hurriedly smiled and said, "Yeah, don't I just regard you as my closest person now? I just want to rely on you and ask you to help me. I didn't expect you to be like this." Treating me made me feel so disappointed, maybe you never regarded me as a trustworthy person in your heart."

Zhang Miaomiao seemed to have forgotten to say this chillingly, but her provocative method immediately provoked the man to forget everything, and instantly put all the anger behind him.

"It's not like this, listen to my explanation. The reason why I was so angry just now is that some bad things happened recently, which is tantamount to bringing things to your head. I still regret what I just said Words, I am now deeply reflecting on myself in my heart, can you give me a chance not to be angry? What I just said was all angry words, can I be a dog?!"

In order to get Zhang Miaomiao's forgiveness, the man almost lowered his posture extremely low, and Zhang Miaomiao on the other end of the phone laughed and mocked himself, as if he had heard some ridiculous words but couldn't express it, and he felt a little uncomfortable on the surface. .

"Okay, I just let you go, I don't want to be angry with you, how can we say that we will be together in the future, but I want to use my right to be your future girlfriend in advance, why are you If you can't give me a chance, why are you so fierce?"

Her voice was aggrieved and sad, as if she had been greatly hurt. The man immediately felt distressed, and comforted her, "It's all my fault baby, did you just ask me to surrender? I'll go right away, you Don't worry that I will be fine, I will give you a happy future in the future!"

"You are really kind to me, then I will wait for you, don't let me down!"

Zhang Miaomiao said this in a sweet voice, then hung up the phone and threw the phone on the bed next to her, laughing mockingly.

"Miaomiao, why did you just see you laughing after listening to it? I clearly heard you yelling something when I was in the living room just now. You turned your emotions too quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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